Chapter 11 - With a Woo and a Hoo


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Discworld LegacyChapter 11

With a Woo and

a Hoo

Welcome back to the Discworld legacy, this chapter I'm breaking a little from tradition and not using the next oldest spare as host, instead it's this lovely lady and her family, you'll find out more about them a little later.

This chapter follows the new heir - Casanunda Discworld, a romance sim with the life time want of woohooing 20 different sims. The chapter title should give you a clue about his activities at university.

Dear mum and mum,

College is great, me and the others have moved into the Greek house to continue that tradition so there's no need for you to worry about that.

Your friend Lisa gave us a warm welcome.

She's a real nice girl, it didn't take long till we were the closest of friends.

But of course it wasn't long before she graduated and moved out of the Greek house, I'm sure we'll remain in touch though.

[For those of you who are wondering what Lisa did next just check out the opening picture, those are all Casanunda's kids.]

I've also been busy forging connections between us and the other Greek house here.

The current resident Caramel was very keen to get to know us all

and I'm sure this'll be the start of a great friendship between the two houses.

Hope everything's going alright at home, talk to you soon.

Love Casanunda

Dear mum and mum,

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been very busy doing my work and going to lectures - got to keep those grades up.

I've also been making sure I've been meeting lots of different people.

I have to admit I've become really quite popular around campus

there's always a friend or two visiting.

I'm sure all these friends will come in useful in the future.

Unfortunately I haven't found anyone I want to settle down with yet.

There just hasn't been anyone I've found that spark with.

But don't worry, I'll keep looking out for her and when I find her I'll let you know.


Dear mum and mum,

I think you'll be relieved to hear that I've finally found the woman I want to be with (it only took me three and a half years). Her name is Mackenzie and she's the maid that works at the Greek house. But she's so much more than that. I knew there was something about her as soon as we met.

We've been dating for a while now and things are going well.

I'm sure you'll love her when you meet her, she's such a sweet woman.

[Mackenzie was Cas's 19th lover and the only one he ever rolled up the want to get engaged to, so I'm taking this as a sign that it's her he wants. She's yet another wealth sim but I smell cheese in her future.]

Oh yeah, I've also decided what I want to do with the rest of my life. I really want to be a top athlete and make it into the hall of fame.

Love Casanunda

[Cas completed his life time want of woohooing 20 sims in his final semester, he'll try for 30 when he moves back home as it'll be a while before Mackenzie can join his as the house will be full. His new life time want is to become a Hall of Famer.]

To: Cheri, Carrot, Coin, ConinaFrom: Casanunda

Hey all

I just thought I'd better send you a quick warning, I wouldn't visit the old home for a while If I were you, things are a bit strained there at the minute.

I guess I'd better start from the beginning and my graduation party.

Things started out great, the mums were there, along with Mackenzie.

After she'd met the mums I decided it was time to bite the bullet and make the commitment I'd been avoiding for ages.

Of course she said yes, how could she resist a stud like me?

But anyway, things went bad just we were settling down to a meal.

That stupid cow decided to gatecrash my party (I'm so going to have to report her to the university authorities) and took a bit of a shine to Brenda, of course Marion was not happy.

I love her and all, but Brenda can be so blind sometimes, she just stood there grinning happily while her wife got the stuffing slapped out of her.

But that wasn't the end of it, not happy with trying to ruin one relationship that cow then moved onto my Mackenzie. Thankfully she's only got eyes for me so turned that hussy down flat, but Brenda didn't see it that way. The good thing is that she doesn't think the cow's so hot anymore but is mad at both Marion and Mackenzie.

It was a relief when the party ended and everyone left (I never thought I'd say that). The trouble is I've got to go live back at the house, I just hope that the mums being at each other's throats won't cramp my style.


Well that's it for this (short) college chapter. My next updates will be all about the Time-Lords, but when I return to the Discworlds I get to try and sort out a damaged marriage, get a romance sim to be a good father, watch grilled cheese take over the family and hopefully see an alien spawn or two.

P.S. Click right a few more times to see more about the cover stars.

Cas is actually a pretty attentive dad, he's always popping round to visit his secret family.

While in part he visits for the woohoo, he really does love his kids.

Although he's a bit out of his depth where it comes to dirty nappies.

The other common visitor to the house is, surprisingly, Brenda.

While she pretty much ignored her own kids she adores her grandchildren.

She often comes round uninvited and makes herself at home (I think Lisa is usually quite thankful for the break).

Now that really is it for this chapter.
