Unit plan day two assure


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Day Two:The War

Instructor: Daniel Ball

Analyze Learners:

Students are in the ninth grade. There are twenty-eight students in the class. The class is composed of sixteen girls and twelve boys, with two Hispanic students and one African-American student.

State Objectives:

Students will demonstrate their understanding of the organization, structure, and position of both sides of the American Civil War to ninety percent competency by completing a web quest and class participation.

Select Media, Materials, and Methods:

ComputersProjectorZunalPowerPointWikispacesPencilsPaperSmart Board

Utilize Media, Material, and Methods:

1- The computer will be used to access digital media and present a short lecture to the class. Students will use their computers to complete a webquest and post their observations on the information to the class wiki.2- The projector will be connected to the teachers computer to project the lecture PowerPoint and to show the class the YouTube videos.3- The Zunal webquest will be used to teach the students about the Confederate States of America through and to involve them more in the lesson.4- PowerPoint will be used by the teacher to present information and images to the student during the lecture at the beginning of class.5- Wikispace will be used by the class to organize and share their PowerPoint to the rest of the class and will be the method of evaluating the students in this lesson.6-Pencils will be used by the students to take notes on the paper provided.7- Paper will be used with the pencils to take notes on the lecture.

8- The Smart Board will be used with the projector and the teachers computer to present the lecture.

Require Learner Participation:

Note taking and Questions.Students will be encouraged to take notes and ask questions during and after the lecture.

Webquest.Students will use the Zunal webquest to learn more about the Confederate States of America,

They will answer the questions posed by the task in the quest. Students will have to search out the information and create a spy report that will be turned in at the end of class.

Wiki.Students will post a paragraph to their wiki page on their observations about the similarities and

differences between the Union and Confederate side.

Evaluate and Revise:

Students will be evaluated on their completed Web quest using the quest's rubric.

Students will also be evaluated on their involvement during the lecture and on the content of their wiki post.
