Webinar Slides: Recruitment: Communication to Grow Enrollment


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Communication to Grow Enrollment

Brenda Harms Ph.D. – Senior Vice-President

April - 2015

Converge Consulting is a higher education marketing firm.

We use research, Google Analytics, inbound marketing, and strategic

communications practices to positively impact student recruitment and alumni

engagement for colleges and universities around the world.

April, 2015

Recruitment Today…

•Competitive – we all need to grow•Decisions to return to college are made over

time•Our ability to partner with a prospect and stay

connected to them over time will impact ouroverall enrollment success•There are lots of false starts in the inquiry pool –

engaging with them over time shows yourgenuine interest in partnering with them on theireducational journey (if not right now – maybelater)

April, 2015

“Talk to me about what matters to me, not aboutwhat matters to you.”

April, 2015

Assuming No Engagement…

•Most recruitment professionals are easily able to engagewith the individual they actually get on the phone or havean email exchange with•Our process today focuses on engagement over time with

those who are less engaged or not engaged past thepoint of initial inquiry• The suggestions around engagement being shared today

focus on scripted interactions – nobody is as good, off thecuff, as they believe themselves to be• If you are relying on your people to just “come up with” the

right things to say on voicemail or in email you aremissing an opportunity

April, 2015

Preparing for the Conversation

Framing Engaging Questions

April, 2015

The Guide…


April, 2015

What are Engaging Questions…

•Questions that guide the conversation and allow for thegathering of key points of information• A reminder to intentionally highlight key points of

differentiation• A means of preparing the prospect for your conversation

with them•Method of encouraging prospective students to discuss

with you some of the most important elements of theireducational decision making process• A set of engaging questions serve as a guide that allows

everyone to do their job better

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Emphasis: •What’s going on in your life that made you

decide that now is the right time to go back toschool?– New job– Success at work– Want my kids to be proud– Finish what I’ve started

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Experience•What (field, career, job) are you interested in?

How long have you been interested in it? Whatmakes you interested in it? Do you knowanyone who has this degree?– Continues to build your knowledge base about them– Provides clues as to the type of program they may be

a good fit for

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Employment•Where are you currently working? What do you do

there? How long have you been working there? What type of hours are you working? What do youlike most about your job? What do you like least? What other jobs have you held? What did you like ordislike about those jobs?– Provides information about the types of skills they may

be good at– You can link what they know now + a degree = a great

new job– Give you clues as to possible opportunities for credit

for work experience

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Economics• How familiar are you with the various ways that adult

students fund their education? Have you heard about ourtuition discount program and our special scholarships foradult students? Are you aware of your employers tuitiondiscount program? – The elephant in the room is money – lead into the

conversation with information

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Earnings• Is your current income meeting your needs? Is income a

motivator for you?– It might feel awkward but understanding how motivated

someone is regarding the financial benefits of earning adegree is a crucial piece to overcoming the money barrier

– This may not be the right thing to ask in an email or phonemessage but you can prep this question with informationabout paying for college

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Environment•Who knows you are looking at going back to school? Who

do you talk to about your interest in going back tocollege? Do you know someone who is currently going tocollege?– Is this person doing this (considering school) without

anyone’s knowledge?– Who is supporting this – a co-worker, boss, spouse,

friend, parent?– Acknowledgement of the “support system” is critical to

building relationship – no adult goes to school alone

April, 2015

Guiding Questions

Education• Tell me about your past educational experience.

When/where did you last attend school? What did youlike? What did you dislike?– Presents the opportunity to discuss transfer policies (in ways

that seem more meaningful)

April, 2015


Developing a Process

April, 2015

The Process

•What are we doing now when a lead comes in? •Are all leads responded to in the same manner? •How is a lead tracked in our system? • Is every lead tracked in our system?

April, 2015

Nothing Happens by Accident….


April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Adult inquires – Day 1• Personal connection (email, phone, personal note) Day

1/2• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 3• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 6• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 10• Follow-up contact (email) Day 14• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 18• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 21• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 26• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 33• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 45• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 60• Follow-up contact (maintenance) –

holiday/newsletter/special announcements

April, 2015

Your Recruitment Approach…

• Things I’m guessing you need to consider– Add intentional points of contact– Have a purpose (script) for each point of contact– Development – don’t make it harder than it needs to be– Follow the process

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Inquiry – Day 1– Take a look at your message - add some personality “Thank you for your inquiry. Someone from our admissionsoffice will be getting in touch with you” “Thank you for your interest in XYZ University, we aredelighted you have considered us as you are looking for anaffordable and flexible evening program for adults. Brenda orNancy from our admissions office will be following up with youwithin the next day to further discuss your goals. We lookforward to working with you as you make this importantpersonal and professional decision.”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Personal connection (email/phone) Day 1 or 2– Get honest – can your recruitment staff write a good

personal email? “Thank you for taking the time to inquire about XYZ University, myname is Brenda and I will be assisting you throughout your processwith us. I’m anxious to hear what is happening in your life right nowthat has gotten you started thinking about returning to school. If possible I would like to speak with you to discuss what you arelooking for in an educational experience. Please let me know if youare available by phone at any time this week, my schedule is flexibleand I am able to call any time before 7:30pm.”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 3– Call with purpose (why are you dialing the phone, what

are you hoping to accomplish)– Have a message prepared “Good afternoon, this is Brenda and I am with XYZ University. Youmay have received my email yesterday and I was hoping we mightbe able to set up a time for me to hear about your professionalgoals and what interests you most about returning to school. I amavailable at 111-222-3333 until 7:30 tonight – I look forward tohearing back from you.”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 6– Use email to plant the seeds of your institutions benefits “As you consider returning to school to earn your degree Iwanted to mention to you that XYZ University places apremium on your current and past work experience. Many ofour students have already gained valuable knowledge in theirprofessional roles and we are anxious to explore with you ifyou may be eligible to earn college credit based on yourexperience. Where you work, what types of positions youhave held, and what skills you have gained in those positionsare all important to us.”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 10– Call at different times of day– Prepare the message– Have the engaging questions handy (just in case they

answer) “This is Brenda calling from XYZ University, so sorry I havemissed you, I’m guessing like most of our students you are verybusy with work and other obligations. We know time is importantwhich is why XYZ is so committed to accepting credit from the othercolleges you may have attended. We value the educational andprofessional experience our students bring to the classroom andaward credit to help move you toward your goal of graduation morequickly. I would value the chance to speak with you further aboutyour previous educational and work experience.”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Follow-up contact (email) Day 14– Paying for college – we have got to talk about it– Give some examples – use personas “Paying for school is top of mind for anyone consideringreturning to college. Please know we are sensitive to the costof higher education and wanted to share with you some of theways our students are making their education attainable” ***Use 3 student personas – include how much money theymake, their financial aid award, employer tuitionreimbursement, grants or scholarships, and samples ofrepayment based on a typical amount borrowed to completeyour program.

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 18– Set an appointment “I’m sorry our schedules don’t seem to be matching up easily. Perhaps it would be better if we set a time to speak by phone. I will send you an email with an appointment for a phone calland you can just let me know if that won’t work for you. In themeantime feel free to call me at…”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 21 “If part of what is motivating you to consider returning toschool is a promotion or increase in your salary I wanted toshare the following resource with you. As you can see,those that take the plunge and finish their degree are making significantly more than those who don’t. While Iknow the idea of squeezing school into your already busyschedule is daunting I’d really like to discuss some of theways we move students quickly to graduation. I’mplanning to call you on Monday, the 13th at 6pm. Pleaselet me know if you would like to change our appointment.”

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• Adult inquires – Day 1• Personal connection (email, phone, personal note) Day

1/2• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 3• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 6• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 10• Follow-up contact (email) Day 14• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 18• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 21• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 26• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 33• Follow-up contact (email) – Day 45• Follow-up contact (call) – Day 60• Follow-up contact (maintenance) –

holiday/newsletter/special announcements

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

• You must create what makes sense for your school•One school that was recently secret shopped has a

process that has a phone call/electronic message/textmessage/or pre-recorded reminders being sent outEVERY DAY for 38 days in a row……

April, 2015

Suggested Recruitment Approach…

•Other Ideas– Offer to let students speak with other students – YOU make

the connection– Create a special “sit in class nights” and use this as an

excuse to send out a “special bulletin” email to studentsannouncing this option

– Create tools that students can click on and monitor – thosewho click are more engaged than those who don’t – makefollow-up calls

– Do a call blitz – set up an evening every month whererecruitment staff work until 8:30pm and have them makecalls and try to connect with folks – the goal, setting upappointments

April, 2015

Next Steps

• Have an honest conversation– What is your current process or is it “as I get to it”– Can you afford to continue to allow recruiters to “follow-up”

as they personally see fit (knowing full well everyone isdoing something different and with different levels offrequency)

– Are your recruitment staff charged with building arelationship or sharing information about your program? (there is a way to do both)

April, 2015

Next Steps

• Agree on a process– Let me be clear – most recruiters will not welcome this

(regardless if it is just a new process – yikes change! OR if itis something that has not been done before – yikes stoptelling me how to do my job!)

– Start small – just start – even 5 scheduled “must do” touchpoints in your process is better than “as I get to it”

– Follow the new process for 6 months minimally – there willbe bumps, it might be frustrating

April, 2015

Next Steps

• Review your current communications– How are you using your CRM– How customized are the various options• Those who engaged but dropped off• Those who never engaged beyond point of inquiry• Customized to academic program• Customized to delivery mode

April, 2015

Next Steps

• Review your written communication– CUT!– If your electronic communications are all about you – please

stop– “small class sizes and faculty who really care” are about as

exciting as buying a car that comes with tires….. We’ve allgot it folks……

– Identify some points of pride and discuss them in ways thatmatter to prospective students (you may need to tell me whyI should care)

April, 2015

Next Steps

• Fight the urge to form a committee– caught you – you were already thinking about it– Make it good and get it out the door – how long it takes you

to re-write your written communications is a direct reflectionof how serious you are about growing enrollment

– The “review process” should take an hour (for all writtencommunications) not a semester

– Do Not let these be driven by academic language

April, 2015


• People and Data– People• Track actions in your CRM and as a supervisor monitor the

activity of your recruitment staff (accountability)• Listen in – whenever possible listen in on phone messages and

phone conversations being had by staff. Modifications toscripted messages are good – keeps it authentic. Going wayoff script is dangerous and creates an opportunity for poorquality messages.

– Data• Know the % of Day 6 emails that have been opened over the

last 3 months – try some A/B testing of subject lines• Provide lists on Day 15 of those who have opened both Day 6

and Day 14 emails – these can become a hot list for phone calls

April, 2015

Thank you!

Please Join Us

Thursday April 23, 2015

At 2pm Eastern

Retention: Communication to AssistStudents to Completion
