The gaze theoru


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In the first part of the trailer there is a shot of a blonde women who is wearing rather revealing clothes. this shows that they are an object of desire for the men and maybe this shows that her theory is still relevant to todays films.

In the first few seconds the audience already sees more of a woman then they need to in a comedy/horror film.

Evidence of The male gaze

In this part of the trailer one of the girls says “did you see the way those guys looked at us” this shows they are making a joke about being objectified and they are very aware of it happening. The film makers have chosen to do that very deliberately.

Evidence of The male gaze

Both images show women in revealing clothes which maintains the fact that women still get objectified in films and they still play minor roles in films in comparison with men. Why isn’t the film called Sophie and Nicole vs evil.

Female gaze?Sometimes films break the trend and show men to be objects of desire and of women's lust. This can usually be seen in “chick flicks” and romantic comedies. Although the representation of a handsome muscly bare chested man is less offensive than that of a women because women are always objectified in films and men are rarely objectified.
