Resource Efficient Wales (REW)



Presentation by Welsh Government on the Resource Efficient Wales (REW) Framework, CCCW Meeting Dec 2014

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Background to Resource Efficient Wales

The Programme for Government 2011 made a commitment to:

“Review resource and energy efficiency measures and the support available to individuals, communities, businesses and the public sector.”

The results of that review led to the development of Resource Efficient Wales

Delivery of REW supports a number of WG policies and strategies:

• The Future Generations Bill: Better choices for a better future;

• Energy Wales: A Low Carbon Transition 2012;

• The National Energy Efficiency and Saving Plan;

• The Fuel Poverty Strategy 2010;

• Climate Change Strategy 2010;

• Economic renewal: a new direction;

• Improving Lives and Communities – Homes in Wales;

• Homes for Wales – Housing Bill;

• Water Strategy for Wales

• Towards Zero Waste: the overarching waste strategy document for Wales

Why the new approach?….

There is a need to:

• reduce complexity for people and organisations;

• remove barriers and “make it easy” to act;

• improve evidence in the delivery of outcomes;

• join up Welsh Government provision across all sectors;

• integrate support in all aspects of resource efficiency.

RESEARCH & EVALUATION procured through Lot 2 of the REW Framework - Informing service development

Integration of Welsh Government Services – how it all fits together…

Prior to REW

Information / advice / diagnostic / referral Information / advice / diagnostic / referral

More specific advice & support – including on resource efficiency from Carbon Trust and Energy Saving Trust

£££ Coupled with various sources of Finance – Grants and or Loans (at interest or interest-free) £££


Bus Connect Regional Hubs

New with REW


Information / advice / diagnostic / referral


SPECIALIST SUPPORT (1 to 1 & 1 to many) procured through Lot 1 of the REW Framework


REW is made up of four components

1. The Resource Efficient Wales Contact Centre based in


2. The Resource Efficient Wales framework contract,

administered by the National Procurement Service (NPS);

3. A core suite of services, procured through the Resource

Efficient Wales framework contract by Welsh Government;

4. Additional services procured by Welsh Government and

wider public authorities in Wales.

Resource Efficient Wales Framework Contract

Lot 1: Specialist One-to-One and One-to-Many

Advice and Support Services

• 36 specialisms in energy efficiency & generation, water

and waste; competence with one or more of the 6 sectors

• 63 suppliers

Lot 2: Research and Evaluation

• 6 specialisms – 10 suppliers for each specialism

• 14 suppliers in total

• Services will be procured through the framework to meet need

Core Programme set up through Framework

Lot 1

• Client Managers

• Specialist Advice & Support following initial assessment

• Supply Chain Support

Lot 2

• Evaluation framework for Resource Efficient Wales

Client Managers (CMs)

3 Client Managers have been procured:

• Business and Third Sector (WRAP Cymru with Carbon Trust)

• Public Sector (Carbon Trust with WRAP Cymru)

• Community and Domestic (consortium led by Severn Wye Energy


CM roles are tailored to audience needs - the core requirement

is to:

• take referrals from REW Contact Centre and others

• identify resource efficiency and renewable energy opportunities

• identify any specialist support required

• ‘hand hold’ service user through process

• report outcomes achieved

• drive cross sector work

The Supply Chain Programme

The primary focus of the programme is to increase the capacity

and skills of the supply chain.

Activities will include:

• raising awareness of new and future schemes and the

business opportunities arising from them;

• highlighting changes to market entry or delivery requirements;

• linking installers with purchasers and manufacturers;

• highlighting good and innovative practice examples;

• helping organisations gain relevant skills and accreditations,

and helping them to develop consortia.

Energy Saving Trust will lead a team delivering this programme.

Specialist Advice and Support

Will include both individual episodes and packages of one-to-one

specialist support on resource efficiency technologies and


Suppliers of these services will advise service users on:

• bill reductions and resource efficiency savings;

• the feasibility of most appropriate technologies

• potential income from Feed in Tariff / Renewable Heat Incentive

and financing

• more efficient processes & activities – in the home and at work;

• specifications for installation.

They will also report on the benefits / outcomes achieved.

The services will be procured through the REW Framework

Developing an Evaluation Framework for REW

Miller Research are developing the model for evaluating the

REW programme including:

• the contact centre itself, service delivery and wider use of

the REW Framework

• the data that we and the contractors collect and report

• the approach that we take to analysis, identifying trends etc.

• the frequency of analysis and reporting

• wider research and evaluation activity

Periodic reports on progress will identify any issues, good practice and areas for development and improvement.

2014 - 15 Set up initial services

2015 - 16 Services developed to match need

2016 - 17 Full service evolving …. (potentially with ERDF support)

Evolving Delivery through

Resource Efficient Wales