Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge


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My groups opening sequence uses generic conventions of a thriller genre in order to create a tense atmosphere. This is done by the following of the main generic codes and conventions of media.

Which are technical (camera techniques/ shots) & Written/ Audio (music etc.) by in cooperating these into my opening sequence I

was able to use, develop and challenge these conventions in order to create a sense of tension and suspense for the audience.


We used technical conventions in order to create a sense of tension within the opening sequence. This was done as we used various

camera shots. For example we used the zoom in camera angle in a build up to the over the shoulder shot, the background music

helps creating a tense and eerie scene that would allow the audience to become edgy and anticipate tensely on the

upcoming scenes. In this sense it being the build up to when the

stalker hits her fist upon the bed.

Examples of Technical Conventions:Technical conventions are portrayed in the first few opening scenes due to the use of various

diverse camera angles. For example the main shots in the scene were jump cuts, we decided to use this idea as jump cuts can be used to tell a story in a form of a past and present

setting. I decided to show various shots of the stalker undertaking different things such as going on Facebook and pinning up pictures. In most thrillers there is a sense of going back in

time to tell a story such as final destination.

Close ups are used within the scene; this is to show the audience what it is that the stalker is looking at, it engages and involves the audience without the use of dialogue and to also show the audience to predict on what will occur next. Close ups are used in other thrillers such as

the action associated thriller ‘Limitless’.

Long shots are used within the scene; to show the audience the surroundings of the scene and is also used in the scene so that a zoom in shot can be used. Films such as Reservoir

Dogs have this long-shot to then zoom in on each character swell as Pulp-Fiction in the dance competitions scene.

Written and Audio:

The timing of certain shots with the compliment of the background music helps to emphasize the tension in the scenes. This technique is used in order to portray the story line to the audience without the use of cast dialogue.

This can be seen in the scene where the stalker starts to pin pictures on the wall, this is then complimented by a sudden sharp drop in the beat of the music which makes it clear that this scene is a catalyst for when she starts to show major implications of psychotic behaviour.

My opening scene challenges typical thriller conventions this is because most thriller opening sequences include dialogue to allow the audience to grasp an understanding of what will occur within the scene, as a group we have decided to not use dialogue to keep the audience in question about the next scene, to keep them curious about the film and most importantly the audience will gain an intense desire to know about what the storyline is based on.

The opening scene develops typical thriller conventions such the use of music, the music my group has used is mysterious, the beat tends to drop at certain times in the scene which tends to alert the audience that something will jump out or appear however some thrillers just use this sound technique to (in a sense) trick the audience into thinking something will occur when in actual fact nothing will happen.

Some of the conventions within my thriller opening scene, indicates what sub-genre it is. The atmosphere of the opening scene indicate that the opening scene is a thriller as it is in an isolated bedroom, which is generally where stalkers tend to stalk their victims this is because a bedroom is a private and quite place for people to feel free to do what they wish without any distractions or interruptions.

The conventions of props used such as the images on the wall, in the stalkers hand and on the computer indicates that there is a romantic element to the opening scene. The stalker looks at the computer video clip about the couple, the stalker begins to tear pictures of the couple and through them on the floor in anger and hatred lastly the stalker then sticks pictures on her wall of the couple. This all indicates that there is a romantic element to the opening scene

The conventions that I have used indicates other film openings that my group has used as an

influence. The opening scene that I have used as an influence in my opening scene is Kill Bill Volume 2.

This is shown as the effect over the whole opening sequence, because Kill Bill uses a black and white effect throughout the whole scene in comparison to my groups opening scene ‘I can see

you’ which is in a sepia effect throughout the scene.

Within the opening scene of Kill Bill she is in a bad condition where a trigger has been pulled which allows the audiences to assume that the female is dead, a jump cut has then been used where the actress is fit and healthy using dialogue saying that has great intentions of plotting revenge on Bill by killing him. In comparison my groups opening sequence displays a female character stalking her victims, from the opening sequence the audience can come to many conclusions one being the actual plot of the story; that she is plotting revenge on her ex-boyfriend that has now found a new girlfriend. The two opening sequences are extremely

similar in terms of colour effect and plot.

Within the opening sequence of Kill Bill the production company is presented first and the name of the film is presented after the filming of the opening scene has been shown. Because

the first Kill Bill was such a popular film and the actress’s face has become so familiar the audience see her face and they already know what the film is going to be, therefore after the filming has been shown the editors only needed to put ‘Vol. 2’ after the filming. In comparison

my groups opening sequence has the production company at the start and the name of the film presented last. My group and I decided to put the production company first to introduce the opening sequence so that the audience would recognise the logo before the film has even

started, the title of the opening scene was put last so that after the filming has been shown they are now interested and excited to know the film name.

Kill Bill: Volume two production company and film title I can see you production company and film title

The stalker in my groups opening scene is introduced by a long-shot of her analysing the laptop, the camera then zooms in on her to make the audience focus on her and what she is

doing. Most thriller films present the character(‘s) as soon as possible in their opening scenes this is to allow the audience to start to understand the storyline and to get to know the


The film Reservoir Dogs also does this; the director has introduced the characters straight away by them having a

friendly conversation between friends, compared to my opening sequence both opening sequences introduce

characters straight away although Reservoir Dogs differs from my opening sequence as there is dialogue within

Reservoir Dog’s opening sequence so that the audience can grab a feel on them as people can tell a lot through another's

conversation for example their job, income, family. My opening scene does not have dialogue and therefore allows

the audience to use their imagination on what type of character the stalker is.

The use of mise-en-scene was used a lot in my group, this included lighting, atmosphere, music, props, colour, low and high key lighting, the shots used and the angles. This was all used to make the opening scene appear more intriguing and interesting to the audience.
