Week 2 Explortation: Storyboard


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Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard

By: Cory Sinnott

Before I started the MCBS Program I was lost and confused on what I wanted to

pursue in my life.

I had graduated high school and was attending Parkland Community College

with no goal in sight.

I had always thought I wanted to go to school for music, to get a degree in

vocal performance.

So after a year at community college, I transferred to Illinois State University

to obtain a Vocal Performance Bachelor’s Degree.

But then after I tried that for a year and a half, I knew it wasn't where I

wanted my future career to end up.

I love music and always will, but I truly didn’t have passion to be a

professional singer and without a teaching degree, a music career would

not be smart.

Because of that I told myself that I needed to get out before it was too

late and focus my heart and mind on finding my passion.


It took some time and courage to tell people, including my family, that I

wanted to change my mind on college for the second time.

Because of that I let my parents know that I wanted to stop wasting my time

and money on a music degree, and they ended up supporting me


While finishing out my last semester of the music program, I started reviving old interests, like making and editing

videos and recording audio.

After I made a YouTube channel and had started regularly recording web-shows,

podcasts, and voice over work, I realized that this was something I loved to do and

could see myself doing it.

Because of that I found a new love and interest in video editing, podcasts,

broadcasting, and media, and started researching schools that I could pursue this

passion as a career.

I had looked at a few different schools and degree programs, including Full Sail

University where my brother had just graduated with a Music Production


Until finally I decided that Full Sail University's Media Communications Bachelor

of Science program was what I wanted to pursue.

I did the all the work to apply and get started, and in March 2014 I started

my journey through the Media Communications program.

And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media I have been extremely happy with my experience and have learned a lot in just a little over three months at Full Sail University doing

something I enjoy!