Tsdb installation in linux


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OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable monitoring system. It consists of a Time SeriesDaemon (TSD) as well as set of command line utilities. OpenTSDB is designed as a timeseries database on top of Hbase. It has a full application layer for querying and processingdata as well as framework written on top of it for receiving the time series data. It is a prettystraightforward system where individual, stateless collector called TSDs receive the timeseries data from the server. It also simplifies the process of storing and analyzing largeamount of time-series data generated by endpoints like sensors or servers.

In this blog, we will learn to install this tool in the Linux system. The procedure given below

will help you install the tool.




•Development Tools

A few dependencies for installation are:

•sudo apt-get install autoconf

•sudo apt-get install automake

There could be more dependencies missing in your system, which should be downloaded by


Note: Perform all the operations as root user to avoid permission problems.

Change your directory to /opt and get the TSDB from the link below:

git clone git://github.com/OpenTSDB/opentsdb.git

The setup will be downloaded in current directory which in our case is /opt, with directory

name opentsbd.

Within the directory, give the following command:



cd opentsdb

Run the shell present inside by giving the command below:


You will see the screenshot shown below:

Now, a new directory named build will be created in /opt. Give the following command:

cd build

make install



The following screenshot is displayed once the installation is complete.

Also, search for the path where the newly installed software is present by giving the


Whereis tsdb

It should throw the path for the location where TSDB is installed.

Now, find src directory and within this directory, find opentsdb.conf file. This file contains

few parameters of configurations to be set.



Refer the below screenshot for following parameters to change.

Tsd.http.staticroot :: is the path to the OpenTSDB static GUI files .

Tsd.http.cachedir :: the path where it should store the temporary cache files.

Tsd.storage.hbase.zk_quorum :: should point to your ZooKeeper instance.





Start all the hadoop daemons and Hbase master to proceed further..

Now, quit the root user(#) and come to user($) where opentsdb is installed and give the

command below to create a table inside HBase.

env COMPRESSION=NONE HBASE_HOME=/home/prateek/framework/hbase-

0.98.4-hadoop2 ./src/create_table.sh



We can check the list of tables just created in above step by list command in hbase shell. Refer

the screenshot below.



To make the TSDB daemon up and running, give the command below in terminal

./tsdb tsd --port=4242 --staticroot=staticroot/ --cachedir='/tmp'


Note: You have to give the above command within the build directory of opentsdb.

A message stating that TSDMain is ready to serve on port 4242 will be displayed.

We can use the browser for a GUI of the same by giving the command below.




TSDB is now configured in your Linux system.

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