Hilary Clinton Speaks at Maya Angelou's Funeral


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The Stars Come Out To Say Goodbye To Maya Angelou

The famed poet Maya Angelou died in May of 2014, and was 86 years old. The farewell of this iconic poet was held in New York City, a locale where she had many ties to the literary world, as well as many friends, family and more. At the Riverside Church, a memorial was held in which thousands of people joined in wishing her goodbye one last time. Among some of the people that spoke was Hillary Clinton, talking about the strength of Maya Angelou’s support and encouragement for Clinton’s political push forward. Clinton would go on to state that with the encouragement of the famed poet, she found strength to move on, something that meant a great deal.

From New York To North Carolina

Angelou may have deep roots in New York City, but it was at her home on the campus of Wake Forest University that she died in May. She had been teaching at the university for over 30 years, and was an icon in the literary movement of the university’s programs. It was as a member of the Harlem Writers Guild that many claim were her best years as a writer. Those that spoke would talk about how New York anchored the poet, and it was the “center of her universe” at one point.

The Writer

Angelou’s work was of non-fiction, creating stories and autobiographies of her own life and family. Her type of literature was definitely new in 1969, and continued to influence voices from the literary field of all types. At the time, hearing from black female writers was not the norm, she pushed through to showcase a new world of literature that is alive and well today. Through her 7 autobiographies, her apologetic voice moved readers, and critics extending her career beyond literature and into the world of screenplays, television, and more. Her poetry as well made a huge mark on the literary world as well.

The Legacy

Writers of all backgrounds can look at the life and work of Maya Angelou and see an iconic voice. Her legacy lives on in her writings, and all that she inspired from various walks of life. From entertainment to diplomacy, millions have read and have been inspired by her work, and it will continue for sure.