York Press

York press feedback

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York Press

Page 2: York press feedback

Design• At first glance, the website looks

very busy and hard to concentrate on due the vast amount of text/articles. A smaller range of articles at a larger size would help to improve the website.

• Some features are good such as the most popular article list however, the layout has no logical order as all of the random articles are of different topics and have been added at different times.

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• The images that are used on the website vary from a professional standard to use a a stock image that gives no insight into the article. I think the use of photographs needs to be thought about more to help interest the audience more in the article.

• I feel some of the advertising space is used well such as outlining the entire website however, the scrolling banners that feature are very annoying and I feel they should be removed.


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• I feel the sections of website are not very clear. The use of colour and boxes would help to separate the different sections of articles.


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Content• I feel the stories that have something to do with tragedies

or that effects traffic are what I find most interesting as these stories are usually shocking and I want to know more about them. Articles about crime are something I also find interesting as I feel the crime rate is very low in York and it is always interesting to read about.

• The stories that I aren't interested are mainly sport as it is not something I find enjoyable. Also, the sponsored articles do not interest me at all.

• I would like to see more stories about the people of York.

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Improvements• To improve the website I think you should consider a simpler

layout where the articles have more negative space. This will help to make the articles more readable and stand out more compared to the cluttered current website.

• I think its also a good idea to remove the move advertisements as they are very annoying and distract the reader from the content of the website. Also, the advertisement links do not work and are pointless if the audience cannot find them.

• Another way to make the website more exciting is to have more intriguing article titles and images that accompany them.