Workshop 4 j. castro m. lagos


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Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

Facultad de Educación

Pedagogía en Educación Media en Inglés


Workshop 4: Assessment tasks

Teacher: Katiuska Santibañez

Course: Assessment Methods and Approaches to the TESL

Students: Juan Castro

María Lagos L.

Concepcion, 2016

Writing skill

It's time to take care of the planet!

The text below present one of the effects caused by Global Warming 

There are animals dying all over the world today in huge numbers, due to the polluted state of the sea and air. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Birds are falling dead out of the sky, and millions of poultry are dying from avian flu

Individual Work:

Your school social media department is giving you the possibility to publish a

comment about a controversial issue. You will have to write a text with your opinion

about the effects of global warming. The idea is to raise awareness about the

consequences of polluting the environment.

Instructions:1- Create a 150 words text expressing your opinion.

2- Use the text provided as a reference to write your opinion  

3- Add a title

4- Send your text to the social media department.

Speaking skill

What about you?PairWork:

You will be provided with a piece of paper in which you will find 3 sentences which

describe a certain situation. Create a question with each situation and ask to your

partner if that has happened to him/her.  Then your partner is going to ask; what

about you? And you have to answer as well. Try to exchange information asking

how, when, who, what, where, etc.


CINEMA-          Crying during a movie

-          Left The cinema before the movie


-          Falling asleep at the cinema.

A: Have you ever cried watching a movie at the cinema?B: Yes, I have …..A: What movie were you watching? Who were you with?

Listening Skill

Group Storytelling

Teamwork: Groups of 6 Roles required: 1 Moderator                              5 Storytellers

Instructions: The moderator will start a story with the sentence “The other day I

went to the store”. Then, the first storyteller will invent a new a sentence for

continuing the story. Subsequently, the next storyteller will repeat what was

previously said and will add a new sentence. This process should be repeated by

every storyteller until they create a story.

The moderator has the role of writing what is being said in order to correct or help

the storytellers when they need it.

Finally, the moderators of each group will read their stories to the rest of the


Create a name for your story



Reading Skill

Extreme World: Your weather Experiences1 December 2010. Taken from BBC News

1) Some years ago I was doing some agricultural trials in the Sudan on the Gezira Scheme. We were planting peanuts. Due to the heat, work started at 04:00 and finished at noon. It was quite warm 44C until they opened the irrigation sluice gates from the Nile. The hot water hits the hotter soil. The heat shimmer erupted and it was like a sauna. Roger Hartley, Sydney, Australia

2) Finnish winters cannot match Siberian offerings, but -40C is not unknown here. At that temperature cars have a difficulty as they can freeze up within an hour of being left. And when you look at the outside thermometer which shows only -15C, you can feel happy, because Spring has arrived. Raymond Hopkins, Kronoby, Finland

3) Nagpur one of the cities in central India, has extremely hot summers with temperatures ranging around 50C from April to mid-June, or until the rain arrives. It is quite hot and people in the city often have sun strokes, and all roads are empty after 11:00 in the morning. Dr Arshi Khan, Nagpur, India

4) I am from Norilsk - a closed city in Siberia where the average temperature is -19C. In winter it is regularly below -40C and of course we have no daylight for several months. I moved to London four years ago - it is very amusing how useless your country is when you get a small dose of cold weather.  Slava Yakupov, London, UK

Activity 1Look at the words in bold and classify them according to the thermometers.

__ _________ _________ _________Activity 2Read the text again and answer the following questions.

a) Which city has the highest temperature in summer?

b) What is the typical temperature during spring in Finland?

c) Why people on the Gezira scheme start working at 04:00 o’clock?

d) Which is the most common temperature in Norilsk in winter?

Activity 3Select the option that best summarizes each paragraph.

Paragraph 1:a) Peanuts grow better in hot places.b) It is good to have saunas in hot cities.c) Heat forces workers to work from dawn to noon.

Paragraph 2: a) Winters in Finland are extremely frozen.b) People are happy in spring.c) Finnish are envy at winter in Siberia.

Paragraph 3:a) Rain arrives in July.b) Heat is extremely dangerous in summer.c) People don’t like to drive at noon.

Paragraph 4: a) Slava doesn’t like London.b) Norilsk is colder than London.c) Norilsk is closed to Siberia.

Activity 4:In which city would you like to live in? Select one of the cities mentioned in the paragraphs above and write a paragraph giving three reasons that support your decision.

Assessing Phonology

Guess the word!

Pair work: Use the following words to play a game with your partner. You will have to

tell to your partner the words inside the box; however, you will omit one of the syllables

of each word and your partner will guess the word you are saying. You will tell all the

words to your partner and he/she will write down the possible words he/she understood.

Finally, you both will check the answers.


Family: __mily.

1-Family 2-Animal 3-Potato 4-Important

5-Chocolate 6-Favorite 7-Adventure 8-Memory

9-Happiness 10-Elephant 11-Important 12-Together

Self assessment Rubrics

Self assessment artifact 1Writing skillStudent’s name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Class: ___________

Criteria Yes No

Did I hand in my task on time?

Did my task accomplish the quantity of words required?

Did I follow the structure?

Did I reflect about the consequences of pollution?

Self assessment artifact 2 Speaking skillStudent’s name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Class: ___________

Criteria Yes No

Did I follow the instructions?

Did I ask/answer the questions?

Did I facilitate the communication?

Self assessment artifact 3 Listening skillStudent’s name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Class: ___________

Criteria Yes No

Was I able to understand the story

Was I able to give interesting ideas?

Was I able to keep the coherence of the story?

Self assessment artifact 4 Reading skillStudent’s name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Class: ___________

Criteria Yes No

Was I able to understand the texts?

Was I able to identify the general idea of the texts?

Was I able to look for specific information?

Was I able to reflect about the texts?

Self assessment artifact 5 Assessing PhonologyStudent’s name: _____________________________ Date: _________ Class: ___________

Criteria Yes No

Was I able to understand the words said by my classmate?

Was I able to find the proper word?

Was I able to look for different options for the

un-complete word

Was it difficult for me to find a solution?
