Record labels


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Record LabelsTask 4

By Travis Quailey

• A record label is a brand and a trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos as well as promotes the artist and song. My particular artist Drake would be signed for an major record label the reason for this is that they are a big artist so my record label will have the funds to keep a big artist and also the particular artist has signed for a major record company the reason for this is that Drake is a big artist and for him to get the publicity and to see his songs and albums get the right advertising he would belong to a major record label.

What is a Record Label?

What is your original artist’s record label?

• The existing record label my artist signed for is Cash Money Records this is a record company that Major record company that was signed many major artists.Cash Money Records is the record label that has signed my artists Drake has signed for this record company is a mainly signs rap artist such as Lil Wayne , Nicki Minaj and Tyga who are all big rap artists so this shows that they are a major record label. Cash Money Records is a American company that was formed in 1991 where they started signing small artists and has risen to a major company. They have also signed other artists that are from different genres such as Paris Hilton

What is copyright and how is the record company responsible for this ?

• Copyright is when a persons creates something and copyright is to make sure that no one copies this. It also allows the creator to get reward for what they have made and make sure that no one copies it. The record label is responsible for copyright by making sure that no one uses there song without them knowing it. They also monitor websites such as illegal downloading sites to make sure that everyone who downloads there songs or album has paid for it in some way. They also have to watch to make sure that no one has used there song is something an example of this could be in a YouTube video they would have to ask for permission from the record company to use it or they could face fines.

• As I will be using a song to make sure that I do not copyright it I will need to take into consideration that I did not create the song so I will need to ask for permission from the record company by either writing a letter or email them.Copyrights are very important because they identify who actually owns the song and song recording and who gets to make money from it. Also by using another person’s property you cannot class it as your own piece as you are taking credit from the producers or creators of the product. Which means that only a copyright owner, you have the right to reproduce the copyrighted song, to create derivatives or variations of the song, to distribute it to the public, to perform it publicly, and to display it publicly.

The creation of my logo

• My logo has to be originally my idea and not copied and pasted off the internet as it would be copyright due to the fact that I would be taking credit for someone else is work, Likewise as if it was the other way round if I created something copyright prevents them from using my masterpiece or design in there own work as they would need permission from me or the law to do so. So Adding my logo to a digipack ( Album Cover ) and adverts wouldn't be a problem as it is my design and it would make mine independent.