What can higher ed learn from Barack Obama?



CASE District II, BaltimoreMarch 2009The country just experienced what some would say was a transformational election. What can higher education learn from the way Barack Obama communicated in both a traditional print and web medium but also how he used social media and web 2.0 tools to carry his message and engage supporters? In an era where budgets are being tightened and organizations are beingasked to be more efficient, how can your institution use some of these tools to accomplish your goals and communicate your messages?presented byPaul Redfern, Director of Web Communications & Electronic Media,Gettysburg CollegeLiz Rotter, Principal & Creative Director, studio-e

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What can higher ed learn from Barack Obama? presented by

Paul Redfern, Director of Web Communications & Electronic Media,

Gettysburg College

Liz Rotter, Principal & Creative Director, studio-e

CASE District II, Baltimore March 2009

“ Politics after all, is about marketing — about projecting and selling an image (brand), stoking aspirations, moving people to identify, evangelize, and to consume. — Wired Magazine, fall 2008

What can we learn?

Effective marketing through the seamless integration of brand, the internet and new media. Done with skill, attention to detail, and a singular focus.

What can we learn?

A lesson in viral marketing. Success driving the message from one to the many. Done with skill, attention to detail, and a singular focus.

First African American President

.5 Billion raised in 21 Months now that is marketing!

.5 Billion in 21 monthsBy Jose Antonioi Vargashttp://voices.washingtonpost.com/44/2008/11/20/obama_raised_half_a_billion_on.html


Simplicity, Singular Focus, Ease of Action Online

• First time visitors asked to “join”

• Primary Action “Donate Now” always prominent and in red

• Excellent Information Architecture

• Blog to communicate, with quick links

• Social networks used to the max

• Mobile marketing

by Alex Cleanthous July 23rd, 2008http://www.webprofits.com.au/blog/2008/07/23/ 6-lessons-we-can-learn-from-barack-obamas-online-marketing-strategy/

Triple O http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/19/AR2008081903186_2.html?sid=ST2008081903613&s_pos=

The brand: Obama

Different. Distinctive.Consistent. Relevant.


“O”: Obama, the rising sun, a new era, a change

Red stripes: American flag, rolling plains, farmland, moving forward

Colors: Red, white and blue with a slightly different blue

http://www.logodesign.org/component/option,com_myblog/show, Why-Obamas-logo-helped-him-kick-John-Mccains-butt.html/Itemid,61/

The LogoDifferent. Distinctive. Consistent.



Font: Gotham


The Font Different. Distinctive. Consistent.

The Message Relevant. Distinctive. Consistent.

Easy to use. (grassroots; individual users) Logos, brochure templates, email templates could (and still can) be downloaded from the Obama site. http://www.barackobama.com/downloads/

“Playful flexibility”http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/archives/004262.html


The internet was the heart of the campaign.

Obama was everywhere: Internet, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter,

iPhone, text messaging, website, email

studio-e communications for education

Social Networking (socnets)

User Generated Media

iPhone ApplicationsCall Friends: A great volunteering tool that lets you make a difference any time you want by talking to people you already know. Your contacts are prioritized by key battleground states, and you can make calls and organize results all in one place.

Call Stats: See nationwide Obama ‘08 Call Friends totals and find out how your call totals compare to leading callers.

Get Involved: Do more. Find and contact your local Obama for America HQ.

Receive Updates: Receive the latest news and announcements via text messages or email.

News: Browse complete coverage of national and local campaign news.

Local Events: Find local events, share by email and get maps and directions.

Media: Browse videos and photos from the campaign

Issues: Get clear facts about Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s plan for essential issues facing Americans.


Can higher ed use these concepts?

studio-e communications for education


Rolling out a new president at Gettysburg College.

· Planning (be strategic, befocused, be everywhere)· Timing · Collaboration· Trust

Social media’s role as a part of youroverall web strategy

Planning: Strategic and Tactical


Text Message Campaign

· Fall 2008: Start Planning · Jan 15, 2009

Advertise Alumni Magazine

· Feb 1, 2009 Advertise Alumni and Parent E-newsletter










Tips Taken

Developing, Communicating, and Evolving a brand takes focus, attention, and daily (hourly) commitment.

Tips Taken

Deliver your message through every medium that touches your audiences.

Be Consistent

Be Creative

Be Courageous (have fun!)