Ancillary tasks comparison


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How do my ancillary tasks

follow the codes and conventions

of real media products?


Mostly, my movie poster has followed the codes and conventions of real movie posters. I used the poster for ‘The Unborn’ as a basis for my poster. I noted the title should be bold, the credits and website info in small print at the bottom, the company logos, e.g. regency pictures, below the credits in small, and a tag line for the film in bold on the poster, and the central image clear and concise with no text intruding onto the main focus. I followed all these conventions, but decided to challenge the conventions by adding in star ratings onto my poster, as I felt it would be a good marketing strategy. However, if I were to undertake this task again, I would take more time in planning my image, as I feel my image is bringing my grade down, and my image was constantly referred to in audience feedback as not strong and bold enough for a movie poster.


My Empire cover mostly follows the codes and conventions of real Empire covers. The masthead is bold and at the top, and the central image is bold and you can clearly depict the article to which it is relating. I have also positioned the smaller feature articles round the central image similarly to the way the real empire cover has done. I have conventionally included a small barcode, the price and date tucked within the ‘M’ on the masthead, and a tagline for the magazine. I have challenged the conventions however, by making my magazine a ‘special horror edition’ and therefore including a lot of blood dripping and blood splatter effects to coincide with the theme. My colour palette of red and white was also chosen to coincide with the horror theme, but also because I didn’t really have much other colours I could use, due to my quite muted image I had chosen. If I were to repeat the task, I would definitely take more care in planning my image so that I had more colour choice for my magazine front cover and the fonts.