Treasure island preview




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Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest _ Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

I'll start at the time when my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn, and an old sailor

with a sword came to lodge under our roof.

My friends have asked me to write the story of Treasure Island. And I shall hold nothing back, except the location

of the island, because treasure is still buried there.

How long will you be

staying, sir?

The gale nearly rolled our

ship twice, and pirates attacked us the next


*The Dry Tortugas are a small group of islands in the Gulf of Mexico.

What’s your name,


Jim Hawkins. My father owns

this inn.

Keep an eye open for a seafaring

man with one leg, and I’ll pay you for your


Yes, Captain!

I’ll stay for a while. You can

call me captain.

This is a handy cove and a pleasant place to drink. Yes, it’ll do

just fine.

Sometimes, he would shock our country people with his dreadful stories about hanging, and walking the plank, and storms at sea, and the Dry Tortugas*, and wild deeds and places on the Spanish Main.

After that, on stormy nights, when the wind shook the house, the man with one leg haunted my dreams.

And sometimes, he would sing his wicked, wild sea songs. I often heard the house

shaking with 'yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum'. Everyone would join in, scared for their lives.

If you wish to continue

staying-- I’ll pay up tomorrow,

good man.

I’m tired of your empty


Our sailor guest is falling behind with his rent.

I chose the perfect hiding


Every time, when he came back from his daily stroll, he would ask if any seafaring men had passed by.

But, whenever my father mentioned it, the captain blew through his nose

loudly and stared him out of the room.

The man who stayed at the inn did not have the appearance of a common sailor. Instead, he seemed

like a mate or skipper who was used to being obeyed.

At first, we thought he was missing the company of other sailors. But then we

realised he was actually trying to avoid them.

Month after month he stayed on without paying a penny.

Who is singing downstairs? It sounds like New

Year’s Eve!The man

you can hear is the one worrying

my husband sick.

Don't fret. I’ll soon be fine,


No, he keeps making


You need to rest, dear.

Did the sailor pay his


My poor father soon fell ill.

One afternoon, Dr Livesey came to visit my father.

If you do not put that knife in your

pocket this instant, I promise you shall hang at the next

court session.

Are you addressing me, sir? I have only one

thing to say to you: if you keep on drinking rum, the world will

soon have one less dirty scoundrel in it!

Silence there, or I'll pin you to

the wall!

I can’t hear myself talk with

your mouth running like that.

Have you heard they have found a cure for


...and a bottle of rum! Drink and the devil had done for the rest--

After seeing my father, Dr Livesey went into the parlour downstairs,

while he waited for his horse.


‘Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest –Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum.’

Life changes for Jim Hawkins the day a mysterious sailor walks into his father’s inn. The sailor, Billy Bones, possesses a secret which is in hot demand. As Jim discovers when Billy Bones dies, the secret is actually a map which indicates the whereabouts of some hidden treasure… and people are willing to kill for it.

The much sought-after treasure map falls into the hands of Jim, and he embarks on an adventure to fi nd legendary riches. Little does he know that it will be a voyage fraught with numerous and unknown dangers. On a ship full of pirates, all out for their own personal gain, Jim realises that very few can be trusted. But will the murderous crew get what they want? Or will Jim outwit them to recover the buried treasure?

Robert Louis Stevenson’s tale, full of action and adventure, has entertained readers for well over a hundred years. This graphic novel adaptation brings to life a fascinating story that can be enjoyed by young and old alike.
