Echo National Sales Meeting 2016 [Day 2]


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Echo National Sales Meeting


Day 2

Topic of the day:



Look at us – who we are personally is a reflection of this company. Echo has changed us

professionally, but it has changed us even more

personally – we have become

passionate people .” !

M i k e C h e w , We s t R e g i o n a l S a l e s M a n a g e r

We grow, together

INSIGHTS FROM A FEW OF OUR LEADERS: •  Be excited about what you do.

Cliff Shephard, South Regional Sales Manager

•  Be proud of what you do.

Erik Morris, Midwest East Regional Sales Manager •  Be knowledgeable about what you do.

Shawn Hayes, Midwest West Regional Sales Manager

•  Be passionate about what you do.

Mike Chew, West Regional Sales Manager    


Average players want to be left alone. Good players

want to be coached. Great players want to be told the

truth.” !

- Doc Rivers

Jessica Heffernan, VP of Marketing & HR

Kingdon Offenbacker, CEO


We are committed to learning, growing, and

performing our jobs passionately, together .”


“- The Echo Team

We are all a piece of the puzzle.


How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? I

think you have to have an enthusiasm for l i fe . You have to have a dream, a goal . And you have to be wil l ing to work for

it .” !

- J i m V a l v a n o

We want to change expectations. We want to transform the industry. We want to have an enthusiasm for life. We want to

have a dream, a goal, and we’re willing to work for it, together.