4 plants (5º)




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Main characteristcs-They make food using soil,water,sunlight,

and air

-They have roots,stems and leaves

-Plants cannot move around.

-Most plants live on land,but some are aquatic

-Flowering plants:They reproduce from

seeds.Trees,shrubs and grass-Plants without flowers:

They reproduce from spores.Mosses and ferns

1-Plants take nutrients(water and mineral salts)from the soil through the roots

-They take carbon dioxide from the air through the leaves.

2-They make food in their leaves through a

process called photosynthesisphotosynthesis using chlorophyll to absorb

the sunlight.

3-The food is taken to the whole plant

*Xylem sap:mixture of water and minerals

*Xylem vessels:thin tubes for the xylem sap

*Phloem sap:mixture of xylem sap and carbon dioxide

*Phloem vessels:take food to the whole plant

Parts:stamen,pistil,sepals,petals,ovules, corolla and calyx

Pollination:grains of pollen are transported to the pistil

Fertilisation:a grain of pollen joins an ovule and develops into a seed

Germination:in right conditions of temperature and humidity the seed can

germinate and new plants grow