5 Super Bowl Facts & A Bike Ride in New York



Hi I'm Girl on the Bike, I make new videos every week on my bike. Visit http://girlonthebike.com for more. Stay passionate, xoxo, Girl on the Bike Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GirlOnTheBike Twitter: https://twitter.com/GirlontheBikeNY Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/GirlOntheBikeNY Instagram: http://instagram.com/GirlonthebikeNY ----- Super Bowl.. I wanted to interview people on the streets. Tourists and locals. Me: Which team will win? Red or blue? The answers I was expecting: Tourist who came for the SuperBowl: There is no RED!! Locals who don’t care: Red/blue The first local who’s name is Dexter, answered my question by there is no red! and I started laughing, and decided I’m not gonna keep asking that question. Times Square was very crowded. Actually all Manhattan was very crowded and the weather was also beautiful that weekend. Lucky Super Bowl.

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Manhattan is crowded.

Everyone’s excited!!!

The weather is beautiful

in time for the most

anticipated event –


Before we watch what

people on New York was

doing on the big day, let’s

further talk about Super


Here are some

interesting facts about

this reputable event:
