Antoon Van Dyck


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Van Dyck selfportrait

The Brazen serpent

Abraham and Isaac

Cupid and Psyche

Madonna and child


The lamentation of Christ

Charles first of England and Henrrietta of France

Studies of a Man’s Head

Jupiter and Antiope

Painter Snyders and his wife

Cornelis van Gueest

An Apostle

Blessed Joseph Hermann

One from Family Balbi

Marchese Grimaldi

Charles king of England to hunt

The capture of Christ

Charles king of England

Charles king of England

Susana and the Elders

Prince Charles Louis

St Martin dividing his Cloak


Crowning with Thorns

Diana Countess of Oxford

Emperor Theodosius Forbidden by St Ambrose to enter in Milan Cathedral

Father Jean Charles de la Faille

Family portrait

Young General

Thomas Kiligrew and Lord Croft
