Why gip & gcdp




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1. MM Transition 28/1/2014 2. GIP & GCDP Why we do 3. AIESEC develops LEADERSHIP 4. How is GIP & GCDP driven? 5. Functional Areas $ HR BRAND INFO SUPPORT CORE RESOURCES RESOURCE MANAGEMENT VISION X, L, GLE 6. How do we develop leadership in our programmes? 7. Inner & Outer Journey 8. WHY GIP 9. GLOBAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM 10. Believe in yourself The leadership we develop in GIP Proactive learning Independent & results driven Able to work in a multicultural environment Open-minded Fast adapting Professional expertise 11. GIP means youth interacting with business and learning training our members to be great sellers, packaging products Provides the members the experience to get in touch with big companies Providing organizations with fresh and unique talent. Therefore, driving the economy of the country. How does GIP develop leadership? Ep's help our TN taker to improve their result and be more competitive 12. Facts in oGIP Contribution Since 2012 140 RE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13. Facts in iGIP Egypt has one of the weakest competitive Economies Globally One of the Worst Adapting Economies in the world Very Weak and Fragile Education system Weak Corporate Mindset, Lack of Awareness Contribution Since 2012 MNCs SMEs Education 8 Partners 26 Partner 29 Partners 14. Why GCDP 15. Believe in yourself The leadership we develop in GCDP Proactive learning & fast adapting Awareness of wolrd issues and willingness to contribute Ownership for the world Able to work in a multicultural environment Open-minded Risk-taking 16. The values of GCDP How do we develop leadership ? Which is the market value? Which is the value for TMP/TLP working on it? EPs are working in a challenging environment and they learn about different issues to develop social responsible entrepreneurial leadership There is the need of awareness on this issue; The market is interested in it and the activities bring an added value. Contribution to specific needs of my city, my society and learning on those. Development of specific leadership in our society 17. What can we do to make our experiences better? 18. Imagine... If we provide a full inner and outer journey to every participant, What kind of leaders would we create? 19. We need to improve the outer journeys we provide... Challenging JDs with clear individual responsibilitie s Adjust our processes for leadership development Involve TN takers in leadership development 20. We need to improve the inner journeys we provide... Ensure personal goal setting, planning & tracking Ensure EPs realize the relevance of the Xp Give EPs inputs how to use this Xp for their future 21. The Why of GCDP 22. Insight to GCDP Tree model 23. Social Impact Any effect or impact that EPs make to the society or people in their exchange destinations What are the Components? How EPs can maximize their Social Impact: Making a difference through human interaction: interaction helps to bring people closer. Use your presence and stories to inspire and encourage people. Be open and share with them about yourself Open mindset Proactively take actions beyond the job scope Be involved and be present Communicating Making an impact through what you do: how much impact you can make to the society is essentially determined by what you do and how you do it. Prepare for your job before you leave Collect information and gather knowledge Ensuring continuity: document what have been done and make a feedback report to be given to the TN mangers for the next batch of interns 24. Cultural Immersion The purposeful immersion by one racial, cultural, and/or socio-economic group into the surroundings, cultural trappings and even geography of another group. 9/10 of the iceberg is below the waterline hence out of sight 9/10 of cultural awareness is out of conscious Live like a local Think like a local Feel like a local 25. Cultural Immersion: Live like a local Experience the visible part of the culture Customs Institutions Rituals Language Food 26. Cultural Immersion: Think like a local Norms Ideologies & beliefs Philosophy To understand deeper of the culture by inquiring and learning about: How to maximise? Have in-depth conversations with locals 27. Cultural Immersion: Feel like a local Values & Attitudes Desires Assumptions & Expectations Feeling is the most hidden component. EPs should attempt to feel: How to maximise? Be present and observant during interactions with locals 28. International Friendship 29. International Friendship What are the Components? How EPs can maximize their Social Impact: Connecting with Locals Interact with your co-workers in project Interact with your host family Be courageous: initiative conversations with the locals, the people that you are working with Treat your host family like your treasured family Connecting with interns from other countries Interact with your fellow AIESEC interns in the project Organize/Participate outings to travel together Prepare cultural items to showcase in events Connecting with AIESECers from host LC Interact with your TN manager, your Buddy and your project leader Be proactive in getting to know who will be going with you to the same country Get to know each others strengths and weeknesses, likes and dislikes Prepare for exchange together Life long connection Keep in touch with fellows/ interns / AIESECers after exchange 30. Personal Development An individual is personally developed when he/she experiences: Increase of self-awareness & identity Talent & potential development Enhanced Adaptability Contribution to the possibility of realisation of dreams & aspirations Self-Awareness & Identity Talent & Potential Development Enhanced Adaptability Realisation of Dreams & Aspirations 31. Support System Before Exchange Raising and Matching assistance Visa Application assistance Preparation to go on Exchange Myaiesec.net training During Exchange Provide emotional support Provide contact points Assist to handle any issues or problems Ensures the safety of EPs After Exchange Handle the refund process Reintegrate EPs to the LC A systematic process of sending EP overseas. It stretches from the time of recruitment until the time when EPs returns to home country. It assists EPs in their preparation for exchange and help them to maximise their experiences overseas. 32. So. 33. Questions ?