Visual Rhetoric Feb 12th -- the right one


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1) Checking in2) Design Task 33) Some Type4) A type activity5) homework


1) Name2) What’s your favorite magazine?

Design Task 3

For your third design task, I want you to do a series of text/color treatments of your own name. This will combine the two new things we covered this week.

Please do at least three variations, though you were welcome to do more. And think about what each says rhetorically!

Type: some video

Here are some videos to give us a little bit of a transition into talking about fonts and typography.

Some Font Fun

And here are some fun sites we can tinker around with just a bit, to show you that type, like life, can be fun times.

How to get nifty fonts

You might notice that most computers– even the ones here in the super-slick design-minded labs– don’t have a huge selection of fonts.

This can put you at a disadvantage as a creator. But not to worry. Fonts are out there.

Let me show you a few cool places to visit.

Activity: Choosing the proper type

In one of your readings, you saw firsthand how to look at a tree logo and, from it, determine the right typeface for the accompanying text. Your design task will be to do some text treatments with your own names. But for this activity, I want you to try to figure out the best text to use for a “Dr. Phill” logo using the image on the next slide as a logo.

The day Dr. Phill went metaYou all know me, at least a bit, by now. I’m a professor of professional writing and rhetoric, here at Miami, I’m 37-years-old, I study digital collaboration, social media and video games as well as digital identity and cultural rhetorics.

I have an office, upstairs.I have a phone number, email address, and a website address.

I need to make a new door sign

So I’ve designed a logo to use on it. I want you to help me pick the right font(s) for the text that needs to go with it.

HomeworkFor next Monday, Read for class: Golombisky & Hagen chapter 8, “What Typeface Goes with That” and “Typography 101” from How to Design Cool Stuff and Chapter 8 in Lynch and Horton