Literacy The Alphabetacy



My new Alphabetacy, the Literacy family!

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  • 1. Hi there! My name is Mitchi, and Im here today to present you with a brand new Alphabetacy, the Literacy family! This here is Author Literacy, the founder. Each generation is to be named after characters from books I like to read. This means characters from say The Sance, arent allowed to be in this Alphabetacy, because I didnt enjoy that book.
  • 2. This is the Literacy house, before Mr. Humble came by. Hes skilling right now, with a book from the bookcase I had to delete to afford the grill. Unfortunately, hes already lost aspiration points from the selling of the bookcase. =/ I forgot that Mr. Humble came at all, otherwise I wouldnt have sold anything.
  • 3. And heres the welcome crew! Authors turn-ons are Red Hair and make-up, two easy(ish) things to find in a Townie. However, these three townies dont really seem to want to get along. That guy back there with the funky pants made poor Raziel cry. :(
  • 4. Author had to get a job, because well, he was broke. XD Tell em what you are, Arty. Im a spy! Or something. XD Hell eventually be a spy. I think. His little job icon looks a lot like the Neighborhood Watch guy.
  • 5. Even though none of the welcome wagon people are useful to us, Arty spends a lot of time on the phone with the girl who came by. So I got new wallpaper and a counter!
  • 6. Theres not much to write about, because it seems every girl who could fulfill Artys turn-ons walks by while hes at work. It majorly sucks, actually, because we just sit around staring at a wall, basically. He comes home, eats, sleeps, uses the bathroom, and goes to work. Boriiing.
  • 7. Finally, though, Arty snatches one up when he gets home from work. Her name is Kaylynn Somethingreallyridiculous, and shes got red hair and make-up. And shes hot! :D
  • 8. WE have two bolts. Yeah, even though my turn-ons are hats and charisma. Yeah, weird, huh? Yeah. Lets make-out. Kay!
  • 9. So, even though Arty has a want to fall in love, he WONT DO IT. Hes Best Friends with her, theyve made out and done romantic actions up the you-know-what, and he wont fall in love with her. Heres Kaylynn, poor Kaylynn, falling in love with HIM.
  • 10. Marry me! My eyes are black in excitement! However, a few make-outs and flirts later, Arty is in love and ready to propose! He actually fell in love first, just so you know.
  • 11. So, I missed the wedding shot. I didnt throw a party because he had like, 56 dollars. And no stereo or anything, so I was afraid it would flop. Anyway, Kaylynn is also a family sim (boring) and her LTW is to marry off six children. So were working on that right this second, if youd like to stick around and watch. :D
  • 12. Arty wanted to go on a date, so I had him ask out Kaylynn. Shes been throwing up constantly, and after she threw up (evidence is the dirty toilet) Arty ran in and started to make out with her. THAT is true love.
  • 13. Im actually really glad she got a baby bump (and a make over) because she threw up literally every thirty sim minutes. It was annoying, and I felt bad for her. I hope its a girl. Me too, because I only know A names that are girl names. XD
  • 14. Im going to take this short break to show you an alternate time line. A time line where things didnt end so happy. A time, where, due to the stupidity of sims (and sorta myself) things ended in . . DEATH.
  • 15. In this alternate time line, after their dream date, I stuck the grill inside so they could just do it from the inside and not walk to the outside all of the time to make dinner. Well. They started a fire and Even though I tried to get BOTH of them to stop freaking out in time to call the fire station they both caught on fire and died. So I uh exited without saving.
  • 16. Back in the actual timeline were following, Arty and Kaylynn are sleeping/snuggling together peacefully. Theyre really rather cute, when Arty doesnt have to go to work. I dont know what it is, but if its a work day, he doesnt want anything to do with his wife. However, if its a day off, she can barely eat dinner without him goosing her and making out with her.
  • 17. You got demoted? Yeah, bad chance card. But Im pregnant. Well sell the uh walls. To buy a baby bed. We have seasons. Dang. Ill go study.
  • 18. Labor! LABOR.
  • 19. Chess! Nah, just kidding. Hes putting the pieces away, so he can scream along with his wife.
  • 20. Meet Ashfur Literacy! Ashfur is an elder from the series Warriors. I think hes probably in Windclan or Shadowclan, I cant remember right this second. Unfortunately, Sim Ashfur was also a male. Thats why he got stuck with an awful name like Ashfur. Other than that, he has his daddys eyes and hair and I think his parents skintone.
  • 21. Meanwhile Arty is busy playing with the fridge. Hes either stuffing his face or playing with the bottles. But he never leaves the stinking thing alone! Also, notice how they juggle what looks like water bottles, but cant actually drink water?
  • 22. Hi little Ashfur! Im pregnant with a sibling for yoooouuuu. Lets just hope its a girl so its not stuck with an awful name like Ashfur.
  • 23. This family basically lives on hotdogs. Normally burnt hotdogs, but it doesnt seem like pregnant Kaylynn gives any care about the tastiness of her dogs. Mmfgmmsm. Right. They arent dogs. Theyre hotdogs.
  • 24. This always cracks me up, cause its not like she hasnt seen it before. Really, look at that bump. XD And it always cracks me up that the person in the shower never even reacts. You think theyd gasp and cover up or something!
  • 25. Soon after, it was time for Ashfur to grow up into a cute toddler. :D Lets hope his clothes are at least nice!
  • 26. Thankfully, Arty had enough points/high enough bar/good enough mood to teach the new toddler how to walk. Also, if youll notice, his clothes are NOT good. Theyre a pink body suit thing with sneakers.
  • 27. The next day, Baby Two was on its way. ROBOT ROLL CALLLLL
  • 28. Author! goingtoworkbye! Good luck working with that glitched hand, ya jerk.
  • 29. Ashfur! Usingdapotty. Your moms giving birth to your sibling. -hums- Buncha Jerks.
  • 30. Luckily for Kaylynn, the exterminator was there to watch the birth of her next child. Although I didnt catch his name at all, to thank him properly. GIVINGBIRTHHERE. Sorry, sorry. To the next slide!
  • 31. Meet Boy 2! With the same eyes and hair as his older Brother, Artur is not much better off! Artur is the High Prince of the Red Sea or something. Hes from a romance trilogy about mermaids, the first one is titled Sleeping with the Fishes. Hes very silly and very into himself. Most importantly, hes HUGE and very strong. Also, he has red hair, in the book.
  • 32. Ashfur has changed his clothing so hes a cute little Badger. Which is ironic, because the Badgers are generally the bad guys to the Warrior cats. Except for one in the second series who helps the cats find their way to the new safe place. But shes the only one whos nice. If Im even remembering correctly.
  • 33. Every few days, one of the adults has to make some more hotdogs, because the leftovers run out. The leftovers run out quicker if Kaylynn here is pregnant, but eh.
  • 34. Im assuming you realized from the picture where hes on the toilet while his moms in labor and his dad is running to work, that Ashfur is potty trained. This is him shortly after being taught to talk. I apparently suck at getting the little doodads in the picture. =/ Yay! I can talk and walk! Watch me walk away as I talk!
  • 35. I got a promotion. Cool! Yeah, really cool. Cause my wife sucks and sits at home all day sleeping. Its true, even though Kaylynn is home all day (she quit her job) the only things she does are sleep and eat. Arty here teaches the toddlers everything they need to learn (well, Kaylynn got the memory for potty training, but he did all of the work).
  • 36. Much to my relief, Artur grew up substantially different from Ashfur (although their similar names might get confusing). For example, hes got like seven neat points, while Ashfur only has two.
  • 37. Also, um well, this is kind of embarrassing. I was so busy trying to make sure Artur and Kaylynn didnt die (Kaylynn has THE WORST pregnancies ever, its awful. Shes always in the red and never in the green and Im always thinking shes going to die) that nobody even noticed poor Ashfur growing up into a child. Im going to take out all my anger for being ignored on this bear. D<
  • 38. Ashfur, the little brat that he is, is the very first sim Ive had whos brought Marsha home. I dont even know what to expect, but well, she cant be worse than the stupid sim who calls my family at two in the morning. Honestly, sims.
  • 39. As you can tell by Authors face here, training Artur has not been going well. At all. Author is busy trying to get promotions so his family doesnt starve to death (Theyre so poor, its not even humorous) and Kaylynn is actually almost starving to death several times a day. Artur didnt even finish learning to talk here, because hes in such a bad mood.
  • 40. Heres a very pregnant Kaylynn finally managing to potty train poor Artur. I think Anyway, as usual, her husband did the majority of the work. She only got the memory. There, now you wont stink anymore! Not that there isnt dirty bottles and dishes EVERYWHERE or anything.
  • 41. You know what this face means!
  • 42. And as usual, the family is completely busy. Daddy here is teaching Artur to walk before he passes out from exhaustion. (The plumbob is artistic, I say!)
  • 43. And Ashfur is sleeping in his parents bed because Artur likes to make a lot of noise in the kids room.
  • 44. Thankfully, the birth went without a hitch, and we welcome the very first girl (and first potential heir, as the heir has to be the opposite gender each time, by my rules) Alba! Alba is very special, because shes the first baby girl AND the first redhead! Alba is from the Time Travelers Wife. She is Clare and Henrys daughter, and is also a TDI (I think thats what theyre called). This means she can travel (spontaneously) through time, just like her Dad. This novel is my very favorite.
  • 45. Thats it for this installment of Literacy the Alphabetacy! Stay tuned for next time, where well discover: -Personalities for the Legacy people! Hurrah! -More Babies!!!!!!! -Lots of pictures! See you then!