Preset Max Range Debuff version 2


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Range Preset 2: Max Range Debuff Version 2

3 Presets that should not be missing in your preset lists.

Focusing on all the Range Buff you can put up.

Focusing on all the Range Debuff you can put up.

Balancing Range & Range Debuff

We will be showing examples of how you can make these presets. In this tutorial

we will be showing Preset 2, Max Range Debuff Version 2

Range does not make your troops stronger but what makes Range so devastating is the fact that it allows troops to attack from further away and allowing them to continue firing, UNTILL the other sides troops can get close enough to attack back.

When you look at the base stats of RangeD and Range Troops you can see why.

RangeD Troops

Range using Troops Like Siege

Range has advantages and disadvantages, as with any battle stat it can be


But it is extremely useful to have in your preset inventory, with tweaks and

modifications based upon your cards and card levels.

Max Range Debuff Preset

This TR gives: 16.483 Range Debuff + 4.057 Ranged Range Debuff

All Opponents Troops must overcome:

16.483 Range Debuff.

All Opponents Ranged Troops must overcome:

16.483 Range Debuff + 4.057 Ranged Range Debuff = 20.540 Ranged Range Debuff

(General Range + Ranged Range Debuff stacking)


It depends on which cards you have and at which level. Giving you a higher or

lower max Range(d) debuff then this example.

Use Bright Jewels to “tweak” your presets. Sometimes you can have the

same card 2 x with a different bright jewel, making it suit your presets better.

USE as much general RANGE DEBUFF and then you can still add Ranged

Range Debuff.

For example, Hallowed Throne can be used or the (Royal) Throne of the

Huntsman, subtle differences that have an impact.

Again, Range Debuff, debuffs ALL troops, everything has some kind of

