4 Planning For My Own Rom Com




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Planning for my own Romcom

Casting and Costume ideas

Planning for trailer: Casting OptionsCharacter 1 (Girl 1- Main character) – EmilyCharacter profile: This character needs to be a typical, normal teenager. She needs to fit the role of a quiet, clever girl who is trying to fit into school roles as well as find herself-Quiet-Clever-Typical-Stereotypical looking girls who generally aren’t noticed by the opposite sex-This characters costume consists of casual outfits such as converse, Jeans, and a patterned casual top. The character also doesn’t wear a lot of make up and often wears her hair in quite “Boring” styles.

Positive-Feels like she can fit the role well and relate to the character-Has the typical main character look-Is confident enough to be able to act the role-Looks comfortable in the character costume types -Is average height for a youngish teenager

Negative- Has no former acting experience

1. Ellie Quin – Chosen Actress 2. Sam Chandler

Positive- Has the perfect look for the role- Would be able to act the part

Negative- Maybe too tall to fit the young teenage role- No previous acting skills- Doesn’t look really comfortable in the characters casual costumes

Emily’s Costume ideas

Converse Tops with printed cartoons/images on them Just a pair of jeansCasual styleHair usually just straight down Colours are usually quite bright such as red/blue but not anything seen to be really stylish

Usually carrying books, and a big bag

Planning for trailer: Casting Options (2)Character 2 (Main guy) - JoshCharacter profile: This character has got to have the boyish, stereotypical good looks. He has to have a “Fit” body and a tan would be a bonus, as well as the pretty boy features. He is the character that most girls “drool” over. The character is misunderstood and is fed up with people basing him on his looks. Costume consists of quite stylish and casual outfits- Good body- Good looking- Tan- Still have quite a sweet and innocent look- The character is very kind and nice in the film

1. Michael Dunne

PositiveFits the image of the characterSuits the characters roleNegativeIsn’t around a lot for filmingNo former acting experienceMaybe a bit too tall for the main girl character

2. Liam Moorhead – Chosen Actor

Positive- Fits the characters role and image- Has the still “Sweet” part of the characters qualities- Suits with the main characters look- Also very close to character 2 (Katie Smith) which enables them to have a connectionNegativeHas no former acting experience

Josh’s Costume ideas

Very stylish outfits Usually plain clothing, nothing patterned Quite comfortable style Jeans “Wild” type of hair to suggest he is down to earth and “Cool” Trainers Jumpers

Usually carrying a football or nothing

Planning for trailer: Casting Options (3)

Character 3- (Girl 2, Popular girl) - ChelseaCharacter profile: This character is very confident and eccentric; she is the typical “pretty girl” of the school and is admired by many. She also plays the “Bitch” role in the film and is enemies with the main character. This character has a lot of attitude which has to be portrayed in the scenes. The characters costume consists of bright colours, stylish items of clothing with a variety of accessories.

1. Katie Smith – Chosen Actress

Positive- Has former acting experience

- Looks comfortable in the stylish outfitsIs very confident

- Suits with the main guys height and look

Chelsea’s Costume ideas

Very bright costume choice Always wearing some form of accessory such as a hat or lots of jewellery Very stylish and fashionable outfits e.g. Leggings and bright tops Boots Has the “Pretty” and popular girl type of costumes

Tends to carry make up

Planning for trailer: Casting Options (4)Character 4- (Girl 3- Goth) - LaurenCharacter profile: This character comes across as being the surly type who only sometimes smiles and is often found standing with her two other “Goth” friends. This character has to come across as being quite dominant and the actress must be able to pull off the dark gothic look. Costume consists of dark eye make up, black clothing, with the hair covering most of the characters face.

1. Sam Chandler – Chosen Actress

Positive- Has the dark features that would be able to pull of the gothic clothing- Quite tall which makes it easier for her to pull off the “Intimidating” characteristic- Can pull the character offNegative- No former acting experience

Positive- Has previous acting experience- Look comfortable in the “Gothic” clothesNegative- Doesn’t have stereotypical “Gothic” features

2. Maria Potter

Lauren’s Costume ideas

Very dark clothing, generally black Black jeans and top Dark make up Hair straight down, often across her face Maybe typical gothic jewellery and accessories such as a studded belt/bracelet Black shoes (plimsolls)

Often holding an iPod

Planning for trailer: Casting Options (5)Character 6 and 7- Goth friend 1 and 2Character profile: The character needs to have the typical “gothic” look including dark features. They also have to be average height so not as tall as the main Goth (Lauren) so then they don’t stand out as much as her. They need to be able to pull off the character image and surliness.

1. Chris Janes 2. Jimmy Buss – Chosen Actor

3. Jenny Barber – Chosen Actress

Positive- Previous acting Negative- Probably best suited to a role with more dialogue- Doesn’t pull of the “Gothic” look as well as candidate 2

PositiveSuits the characters image and clothingNegativeNo former acting

Positive- Suits the characters image and can pull off the make up and clothes of the “Goth”NegativeNo former acting

Planning for trailer: Casting Options (6)Character 5 and 6- Emily’s best friendsCharacter profile: These character appears often in the scenes however, they don’t have a lot of dialogue so the actress/actor doesn’t need any previous acting skills. These characters are always by the main girls side and often helps her through the hard times as well as showing a typical teenage friendship

1. Siobhan Grant – Chosen Actress

Positive- Already a close friend to the main actress so, friendship already there- Suits the role of quiet best friendNegative- No previous acting experience

2. Chris Janes – Chosen Actor


-Previous acting experience so can pull off the expressions of the scene where he walks past the Goths

Planning for trailer: Casting Options (7)Character 7 and 8 – Chelsea’s Best friendsCharacter profile – These character needs to fit the appearance/costume choice similar to that of the main character Chelsea. However, they need to seem quite intimidated by Chelsea and are only usually in the background of scenes. Due to the dance sequence, some former dancing skills would be needed.

1. Maria Potter – Chosen Actress 2. Shannon Sayers – Chosen Actress

Positive –

-Already close to the actress Katie

-Former dancing and acting experience

-Suits the typical characters role

Negative –

- Isn’t around a lot for filming

Positive –

- Former dancing experience

- Has close relationship with actress Katie

Location Scouting

Planning for trailer: Location Scouting

Opening sequenceFor this scene I needed a corridor in a school setting which can pass for

being the main corridor in the setting. The corridor needed to be quite wide so that everyone could

fit in without it looking to crowded.

Bathroom sceneFor this scene I needed a typical

looking school toilet, somewhere where a lot of people wouldn’t go

into, which would make the filming easier to do. I therefore chose the

6th form toilets as they were a good size to film in.

Planning for trailer: Location Scouting (2)

The Goth sceneThis scene I wanted to find a brick

wall, which was quite harsh looking and would therefore match the Gothic feel of the scene and the


Ellie’s own scene in a libraryI needed to just use a normal library so I could have the everyday setting

with books and tables. Therefore the school library was perfect for this


Planning for trailer: Location Scouting (3)When Ellie sees Katie and Liam

togetherFor this scene I needed a space which was quite open and therefore easy to film in. This setting does have some disadvantages as it is usually quite

crowded and would therefore mean I would need to find a time when it was

less full.

Katie’s Dancing sceneI needed to find a dancing space

which was open and clear, where I could also use the mirrors to my

advantage. The space I chose would enable me to film from many

different angles and get the best shots possible.

Possible names for my Romcom

Love Rivals

Fighting for Love

Triple Verdict

Pros Cons

-Covers the main theme of the trailer/Rom-com- Shows that the film belongs to the romantic genre

- Too simplistic

-Indicates that there is three characters-is quite catchy and very short making the audience remember the name

-Doesn’t fit in with the Rom-com genre, sounds a title from the action genre- Doesn’t really suggest anything about the film and it’s themes

-Highlights the main theme of the trailer- Indicates it is part of the Rom-com genre- Is short and catchy so would be easier to remember in the case of the audience


Production Sign

Possible music choicesMusic for opening sequence

Choice 1 – The All American Rejects – Dirty little secret

This song is often used in American Rom-Com’s, and would therefore make my trailer conventional. It creates the correct tone for the trailer as it is a light hearted song which is very well known

Choice 2 – The White Stripes – Seven Nation Army

This song has a very good beat which would suit the main character (Josh) and emphasise his dramatic arrival. However, this is not a conventional Rom-com song. Although it would probably suit the opening sequence tone and actions

Chosen song

Possible music choicesEmily’s sequence

Choice 1 – The Kooks – Always where I Need To Be Chosen Song

This song choice would suit this character as it is quite fast paced and as it is an indie song, this would complement the characters costume and characteristics. The light and bouncy tone represents Emily’s day dreamy personality.

Choice 2 – Youmeatsix – Gossip

This song would emphasise the characters independent state as it isn’t a well known track. However, this can also be a negative as usually trailers include well known and famous songs.

Chelsea’s Sequence

Choice 1 – Nelly – Hot in Herre Chosen song

This song has a good opening which would be suitable for introducing this character. It is the perfect mood and tone I want to create for this specific sequence

Possible music choicesSams gothic sequence

Choice one – Bullet for my valentine – Hand of Blood

Definitely fits with the Gothic feel of the scene, and is the stereotypical music the gothic characters would listen to. However, there isn’t really a good time to sharply cut the music.

Choice two – The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus – False Pretence Chosen Song

This song creates the perfect mood for the sequence and would make the cutting off of the music very effective as it is a loud song and would create the right impact when it cuts.

Final fight sequence

Choice one – The Fratellis – Creeping Up the Backstairs Chosen Song

This is a very fast paced song, and has a heavy and good beat which definitely match the sequence and events

Possible music choices

- I know that in real life I would need to get permission from the artists before using their tracks-This would therefore create a Symbiotic relationship, as I would get suitable music for my trailer and the artist would also get publicity for their tracks. As well as this after the film is released I could create a soundtrack for it which would increase my income and the artists would once again get publicity for their music and extra money.

Possible pictures for posterX- Blurring

X- Lighting doesn’t illuminate the characters

X- The costumes doesn’t stand out of highlight the characters personalities

X- The picture is landscape so would be hard to fit onto the poster correctly

X- Landscape picture

X- The main guys pose isn’t cocky enough

X- The characters costumes

X- The lighting is to bright

The three girls poses

The lighting

The characters costumes

The characters posing

The picture is portrait so will fit onto the poster

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3


Possible pictures for posterX- Lighting too dark

X- The picture is to slanted

The characters costumes

The characters posing

X- The characters facial expressions

The characters posing

The characters costumes

Picture 4

Picture 5

Magazine namesComplete Film-Simply states exactly what the magazines main purpose isBut- Really simplistic

Film Mania Chosen Title-Is more inventive than the other title- Shows that the magazines main purpose is to talk about films which would therefore attract the target audience- Sounds like a typical film magazine name

Chosen Pictures for magazine

Pros- Shows attitude, suiting the characters personality- The belt and bracelet suits the characters clothing choice more- The hair in front of her face is really effective

Cons- Character doesn’t have an object like others do

Picture one

Chosen Picture

Pros- Shows attitude of the character

Cons- Doesn’t suit the characters costume/hair/make-up/accessories- Doesn’t give anything about the characters personality

Picture two

Chosen Pictures for magazine

Pros-The costume and prop suits the character- The posture looks effective

Cons- The characters feet may not look right

Pros-The costume and prop suits the character-- The hand gesture looks really effective

Cons-The lighting makes the picture really bland- The characters facial expression

Picture one Picture two

Chosen Pictures

Chosen Pictures for magazine

Pros- Represents the characters personality with the prop- The costume suits the character

Cons-The colours wouldn’t match those of my magazine-Being face on to the camera isn't that effective

Pros- The colours would suit that of the magazine- Being side on to the camera makes the photo more effective

Cons- The colours of her costume doesn’t make her stand out

Picture one Picture two

Chosen Picture

Planning for Trailer: Storyboard for trailer

Here is part of my storyboard

ScriptScript for the opening sceneLiam entering and crashing into Ellie

Actors involved Liam Moorhead, Katie Smith, Ellie Quin, Sam Chandler, Jimmy Buss, Chris Janes, Siobhan Grant, Maria Potter, Daniel Cole? Shannon Sayers?

Establishing shot of the art corridor, and then there is silence. Then everyone comes out from the side of the camera and main doors making quite loud noise and walking down the corridor or stop at the sides in front of the classroom doors etcThen everyone just stops and turns towards the camera CU on Liam’s feet and Camera moves up his body LA (He holding a football in one hand and school bag over his shoulder)ECU on Liam’s face as he runs his hand through his hairPOV shot as Liam walks down the corridor, everyone looking at the camera, Camera looks towards the left towards Katie who smiles and waves?, then to the right as Sam walks past and camera follows her as she looks as the camera then turns back round to face frontMS of Liam walking into Ellie and her papers thrown everywhere, Ellie bends down to pick them up and Liam helps People Snickering in the background

ScriptMAYBE SLIGHT VOICES IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE BABBLE AROUND THEM???CU of the two picking up the papers, CU on Liam’s face Liam: O I’m so sorry are you alright?CU on Ellie’s face and she smilesEllie: Yeah I’m fine thanks CU on Liam’s face as he saysLiam: I’m Josh by the way CU on Ellie as she shyly smilesEllie: O hey, I’m Emily MS of the two standing up with the paper, More people in the background so the scene looks slightly different?Liam: Well it’s Reeaallllyyy nice to meet you, EmilyLiam walks out the shot after handing Ellie the papers and Ellie watches him go in a daze, kind of turning round after himOver shoulder from Ellie as she watches him go?


Script for the Bathroom sceneCrying and fighting sceneActors involved are Katie Smith, Siobhan Grant, Sam Chandler, and Ellie Quin.Medium shot of Siobhan walking down the corridorECU of Siobhan pushing the door of the toilets open CU of Siobhan walking through the door camera getting her face and shoulders in the shotSiobhan: Emily… Emily you in here?Camera pans slightly across as Siobhan walks across the toilets peering through some of the doorsOver the shoulder shot as Siobhan opens the cubicle with Ellie sitting on the toiletPoint of view shot- Camera goes from Ellie’s face down to the tissues and back up againTissues on the floor, Mascara / eyeliner down Ellie’s face, her feet turned inwards and she is sitting in an intimidated position with a tissue clutched in her handMaybe shot from above looking into the cubicle and at Siobhan as she saysSiobhan: Oh my God what’s wrong?Cuts to - EditingKatie walks in and goes to the mirror (camera in same position as when Siobhan walked in)

ScriptCamera looking into the mirror at Katie pouting, Ellie and Siobhan comes out of the toilets Medium shot of the two maybe looking from the mirrorEllie: She is such a bitch …Sees Katie, Both look upSiobhan: Yep…Ohhh…Katie spins round (Moment of stillness), Camera CU without being seen in the mirror on Katie’s face as she saysKatie: Are you talking about me?CU on Siobhan’s face as she saysSiobhan: Ummmmmmmmm…Medium shot slightly from Katies perspective as Katie saysKatie: Why don’t you just say it to my face huh (Squares up to Ellie) (Medium camera shot of the two, Siobhan at the side)Then when Ellie says… from Ellies perspective (If not seen in mirror)Ellie: Oooo get away from me (MUSIC COMES IN on climate) (Pushes Katie) Creeping up the backstairs starts playingKatie gasps and slaps Ellie MS, CU on Ellie who grabs face then turns back and pushes Katie MS, Siobhan in the back CU on Siobhan’s faceSiobhan: Stop it… Both of you (looks a bit useless in the corner as the girls still fight) MIGHT NOT SAY ANYTHING DUE TO MUSICTracking shot of character walking down the corridor and walking into the toilets (camera follows) , music cuts off as character sees Ellie and Katie fighting (Ellie on the floor Katie above her, both characters hair being pulled and Ellie’s hand on Katie’s face pushing her back) and Siobhan hidden in the corner) High Angle on the scene MAYBE SAM

ScriptGoth scene, Three Goths standing against the wallActors include, Sam Chandler, Jimmy Buss, Jenny Barber, and Chris Janes?Side shot slightly diagonal on the three looking straight ahead (Jimmy with headphones in) (Sam with Chewing gum) (Hopefully get a good setting)Camera Pans CU on the three Goths faces who still look straight aheadMS on the Goths with Chris entering from the left side of the camera (NEED TO BE IN SMART TROUSERS AND WHITE TOP - CARRYING BOOKS)casually pacing and holding books, then when he notices the Goths he kind of rushes quickly past and looks at the floor, Goths still paying no attention

Katie’s dance studio sceneActors include Katie Smith, Maria Potter, Shannon Sayers, Daniel ColeKatie: 3…2…1… GoGirls start dancing as music starts CU on Katie as she looks angryKatie: STOP (*Music cuts out)…You’re doing it wrong … SCREAMS (Clenches fists)CU as Dan puts his head around the door looking surprised and quite scaredKatie stops screamingKatie: OUT… GEETTT OUUTTT… GGRRRRR (*storms out of camera view) …AGAIN!!CU on Maria and Shannon pulling a face to each other


Park sequenceActors include Ellie Quin, Chris Janes, Liam Moorhead, Siobhan Grant, Liam’s friend????MS of Ellie, Siobhan and Chris laughing and having a good timeChris: Oh Emily, Mcdreamy 3 o clock…CU of Liam, shirt off, runs hand through his hair and playing football with ladsMS of the three on the blanket again all staring at LiamEmily: Wow…Chris: Haha anyway… stop the drooling ladiesCU on Ellie’s face as she giggles, blushes and looks downMS of them on blanket, football hits Ellie’s headLA of Liam running overLiam: Are you okay?CU of Ellie rubbing headEllie: We have got to stop meeting like thisCU LA on Liam as he smilesSitting on the hill Liam and Ellie Medium LA as they both start laughing and looking into each others eyes

ScriptParty Scene at Sam’s? Could do it at a party? Including scene in a bedroomActors include Ellie Quin, Katie Smith, Liam Moorhead, Sam Chandler, Siobhan Grant, Chris Janes, Katie Smith, random guysMS of Ellie walking out onto the landingCS of her face smiling towards the crowd of peopleMS of her walking down the stairsPOV shot as everyone is watching her Liam in front where he is easily seenCU on Katie’s face as she looks angry and crosses her armsDiagonal CU on Liam’s face as he looks up and smiles at EllieDiagonal MS of Ellie walking up to Liam looking at the floor then looks into his face as he is staring at her smiling

Ellie’s Library Scene (In Library or 6th form area??)Actors include Ellie Quin, then any extras in the backECU of Ellies face (Hair wild) Usual Babble of a work areaCamera Zooms out slowly – Ellie still looking directly at the camera quite stressed??MS of Ellie surrounded by books, then she randomly starts working after getting the full effect of the books etc

ScriptRandom street scene of the two girls and Chris walking up a road with no houses showing friendship (maybe Benhill road)Actors include Chris Janes, Ellie Quin and Siobhan GrantLS Maybe LA from floor? of the three walking towards the camera laughing and having a good time maybe Ellie hugging Siobhan, then walk past the camera (two go one way and one goes the other)

Katie and Liam scene where Ellie sees them and Katie points and Liam comes over SAME COSTUMES AS BEFOREActors include Liam Moorhead, Katie Smith, Ellie Quin and any random extras in the background (DON’T HAVE SIOBHAN IN THE SCENE)Pan Shot of Ellie walking into the 6th form common roomPOV of Katie and Liam together then they both look towards Ellie (Katie looking smug, Liam annoyed) Liam walks towards the camera and stops *someone walks up to Katie in the background and starts talking to herLiam: Emily… how could you do that to Chelsea? She hasn’t done anything to you POV from Liam so looking slightly down upon EllieEmily: How could I do what?POV from Ellie’s pointLiam: O stop playing around Emily (Looks away and back again)… You know you have changed so much… I don’t know who you are anymore (Shakes Head and walks past the camera, Tracking shot of Liam then camera goes straight Katie in the background, arms crossed looking very smug, someone talking to her

Filming schedule

Filming schedule
