Narrative investigation


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Lydia Bedding

Narrative refers to the different types of story structure that genres employ as well as the actual story-telling devices and

narrative moments which they are associated with.

There are different structures of narratives such as linear, which means there will be a clear beginning, middle and end. Aristole identified the basic linear line structure. He observed

that the middle section may involve some crisis resolved at the end of the story.

There are circular narrative structures which means the beginning is the same as the end of the film. Seen in the play

Blood Brothers and ‘The Hangover’.


Tododrov’s narrative theory states that a narrative will follow this sturcture-

Equilibrium; how the place and characters begin at the start of the story.

Disequilibrium; a disruption to the equilibrium.Recognition (of the disruption)

Resolution; plan to resolve the disequilibrium.Restoration of equilibrium; the story returns back to the beginning.

Vladimir Propp went through hundreds of fairy/folk tales and identified:

; 8 character roles- villain, hero, donor, helper, princess, her father, dispatcher, false hero.

; 31 functions which moves the story along e.g. punishment of villain or ban of an action.



1. Benjamin Barker returns to London after 15 years arrest in australia under the new identity of Sweeny Todd, hoping to regain a new normal life. (Equilibrium)

2. However when in Fleet Street he learns by (Mrs Lovett) that his wife poisoned herself after Jude Turpin (who falsely charged Benjamin) raped her. He also learns that the judge is the legal guardian of his daughter. (Disequilibrium)

3. Todd decides to reopen his barber shop but can not help but feel angry towards Judge Turpin and lets his anger get the better of him when he murders a man who blackmails him and misses and opportunity to murder judge Turpin. (Recognition).4. Todd then turns his revenge to the entire world and vents his murderous rage on his customers whilst waiting until he can kill judge Turpin. Mrs Lovett then comes up with the plan of using dead bodies in her pies in order to make more

money and improve her business, this they both benefit from the situation. (Repair/solution).

5. At the end of the story Todd kills what seems to be a beggar women and Turpin. However the beggar woman turned out to be his wife, that miss Lovett lied about her dying so Todd throws Miss Lovett into the furnace. Whilst cradling his dead wife Todd lets a boy named Toby kill him so Todd can be at peace with his wife.


The Hermeneutic Code; any element within the story that is not fully explained and becomes a mystery to the reader. The

real truth is often avoided.The Semantic Code; the connotation within the story that gives

additional meaning over the basic meaning of the word therefore we are able to paint images with our minds.

The Cultural Code; anything that cannot be challenged and is assumed to be the foundation of truth. This usually involves either science or religion however magical truths are often

found in fantasy films.The Proairetic Code; builds tension within the film by implying

that some other piece of action is about to happen which makes the audience keep guessing. This is usually done within

horror films.The Symbolic Code; organizes semantic meanings into broader

and deeper sets of meanings.

