Trocaire Sphere Presentation Dha



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Sphere Project Module 1 1

Session 1

What is Sphere and why is it important?

Sphere Project Module 1 2

Learning objectives

• To describe why the Sphere Project is important

• To describe the Sphere Project’s structure and process

• To describe the Sphere handbook’s basic structure

• To describe the difference between

- Minimum standards

- Key indicators

- Guidance notes

• To discuss some current trends or events that have impacted on our understanding of


Sphere Project Module 1 3

Tools to put principles and values into action

Each Chapter includes

• Minimum standards

IntroductionWhat is Sphere?

• Key indicators

• Guidance notes

The Code of Conduct


The Humanitarian Charter

Standards common to all sectors

Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion

Food Security, Nutrition and Food Aid

Shelter, Settlement and Non-Food items

Health Services

Sphere Project Module 1 4

Why is the Sphere handbook needed?

• Post- Rwanda 1994 - Multi-donor evaluation “Unnecessary deaths”

• NGO concern with quality and accountability - has been ongoing

• Historic practice no longer sufficient - Increasing complexity of disasters - Numbers of disasters increasing - Changing nature of humanitarian community and increasing diversity - Increasing number of actors with different measures of success

Sphere Project Module 1 5

Extensive consultation

4000+ people



80 countries around the world

2004 handbook

revised edition

1997 Initialconsultation

2000 handbook launched

Sphere Project Module 1 6

Sphere process

• Make argument for universal assistance

• Achieve consensus on technical standards and indicators

• Obtain agreement on core principles and actions

Sphere Project Module 1 7

Sphere handbook

• The Humanitarian Charter

• The Code of Conduct

• Standards Common to all sectors

• The diagram and contents for each technical chapter

• The introduction

• The index

Now choose your favourite chapter, and look at the

standards in that chapter

Find and mark these sections in your book to help you find key topics quickly:

Sphere Project Module 1 8

Humanitarian Charter: Informed by international law

• Right to life with dignity - Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Civil, political, economic and social covenants - The Geneva Conventions - Convention against Torture - Rights of the Child

• The distinction between combatants and non-combatants - Geneva Conventions - Rights of the Child

• The principal of non-refoulement - Convention on the Status of Refugees - Convention against Torture - Rights of the Child

Sphere Project Module 1 9

What is a minimum standard?

The minimum level of service to be attained in humanitarian assistance

General nutritional support standard 1:

Nutrient supply

The nutritional needs of the population are met.

see page 137

Sphere Project Module 1 10

What are key indicators?

Signals that show whether a standard has been attained. They provide a way of measuring and communicating both the impact, or result, of programmes as well as the process, or methods, used. The indicators may be qualitative or quantitative.

Key indicators• Levels of moderate malnutrition are stable at, or declining to, acceptable levels.• There are no cases of scurvy, pellagra or beri-beri.• Rates of xeropthalmia or iodine deficiency disorders are not of public health significance (see guidance notes…)

see page 90/138

Sphere Project Module 1 11

What are guidance notes?

They disseminate experience, illuminate areas of controversy, and help use indicators properly in context

Guidance notes“…deciding whether levels of malnutrition are acceptable requires analysis of the current situation in light of local norms...”

see page 92/139

Sphere Project Module 1 12

Standards, key indicators and

guidance notes

Minimum standards

Guidance notes

Key indicators

When asked, please find examples of each of thesein your handbook.

Sphere Project Module 1 13

In conclusion: Tools

Humanitarian Charter:• provides the framework to convert the appreciation of rights into action

Key indicators:• provide signals to assess whether the standards have been met

Minimum standards:• provide standards to aspire to• enable planning

Guidance notes:• provide information to help apply indicators in context

Sphere Project Module 1 14

Session 2

The Code of conduct

Sphere Project Module 1 21

Humanitarian Charter: Sections

• Commitment to promote - observance of fundamental humanitarian principles - appreciation of our own ethical obligations

• Description of roles, duties & responsibilities

• Statement of humanitarian principles

• Commitment to consistently achieve the minimum standards

• Acknowledgement that our fundamental accountability is to those we seek to assist

- The right to life with dignity-The distinction between combatants and non combatants-- the principle of non refoulement

The Humanitarian Charter and the Code of conduct : Key principles





Ethical/ MoralEthical/ Moral

Non governemental Non governemental actorsactors




Reduce future Reduce future vulnerabilitiesvulnerabilities

The right to lifeThe right to life with dignitywith dignity


Government/ StatesGovernment/ StatesWarring partiesWarring parties


The distinction The distinction between combatants between combatants and non combattantsand non combattants


The principle of The principle of non refoulementnon refoulement

Humanitarian actionHumanitarian action


ObligationObligation to provide to provide

HumanitarianHumanitarian assistanceassistance

wherewhere neededneeded


Attempt to achieve minimum standardsAttempt to achieve minimum standards to satisfy people basic right to life with dignityto satisfy people basic right to life with dignity

We acknowledge that our fundamental accountability must be to those we seek to assistWe acknowledge that our fundamental accountability must be to those we seek to assist

Non- discriminationNon- discrimination


