The missing majority


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The missing majority

What is the status of the ‘green transition’?

• Over 40 national green economy / growth plans • Big players taking a lead OECD, World Bank, regional

development banks, UN PAGE (UNEP, UNDP, ILO, UNITAR, UNIDO) + newer organisations e.g. GGGI

• Private sector

Are ‘green funds’ flowing?

Where are the funds coming from?

Source; Green Growth Action Alliance 2012

How does informality feature in green growth discourse?

How does informality feature in green growth strategies?

• Out of 15 national plans - 6 mention informality • Those references focus on structure of economy rather than how GG

might impact informal markets • E.g. Egypt; Kenya

How will people who don’t have a stake in the ‘brown’ economy have one in a green economy?
