Tweet up!




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Friday Morning Tweet Up

Writing For Change in 140 characters or less…

What is Twitter?Twitter is a Miniature BlogMicro-blogging is defined as a quick update usually

containing a very limited number of characters. It is a popular features of social networks like Facebook where you can update your status, but it has become best known because of Twitter.

Twitter is a Micro-Blog! “In essence, micro-blogging is for people who

want a blog but don’t want to blog. A personal blog can keep people informed on what is going on in your life, but not everyone wants to spend an hour crafting a beautiful post. Sometimes you just want to say what’s going on in a very direct way.”

“went shopping for a new car but didn’t find anything”

“watched Burn Notice and Suits and I am not sorry!”

Tweets about Writing for Change

More Sample Tweets from Yesterday!

The North School Project Tweets!

Now it is your turn! On your iPad find the pages app. Within this program

you can find the number of characters in a word/setence.

Please type up a tweet or two about this first week together. Once you are sure it is under 140 characters.

Begin your tweet with the hashtags #sdawp #nwp and then write you message.

Copy your message and post to edmodo, and then I will tweet them out throughout the morning.
