General concepts of anatomy for nursing


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Dr Rishi PokhrelMaj

MBBS, MDAssistant professor


• ‘cutting up’• study of the structures of body and their

relationship to each other

Subdivisions• Gross or macroscopic anatomy • Regional– Head and neck: scalp, face, parotid region,

submandibular region, back of neck, anterior and posterior triangles of neck.

– Thorax: thoracic wall, thoracic cavity– Abdomen: abdominal wall and abdominal cavity– Upper limb: pectoral region, axilla, cubital fossa, arm,

forearm and hand– Lower limb: femoral triangle, thigh, popliteal fossa, leg

and foot.

• Systemic


• Histology or microscopic anatomy• Embryology or developmental anatomy• Genetics• Surface anatomy• Radiological anatomy• Living anatomy• Applied anatomy

Language of Anatomy

Positions• Anatomical position• Supine • Prone • Lithotomy

Language of Anatomy

Planes of reference– Sagittal– Horizontal– Coronal– Transverse

Language of AnatomyTERMS OF REFERENCE:

• Superior/ cranial: Near the head end

• Inferior / caudal: Near the tail end

• Anterior / ventral: Nearer to front of the body

• Posterior / dorsal: Nearer to back

• Middle: Used for a structure lying between two others those are anterior and posterior or superior and


• Median: Used for a structure lying or situated at median plane

• Medial: Nearer to the midline of body

• Lateral: Farther from the midline of body

• Intermediate: Lying between two structures, one is medial and the other lateral

• Ipsilateral: Of the same side (right or left)

• Contralateral: Of the opposite side

• Proximal & distal: Used in limbs. Indicate nearer to and farther from a fixed point. Proximal is nearer to

the fixed point while distal is farther from the fixed point

• Invagination: Inward protrusion

• Evagination: Outward protrusion

Language of AnatomyMOVEMENTS • Flexion• Extension• Lateral flexion• Adduction• Abduction• Circumduction• Rotation• Supination and Pronation • Inversion and Eversion

