Universal Design for Learning


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By: Lisa Gonzalez


Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning is a concept in which there is a dedication to giving all students access to curriculum and materials.

UDL is about providing students with choices and options in their learning process.

What is UDL?

Inspiration for UDL in the Classroom

Universal Design for Learning is rooted in architecture. In order to make all buildings, entry ways and locations available to everyone certain accommodations needed to be made. For example:• Ramps needed to be

provided for entrances.• Elevators are accessible

for those that are not able to take the stairs.

• There are even buttons to open doors for those that are not able to open if for themselves.

The Three Principles of UDL


Actions &Expression


Representation- “What”This principle of

UDL is known as the “What of learning.”

This is what we hear, see and read.

When presenting information in multiple ways, it is more likely to be retained.

•In order to teach to this principle we need to provide visual representations of content as well as audio components when possible. •Another technique would be highlighting important information during reading or recalling information.•Modeling content is also an important part of any lesson.

Actions & Expression- “How”

During instruction it is important to be flexible. We can provide options to our students when possible. For example:

Provide speech alternatives to written assignments

Interactive computer programs will also provide some students with the ability to interact with content.

Account for those students who benefit from physical movement when assigning projects and assignments.

•Within this principle we organize ideas and then express those ideas.

(Cast, 2012)

Engagement- “Why?” This principle of UDL speaks

to engaging our learners through interest and motivation.

This principle consists of challenges, excitements and

interests of the students.

In order to instruct using this principle of UDL there are numerous things educators can do.• Engage students

interests whenever possible. One way tog et to know your students in the beginning of the year is to give a student interest survey!

• Account for students who enjoy spontaneity and those who do not.

• Provide multiple options for engagement.

Technology can play a vital role in a classroom that holds a Universal Design for Learning.

In the UDL classroom technology can provide:

Collaborative applications such as Wiki’s.Ability to change fonts, sizes and colors in word

processors.Capability of printing text with necessary visual

changes such as highlighted text or bolded printCharts and graphs for organizing information

Technology and UDL

UDL classrooms are able to more readily meet the needs of the students.

There is flexibility and options presented to the students which in turn give the student confidence, a warm classroom environment, and the tools to succeed in their education. The students will be excited to come to school and therefore could be more likely to continue their education.

Student Learning

The brain is broken up into three different networks. RecognitionStrategicAffective

These networks work together to help us complete the simplest and most complex tasks.

In order to understand these networks you need to be able to align them with the three UDL principles. Each of these networks is responsible for different functions of the brain.

• Representation (Recognition network)• Expression (Strategic network)• Engagement (Affective network)

Brain Research and Learning Differences

Recognition Network-Gathering data

This network makes it possible to understand ideas and concepts.

This can be a basic story format: beginning, middle, and end or something more complicated such as recognizing handwriting or understanding basic concepts.

This network influences the students’ ability to use learning tools.

Some students learn best by doing while others can simply watch something be done once and catch on immediately.

We see the strategic network in action during the formation of letters, typing and even when monitoring own progress.

Learner Differences within each NetworkStrategic Network- Organizing and expressing ideas

Affective Network-Emotion and Interests

•Some learners express emotion but have trouble recognizing emotion in others.

•While others recognize the emotion in others, but have difficulty in expressing the emotion themselves.

•“Our Affective network processes different kinds of emotional information simultaneously.”

(Rose & Meyer, 2002)

Recognition Network- Relate new content to previously learned or experienced

materialUnderstand students strengths and weaknessesRepeated instruction and modeling.

Strategic Network- Provide plenty of time for students to work with materialGive students options or multiple ways to express

themselves.Affective Network-

Develop routines with options for “novelty” (Laureate Education, 2010) engagement.

Offer the students an opportunity to make choices in their learning.

Implications during Instruction

There are many opportunities that are offered when integrating technology into the UDL.

Technology offers applications that can be adapted to fit the needs of the students based upon the implications of the brain research;

Video capability allows for viewers to be instructed repeatedly on nay given content (Recognition Network).

Online Classrooms (Blackboard) Youtube Digital Storytelling

Multi sensory (audio and video) capabilities (Recognition Network). Voice Threads Video Recordings

Text can be edited to help recognize differences and organize information more readily (Recognition and Strategic Network).

Ebook Tablet Word Processors

Variety of presentation tools. (Strategic Network) Digital Storytelling Powerpoint Voicethreads MovieMaker

Documents can be saved to allow for more time (Strategic Network). Word Processors Wikis Blogs

Multiple Text available for varied reading levels (Affective Network) Webquests Online Classroom Set up Computer based reading programs, such as Read Naturally

Central Role of Technology

CAST Online Tools

UDL Book Builder

UDL Book Builder is wonderful site. This resource allows readers to not only listen, download and print off books to read and review but they also have the capability to create and edit their own books.

With this application our school would not only encourage literacy but encourage students to be published authors. The students can download their finished creations to a CD to share with loved ones and cherish forever. This would peek interest and motivate our students.

This application helps meet the need of diverse learners as the students will also be able to read books at their own level.

With book Builder we will be able to look at completed work for both academic standards in Language Arts and Writing.


This site offers the children many different types of poems to be read to them by their actual authors. It also offers biographies of those authors as well poems that are on level with the students that are reading them

There is also a glossary for terms that are unknown as well as the ability to search for poems by theme, author, and form.

With this site the students at our school would be able to be presented with numerous examples of poems in each form, as well as listen to the poems which is beneficial to learners of that preference.

The audio would greatly inspire our students to be the poets that we know they can be! The modeling of poetry and the variety of poems will speak to the diverse population of students. They would also have perfect examples of figurative language and learn how to use them appropriately in their writing.


This site offers resources that hold lesson plans, activities and interactive games. There is also a wide range of grade level access as well.

Applications such as Cyberchase, Curious George and The Democracy Project are just naming a few of the fun interactive sites that you can find through PBS.

I always look for ways to enrich our math curriculum and engage the learners in my classroom. With this site there is an abundance of resources both for the teachers and students. The students can take what they have learned and apply it to an interactive games at their individual grade level. The students can physically answer questions and even listen to concepts through the various applications. Academically this website can reinforce concepts learned in class in order to enrich the curriculum .



CAST, Teaching Every Student. (2010). Tools and activities. Retrieved November 25, 2010 from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/

Center for Applied Special Technology. (2009). UDL guidelines, version 1.0. Retrieved November 13, 2010 from http://www.udlcenter.org/aboutudl/udlguidelines/principle1

Great Schools, Involved Parents. Successful Kids. (2010).Universal design for learning improved access for all. Retrieved May 10, 2012 from http://www.greatschools.org/special-education/assistive-technology/785-universal-design-for-learning-improved-access-for-all.gs?page=all

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Brain research and universal design for learning. Reaching and engaging all learners through technology. Baltimore: Author.

National Universal Design for Learning Task Force. (2007). Universal design for learning. Retrieved November 18, 2010 from http://www.advocacyinstitute.org/UDL/

Rose, D., Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Retrieved from http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/
