visit of Lycée Jean Moulin


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Lycée Jean Moulin


A healthy visit of

our school

Take a healthy breakfast

before school

20 minutes of sun a day :

good for vitamin D

Walk in the school 30 minutes

a day

Laughing : 100 calories

a day

Eat 5 vegetables

and fruits a day

Meet the nurse : she has good Information

about healthy diet

Studying is good for brain's health

Always follow

the light

Teacher's room, where teachers eat when they don't go to the


I'm scared !

Slaloming in the library

The stairs : 200 calories

a day

Many corridors, many calories...

The students Cafeteria : for

a piece of junkfood..

2 hours of PE a week at school

Sports during free time

Many sport clubs in and around Langon :

rugby, football, handball, kayak...

Many sport clubs in Langon and around :

rugby, football, handball, kayak...

Horse riding...



Remember the french national recommendations :

Remember the french national recommendations :

1- 5 vegetables and fruits a day2- starchy foods in every meal3- moving is good for health4- 3 dairy products a day5- no more than 5 g of salt a day6- limit sugars7- meat, fish or eggs : 1 or 2 times a day8- choose and reduce consumption of fat9- as much water as you want
