Unit 9: Chosen Photographer




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Josh brown

DENNIS STOCK!When and where was he born? And Where does he work?

Stock was born in New York City. His father was Swiss and his mother was English. Stock served in the

Untied States Army from 1947 to 1951. Following his discharge, he apprenticed under photographer

Gjon Mili. In 1951, he won a first prize in a Life magazine competition for young photographers. That

same year, he became an associate member of the photography agency Magnum. He became a full

partner-member in 1954. 1955, Stock met the actor James Dean and undertook a series of photos of the

young star in Hollywood, Dean's hometown in Indiana and in New York City. He took a photograph of

Dean in New York's Times Square in 1955 (the year Dean died) that became an iconic image of the

young star. It appeared later in numerous galleries and on postcards and posters and was one of the

most reproduced photographs of the post-war period. In 1968, Stock left Magnum to start his own film

company, Visual Objectives Inc., and made several documentaries, but he returned to the agency a year

later, as vice president for new media and film. In the mid-1970s, he traveled to Japan and the Far East,

and also produced numerous features series, such as photographs of contrasting regions, like Hawaii

and Alaska.[4] In the 1970s and 1980s he focused on color photography of nature and landscape, and

returned to his urban roots in the 1990s focusing on architecture and modernism.


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