York press powerpoint


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York PressScott Harrand

Most appealing stories The articles that caught my eye were ones that were either positive :

Or were written in a way that made me want to find out more:

Least appealing stories

• I, personally, don’t find tragic or upsetting stories particularly appealing:

More of?

Personally, I would like to see more positive stories, perhaps talking more about the city of York and it’s history and interesting features. This is because, through the internet and social media, I believe the York Press website has the opportunity to increase national (and perhaps international) interest in York, and potentially increase tourism, if they talked about the positive aspects of York as a city.

Design AspectsThe current design is quite minimalist. This is a good design choice, but I personally think that the website could benefit from a little more imagery and colour outside of just the article-related images. It would make the website more visually interesting. Potentially these could be images of York that could make up the backdrop of the website. There could also be a little more variation in the layout of articles, potentially having them in different sizes or fonts in order to draw attention to each individual one. When they are all quite a small, similar size they tend to blur together. The layout may also benefit from being a little more spread out, as most of the website seems to be centered, with large gaps at the sides that make the website seem quite empty.


While the advertisements are necessary, some of them are quite obtrusive and could perhaps benefit from being laid out in a different fashion. Some advertisements that are placed amongst the columns of articles are easy to mistake for article-images, and some advertisements that appear mid-article can be quite distracting. Some advertisements that dominate the background of the website can be quite distracting, especially the ones that follow the website as you scroll through it.
