UCLA X469.21 SPRING '15 WEEK 2


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Instructor: Erik Deutsch (@ErikDeutsch)#SocMedUCLA

Best Practices in Social Media for the Communications Professional

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

Meeting 2 (April 21): •Nothing is “Off-the-Record”•SEO for the PR pro•Online reputation management•Make yourself easy to find (inbound links and referrer sites)•Guest speaker: Tony Adam (@TonyAdam) President & CEO, Visible Factors


UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

eople you’re want to reach



actics / technologies (“new shiny objects”)

Social Media is:• Easy to post• Easy to share • Easy to find

• Hard (if not impossible) to delete

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a web site or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Other forms of search engine marketing (SEM) target paid listings.

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

1) Relevance - How relevant is your page content to the keyword query of your visitor?

2) Authority – Based on the company you keep. In other words, which sites link to your site, and who shares your links on social media

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

• Visible (on-page) and non-visible (source code) content

– Meta Tags - Optimize your Title and Description tags– Alt Tags - Alternative text attached to images (to provide search

engines crawlable text in the webpage code) – Headings - Titles and subtitles (e.g. H1 and H2 tags) on the page

help break blocks of content into smaller, clearly labeled sections.

– Body Text - Focus on 2 or 3 keywords per page and write for users, not the search engines (avoid “keyword stuffing”)

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

• External inbound links – Value depends on credibility and popularity of the sites that link to your site. Note .edu and .gov trump the rest, and the NY Times trumps a small-time blogger (links from spammy sites can actually reduce authority).

• “Anchor” text – The visible, clickable text in a hyperlink should be keyword-focused.

• Link relevancy – How relevant is the content on the linking page and the target page?

• Popularity & Trustworthiness – What’s the “Page Rank” of the linking page?

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

SEM - Search Engine Marketing •Purchasing links

•Akin (in PR speak) to "Earned" vs. "Paid" media

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

The results that come up when you perform a Google search

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

And remember... all content and links are not created equal.

"The solution to pollution is dilution."

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

Develop multiple content assets to help push down negative links (as well as negative, autosuggested searches).

Tactics: YouTube videos, topic-specific landing pages (with embedded YouTube videos), press releases through online wire services, blog entries and social

media profiles.

"The solution to pollution is dilution."

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

1. Use relevant keywords (and position them prominently)

2. Use “anchor text” (embedded) links

3. Short, SEO and Tweet-friendly headlines (Google displays roughly first 65 characters in search results)

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015

Instructor: Erik Deutsch (@ErikDeutsch)

Twitter hashtag: #SocMedUCLA

Best Practices in Social Media for the Communications Professional

Meeting 2 (April 21):Guest speaker:

Tony Adam (@TonyAdam) President & CEO, Visible Factors

UCLA X469.21 Spring 2015