School Day Treasure (full preview)

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School Day Treasure (full preview)

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School Day Treasure (preview)

Text by Jack

Illustrations by Sunshine

© 2012 JackSunny Studio

School Day Treasure

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and

not intended by the author.

Jacksunny Studio www.jacksunny.com

School Day Treasure / by Jackson Ng Illustrations by Marie-Soleil Lam © 2012 Jacksunny Studio 1st Canadian ed.

Prologue Thinking back, I wonder how I got myself tangled in those situations. It was a Saturday early-afternoon in early-October just passed the heat waves and drought season, I felt the drastic drop of outdoor temperatures and there were more scattered showers than the whole summer. Only God knows why two of your teenage friends suddenly appear in the middle of Montreal’s Chinatown when I was there to buy some pastries to carry them back home. When you don’t meet some contacts for over seven years, for sure they are thirsty about knowing what you are now and where you have been in that absent period. Since telling a long story could last for hours and I didn’t want them to just stand in the middle of the rain, we went together to one of the hip and stylish bubble tea cafés nearby that I find suitable to initiate a good introductory discussion. We sat down in a quiet isolated corner next to the

window that we can hear ourselves with soft c-pop, j-pop, and k-pop music in the background. After high school, I learned that the two teenage friends are now a married couple and they went all the way to the Caribbean for their wedding. Even though they have been a decade together, they don’t plan on having any children. They asked me back. As for me after university graduation, finding an entry level job related in the field was near impossible especially during a recession in general. The competition between candidates to obtain a job was ferocious. You needed to have great distinction with past related work experience to be able to obtain an interview. My subpar grades and no previous related work experience made me just a regular underpaid office clerk. There is nothing exciting about a mundane 9-to-5 work life and being a lone wolf for most of the times. They then asked me about my love status or any adventures. I felt a bit embarrassed to mention that I was single even after all those years. Well, I

always had been a living a loveless life. I was not looking for any because sometimes could be very troublesome. The only adventure I did was I had been a year teaching English in Japan. They were interested to learn more about it so, I felt it would be a subject to talk since I wasn’t to turn them off saying I was boring in those past ten years. In fact, we had plenty of time to spend while waiting for the rain to stop outside.

The Start In April of that year, I arrived in the southern part of the prefecture, far away in the northern suburbs of Tokyo. I was actually very excited and was looking forward to start the job. Since my childhood, Japanese anime was one of my passions. Traveling to Japan could be one of the dreams of people here since it is half the planet away. Working in Japan, to some people is definitely a dream job but an impossible task. Somehow, I succeeded in obtaining a working VISA. Getting hired and working in Japan was not smooth as what you think. After many failed interview attempts, I learned I was a victim of racial discrimination. As Asian-Canadian, I was less likely to be hired than a Caucasian with poor English level. I had to double up my effort in applying to foreign companies and finally I was newly hired by a British agency. That company specialized in dispatching English teachers to teach English in junior and senior high schools in remote areas of Japan. By the time they were making a decision to hire me, I accepted to work part time for a lower

salary because my funds were running very low. If I didn’t accept the position that time, school year will start and it will become impossible to get hired. I got in and hopefully they engage me for a full time job next year. The very first day I remembered, they told to meet a secretary at a specific train station who will be bringing me to Higashi Matsu Senior High School. While taking the train, I could clearly see sakura (cherry blossoms) by the window. It was a fine sunny day when the weather is just comfortable. I didn’t want to wear anything complicated and just a thin jacket was fine. When I got out of the train station gate, I met a Japanese lady in her fifties. She greeted. “You must be Jay, isn’t it? The new English teacher from Montreal. ” “Hello. Yes. I’m Jay. It is a pleasure to meet you.” I presented myself the formal way. “We have to take the public bus to be able to get to the school. It is about a 20 minutes ride from this train station”, she advised.

So, I never thought that the fare was calculated by distance like riding a taxi. The bus passed in the inner side of suburbs as if you see vegetable fields, small rivers and industrial parks. After a good 15 minutes, we arrived. It costs like 300 yens for every ride. So, everyday, a round trip would cost me 600 yens ($6+) to commute. That lady and I, we didn’t talk at all. I was so busy observing outside because I have never been to the Japanese countryside. It was a high school in two different buildings located in a high class residential area in front of a park and next to a tennis court. From the outside, you can hear music from a symphonic band. I observed the students in high school uniform riding bicycles or walking to get by the gate before the last chime. Everything was new to me: from Canada to Japan, from office work to teaching. It was a culture shock. We arrived at the school by the teachers’ entrance door. It was the administration office on the right and shoe lockers on the left. I walked in the corridors…

“Hey you! Remove your shoes!” a teacher shockingly shouted in Japanese. I didn’t know what the teacher was saying because I had never taken any Japanese classes. The fact I was Asian, he assumed I was Japanese. The lady discreetly advised me in English to do so. “Sorry!” I felt bad. I didn’t know we must remove the outdoor shoes and put on slippers before walking indoors. I was warned. They guided me to wait in a cozy type of conference room. I sat just waiting before introducing himself to the principal. Five minutes later came the principal Nagakawa. “Hello, my name is Jay.” I introduced myself to the principal shaking his hand, answered concisely to give a good impression. Inside me, I was very nervous because this person was technically my superior. I was guided to the teachers’ room by principal Nagakawa. That Japanese lady left just after the brief introduction. The teachers’ room looked like a bright class room with windows allowing natural light to come in. The teachers were running around for preparations.

“This is your desk, Jay-sensei.” principal Nagakawa showed me. As he was going away, I sat down and checked the drawers. On the desk, there were huge stacks of Basic English textbooks with a couple of exercise pamphlets. I found a battery operated answer device and a couple of folders filled with previous work from former English teachers. I was very excited to meet my new co-workers. All the energy was flowing in my body, I wanted to get this started and showing to people I exist in this world. It was still in the early-morning by 8am. While I was digging teaching materials out of the desk, a Japanese English teacher approached. “You must be the new English teacher. Hello, my name is Murai-sensei” he greeted. Murai-sensei looked in his late forties and is the responsible of the English department of the school. “Matsu Higashi High School is very well-known by the music program. In Japan, it is the best music school in the prefecture and ranked second in last year’s national inter-high school competition.” It gave me a chill down the spine because I never thought that students in Japanese schools are that

disciplined. As we had a brief conversation about my background, the chime rang. Every teacher was silently returning to their desk. Since this was the new school year and the first semester, a turn-based self-presentation of newcomers is expected. Murai-sensei advised me to stand up. “Watashi no namae ha Jay-desu. Kanada kara kimashita. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu”. I couldn’t add more because I didn’t know how to speak Japanese. Once the teachers’ meeting was over, the teachers resumed their preparations and ignored my presence. I sat back down and wondering exactly what I needed to prepare. I didn’t know what English level the students were up to. What kind of textbook they were using or who he will be team teaching with. Still, I was excited. Lunchtime. The cafeteria was a detached annex from the school’s main building. Murai-sensei guided me to the cafeteria. It was empty by that time. The fragrance smelled so good by the entrance door. The cafeteria was clean. The

atmosphere was very warm and welcoming. I wanted to order some dish but I couldn’t read. Therefore I simply pointed my finger randomly on some writings. The lady behind the counter said in a low voice with a smiling face “Ah gyuudon, hai. Shosho wo machi kudasai ”. As a result of waiting only a minute, I received a hand-size bowl of rice with sliced beef and a bit of marinated ginger on the top. It was more courteous than some fast food restaurants in North America. It smelled so delicious and it looked really tasty. Tasting the beef, it was so tender and it just melted in my mouth. They also included a side dish like a sweet and sour daikon radish and bowl of wakame soup (seaweed). Pretty filling when you are in a rush. Now I understood why those gyuudon restaurants all over Japan were so popular. After lunch, I returned to the teacher’s room. After the first afternoon period, Murai-sensei came and asked me to come introduce myself to students on the next class period. Wo-hoo! I felt a burst of energy but I was somehow stressed because I was completely not prepared. What to

do? I had nothing and I brought nothing with me except myself. I followed Murai-sensei to a classroom on the fourth floor. It was way in the end of the corridor. The room was full. Most students were girls except only one single boy. The students were rather shy and whispering at each other wondering if I spoke Japanese or not. Murai-sensei presented me to the students. I was just speechless because I felt this nervous tension of being a newbie teacher. So, I started off talking in English with a basic introduction. It seemed nobody understood anything. I started talking about differences between Japan and Canada. Some students were just about to yawn and sleep in front of me. What a boring introduction! I tried to make the class interesting but due to language barrier, it just didn’t click. After babbling for 45 minutes, the chime rang. It seemed to be a boring session of nothing. We both returned to the teachers’ room. My energy was completely depleted. I was so excited before entering the classroom but I never

expected to be down depressed exiting. I was my first shot talking in front but people were just staring at me expressionless. I felt I was a mister nobody and was frustrated because I looked completely invisible. Because of this experience, the only thing in my head was these 4 words: I MUST LEARN JAPANESE. Murai-sensei friendly advised me to study the textbook that they were using for years. I sat down tired, analyzing the textbook for the rest of the day. At 4:15pm, principal Nagakawa gave me permission to end the day. I returned back to my flat, exhausted, all wondering what my first day was.

* * * My schedule of teaching at Matsu Higashi High School was on every Friday only. With the short time period spent in this school, I wouldn’t be able to remember any student or names with their faces.

Week 2 I readjusted myself. After reading the letter left from the former teacher left on my desk, I understood that the English classes in Japan were taught like a math class. There were absolutely no interactions. No wonder. To me, I could compare their English level is similar to Quebec elementary schools’ level. By analyzing the textbook, the content was basic that students couldn’t even introduce themselves in English. Before starting the day, I met the 2 remaining English team teaching teachers. Kitano-sensei, a young lady who sat just next to me, was teaching in two different high schools. She taught part time in Matsu Higashi and part time in the other. Tanaka-sensei, a young man who was semi-experienced who looked professional, was also responsible of the school soccer club. In organizing the teaching material, I figured that the first classes of team teaching should be basic

introductions. The early morning, it was with Kitano-sensei. I was once again a first attempt with a new class composed of only girl students. I could clearly hear whispers while entering the classroom. The first thing I learned about a regular class was students in high school must bow to the teacher before the class begins and when the period ends. I introduced myself with Kitano-sensei’s assistance to help me translate. I used be in Canada but now working as an English teacher. I said I was able to speak 3 languages: English, French, and Cantonese. This group reacted all together stunned with onomatopoeia going “Eeeeeeeehhh”. It was because I knew how to speak French. With this, I confirm that the stereotype of the French language is romantic to Japanese people is true. They absolutely wanted me to speak French but I said it will be by the end of the class. On with the teaching, this should be a conversation class so I was asked every single student to give self introductions in English.

This class went a lot better in general than the previous. I was better prepared with some exercises by making it more interactive. When there was five minutes left, it was free. This group of girl students absolutely wanted to hear me speaking French. “Jay-sensei, please say something in French*” said a student. What do you want me to say? “I don’t know. Say something romantic!*” To me, speaking French was a daily routine. I didn’t find anything romantic about the language at all. I randomly stared at the girl who sat right in the middle of the class and speaking in a soft low whispering voice. [insert French proverb here] “KYAAAAAAAH!” The girls burst with a high pitched squealing voice so loud that it could shatter windows. My eardrums were busted for at least two minutes. All I could hear for that time was a sort of aggressive ultrasound whistle. I guess this was what we call “moe”. After those words were delivered, her cheeks blushed all red like a tomato. Her eyes were trying to avoid direct contact with me. She

took her folder with both hands and hid her face behind. Just by the end of the class at the time when the chime rang, the students stood up and bowed to the teacher. The girl that I said those words, she was spaced out. Her face blushing all red avoiding my eye contact, turned around facing the door, and dashed at light speed out of the classroom. What was all that about? I hope she didn’t take this seriously…

* * * In the afternoon class with Tanaka-sensei is a mixed class of boys and girls. The class was a bit more turbulent since some students weren’t shy to talk while I’m talking in front. It went just fair for the first class but I needed to create some interesting activities for this class in order to get their attention.

* * *

The day ended and now I understood the classes were organized: The odd number weeks will be team-teaching with Murai-sensei in the afternoon. The even number weeks will be team-teaching with Kitano-sensei in the morning and Tanaka-sensei in the afternoon.

* * * Spring and summer went by so fast that I didn’t even realize. The humid weather wasn’t helping me at all. Sometimes, it was so humid that you could swim in midair! Because I couldn’t speak Japanese, all my classes seemed to become dull. Classes were mainly focused in writing instead of conversation. I was losing students’ attention. On a team teaching class with Tanaka-sensei on week 10, I got upset and told in front of the class. I was frustrated and disappointed about the class behavior. Luckily, week 10 was the last week before summer vacation starts. I didn’t have to teach in August but I needed to find solutions. I didn’t want other classes to worsen.

I was thinking to buy prizes and create competitive exercises so that the students compete to obtain them. I shouldn’t be angry towards the students but rather, angry at myself. When I was in Canada, I took the risk to come to Japan. I’ve thought that teaching English was a high paying job in Japan but, the reality is the complete opposite. I could hardly earn anything with my low paid salary. I signed a part time job contract that my income was not enough for my own living. There was a reason why the contracts were low-priced. What happened was a giant corporation of English schools just collapsed in bankruptcy at the time I arrived in Japan. It was well-established all over the country and people would have never thought that it fell in bankruptcy followed by hard hit scandals. That created a surplus of English teachers seeking a job. Many of them had to leave or they had to work for a sweatshop’s salary. I couldn’t even buy anything for myself and the cost of living in Japan is something else. I was eating at the school’s cafeteria for the first time

but I had to use the kitchen and cook my meal at the teachers’ kitchen room. They were watching me eating those non healthy instant ramen most of the time. Because I was always alone cooking, I never had time during lunchtime. This got me isolated from students and teachers. Another problem to mention, the distance between the school and the train station is quite a far. Instead of riding the bus, I had to borrow the school’s bicycle. It was excellent for my health because I lost weight. I was trying to save as much money as possible just to survive.

Beginning September That particular week, it was a fine clear sunny day. The Matsu Higashi students organized their school cultural festival (bunkasai) on the perfect end-of-summer weather. Every single class group had their own themes. There were school clubs displaying their artistic talents such as photography, calligraphy, painting, and music. Classes were organized separately with their own theme such as a music café, a museum, a labyrinth, etc. The gym was transformed to a concert stage. Students were dressed as team players or in summer kimonos. I was around exploring and taking pictures. By 6pm, all students have already left from most of the clean up. I was a tired and wanted to rest a bit in an isolated corner. I’ve thought of going to the library but it was already closed. The lights were already turned off. I wandered around the empty school until I heard a sort of mystical angelic voice coming from upstairs. I climbed the stairs to the roof and realized the door was still opened.

I saw there was a girl student alone in a corner where we can see a clear elevated view towards the vegetable field and the small river close to the school. I could describe the sight at that moment: she was singing alone like a bird. Not to disturb her, I was hiding behind the opened door listening. The voice was soft like a kitten. I’d say that it was even magical. I felt as if I could float in the air and sleep on the clouds. 5 minutes have passed as she stopped singing. I decided come out and applaud. She turned around and watching me silently. If I remember well, she was the one who I randomly stared and spoke French. She was also the one that tried to approach me at the end of the class and then ran away. I saw her slender cheeks blushing a bit and she was trying to avoid my direct eye contact. Maybe she’s not used to speaking to strangers. To be sure, I kept about a meter distance away from her. I felt if I were to intrude her personal space, she would run away from me again.

She saw I was a bit tired of the heat. “Your voice is really beautiful. Sorry if I’m disturbing you… Um… I don’t even know your name!*” I said. “Mayuko”, she introduced herself in a low timid voice. Mayuko had been ostracized by her classmates. She looks cute among students but others were jealous of her natural attractiveness, her petite stature, and her long straight hair. I observed at the cafeteria she eats alone during lunchtime. Her personality looked she was buried in shyness. Every activity I presented, she was the least participative. “How do you find the school festival so far?*” asked Mayuko. Her voice is so soft that any lonely young man can melt and immediately fall in love. “It’s very interesting. The school activities are unique. There’s no such event in Canadian high schools.*” I tried my best to speak Japanese since she couldn’t speak English.

“How did you become an English-sensei? And why?*” “It was not easy becoming a sensei. It’s not fun either. I have my own problems. I took a chance. Coming the way from Montreal to Japan was a gamble. I used up all my resources and hoped that everything would work. Right now, I look like I’m good but I’m not showing that I’m struggling.*” I did my best in describing my situation in Japanese. “I see.*” She replied in her timid voice and looked a bit flustered for some seconds. It looked like she was awkward to ask. In that moment of silence, there was a nice fresh autumn breeze that went by. Mayuko had her long hair flowing in that light wind. We were observing the horizontal skyline of the fields and houses by the river in the countryside lighting up. “It makes me remember of Montreal. It’s my hometown and is a unique city. It has a French and European feeling. By night time, you can see the Old Montreal’s skyline lighting up. The best spot is the clock tower in the old port next to the river. That’s where most couples meet.*”

By the end of those words, I felt it was a relaxed romantic scene. For a second, it’s as if I let my guards down and tempted to ask her to meet outside class time. Mayuko was watching me but tried avoid my eye contact once I stopped talking. I remarked she is always trying to avoid my eye contact. I felt also that I wasn’t friendly enough to students. Since she is the first student to have grabbed my attention, I will try to befriend her first. “I know that the English conversation classes are not good at the moment but I promise you: they will become better. Promise me to be less shy and start participating in classes.*” Mayuko still looked shy but she nodded. Mayuko had to leave and finish up cleaning up the leftovers from the school festival. She was about to go downstairs and she turned her face toward me with a delightful smile, whispered in her warm and soft kitten’s voice with a blink of an eye: “Sensei, yakusoku ne.”

Early October Not being able to speak Japanese is a huge flaw especially in my job. I had the motivation to learn but not the money to spend and take courses. That had to be changed. If I don’t speak Japanese, it will lead me nowhere and the classes will remain restless. Because of this, I decided to test myself by taking that Japanese Proficiency Language Test they hold annually in December. With 3 months of freelance studies, everything is possible. During breaks, I started running everywhere around the school with a notepad and asking anyone close by to read whatever Japanese written signs on sight. Not only this, I was asking the objects around the school in Japanese. The students and teachers were watching me asking “What is this in Japanese? What is this in Japanese? What is written? Can you read me this?” all over the place. They looked enthusiastic teaching me the language. It looked like I became a student myself. While doing that, I felt as if Mayuko, being shy, was hiding and watching me from behind… Or it might be just my imagination…

* * *

As autumn passes I also tried to find activities which students would be all involved. In other words, group conversation activities. Instead of plunging in the textbook’s material, it was making them think that English is like a boring math class. I wanted to bring a complete change to this mentality. I needed ideas out of the box. Instead of wasting time watching those pointless viral online videos over the internet, there were some useful ones that you can learn and apply in real life situations. I browsed some videos in my free time and I stumble upon games from game shows. With some imagination, I brought a couple of basic picture cards of food (eg. lemon, apple, ice cream…). The game would be a student to come in front of the class and describe the object without saying the object so that other students would have to guess. Form the class in teams and the team with the highest mark will win. This was not a new concept but still, it was different instead of using printed

material all the time. I gave them opportunity finally speak English. I asked Murai-sensei’s permission and he approved to use this idea. I started with Murai-sensei’s class and it was a success. By loosening the classes instead of disciplining them, I got their attention for this exercise. In Mayuko’s class, I had her participate and speak English in front of the class without her of being shy. In Tanaka’s class, the restless students have completely calmed down and started to play this game. Since I caught their attention, I wanted to carry this energy to future classes by respecting the textbook materials. I started to anticipate what was necessary to teach. Murai-sensei advised me that the next course was about verbs in past tense. How do you make them remember verbs especially in past tense when you only meet them an hour every two weeks? That was a huge challenge!

* * *

Back in my flat, I was sitting in front of my PC figuring out ways to make this to be an interesting activity for my students. I knew the students wouldn’t be able to remember simple verbs. What can I do? While searching for ideas, I was listening to some hip hop music. It was those vulgar lyrics that rap aficionados would understand but I felt inspired with that catchy beat of that song. Hey! Wait a minute! Matsu Higashi High School is a well known for their music program. If they know a lot about music, then they can be able to follow funky beats.

First Friday of November Back to school, I printed few materials given for the students. Naturally, the contents always start with Murai-sensei’s class and I’m using that class for a test. I handed papers to the students and they looked not too enthusiastic about a written paper exercise. After the written exercise, they looked all about to yawn and sleep. At the halfway mark of the class, I told them I want to try an experiment. Actually, it was a “repeat after me” exercise. I told the class to follow him at the SAME TEMPO! With a very easy rhythm, at a very convincing voice, he started off. Jay-sensei: “To DO, DID, DONE” Students: “To DO, DID, DONE” (about 4 times before going to the next verb) Jay-sensei: “To BE, WAS, BEEN” Students: “To BE, WAS, BEEN” Jay-sensei: “To SEE, SAW, SEEN” Students: “To SEE, SAW, SEEN” Jay-sensei: “To COME, CAME, COME” Students: “To COME, CAME, COME”

Jay-sensei: “To GO, WENT, GONE” Students: “To GO, WENT, GONE” It went like a HIP HOP/RAP session in my classes! I was doing gestures when it came to verbs like to see, to come, to go… It was as if they were playing with the echo. By repeating the verbs, all students got really enthusiastic about following me. Yo! We’re jamming music! I was the DJ standing in front and the students were the followers of my English hip hop cult. During the exercise, we could clearly hear the verbs through the thin walls and all across the hallways of the school floor. Murai-sensei was stunned and impressed about this teaching method. All students suddenly got HYPER-motivated. Naturally, at the end of the class when the chime rang and the students bowed for thanking the teachers. While some students were leaving the classroom, they were yelling together “TO DO, DID, DONE!” in the hallways.

Second week of November At Kitano-sensei’s class, what I did was exactly the same. It’s like I rejuvenated the English classes and non-purposely hooked them into hip hop music. By the end of the period, Mayuko-san started to stare at me with her shiny bright eyes. At the end of the class when the chime rang after the students bowed for thanking the teachers, everyone was leaving the classroom except Mayuko. She stood still with her two closed hands in front of her neck, staring at me with her bright eyes, and admiring me. I had a pinch in my heart when she looked at me directly in my eyes. Hey! Don’t stare at me like that! It’s not like as if I’m a young famous and handsome Hollywood pop star just appeared in front of you! I left the classroom but Mayuko was silently following me from behind. She was following me until I got into the teachers’ room. It was like I got chased by a number one fan girl.

* * *

The turbulent students with Tanaka-sensei classes suddenly calmed down and they also got hyper-motivated with this exercise. Sometimes in the corridors, you’ll hear students yelling “To DO, DID, DONE”. Result, this teaching method was what made me gain full attention, respect, and recognition from students and teachers.

* * * The next course material just after this one, when I got into Murai-sensei’s classroom, the first request from his students was to repeat that exercise. November went completely smooth as I was creating better activities for students with hip hop sessions to learn English. Time is slow when you find things are deteriorating. However, time flies fast when you are enjoying it.

First Friday of December One afternoon, it was a bit after school when I was focused studying Japanese at my desk in the teachers’ room. I was preparing myself for the Japanese Proficiency Language Test that will be held in three weeks just before Christmas. I felt a lot of pressure like any Japanese student. When I observe students, it’s like an army. They excel and put everything in sports. During exam periods, they became all bookworms. Myself, I was influenced by them. I must succeed this language test to open doors to opportunities. I didn’t take any Japanese course and I was mainly absorbing the language in real life situations, asking people to read signs for me, repeating exactly the same words from all public announcements. Just then, Kitano-sensei came to me and was whispering to me in a low volume voice so that principal Nagakawa couldn’t hear. “Hi Jay-sensei. Mayuko, she wants to meet you”. “What is it for?” “I’m not sure but she came to me and asked you to meet her”.

“Well, I’m in a study period to take that language test. You can tell her she can come here at the teacher’s room. I’m available anytime on Friday during lunch time or after school.” “Ok. I will tell her then.” I had to concentrate in my studies but I was curious to know what Mayuko wants from me.

Second week of December I was at Mayuko’s class. She was again staring at me as the class time go by. Her stare was sweet as honey but rather a bit disturbing in the same time. I was trying to focus in my English teaching hip hop session but I was tempted to take a peek at her. I felt my heart beats a bit faster. I can’t believe it myself. What was I thinking? In class, I am a teacher and there are limits about things I can do to students. When the class ended, she approached me but a bit too shy to speak because of other students around. I approached in front of her and broke the ice. “If you want to meet me, come to the teachers’ room at lunchtime.” I said. “Sure. I’ll meet you then.” Mayuko replied in her kitten’s voice. She blushed but smiling. I thought that it would be the best way to settle things. I returned to the teachers’ room. Lunchtime was about to start. In order to be available to meet Mayuko in that short period of time, I scratched

enough coins out of my wallet to buy a lunch instead of taking the time to prepare it in the kitchen. I ran down the stairs at sonic speed to the cafeteria. “HAI! OOMORI GYUUDON wo kudasai!” I shouted as soon as I entered the cafeteria showing that it was somehow urgent. The kitchen’s staff saw me rushing in so, they served my bowl of rice and beef tendons in no time. I sat down at the nearest table and wolfed down the whole dish in light speed. I didn’t even take my time to chew and just forcefully swallowed whatever food entering my mouth! I climbed up the stairs back to the teachers’ room and returned to my desk all exhausted from that food inhalation. She wasn’t there yet so I supposed that she was still eating her lunch. I waited patiently at my desk while trying to use the remaining time to study Japanese but, my stomach started to have indigestion. I ate too fast. I was trying to hide my facial expressions to the teachers while having this intolerable physical pain from my heavy stomach.

The end in this, lunchtime was over and Mayuko didn’t show up. I had to carry the stomachache to Tanaka-sensei’s class in the next period. What was Mayuko thinking? I told her to meet me at the teachers’ room but she didn’t show up. She accepted so, what was the reason she didn’t show up? Was it because she didn’t finish eating her lunch? Was it because of other people around? Was it because of other things???

Third week of December I didn’t have class in the morning and I was still studying Japanese at my desk. The fourth Saturday of December is my exam so I had to concentrate and avoid all distractions. While I was focused, Kitano-sensei came to me again saying that Mayuko wants to meet me. “Again? She wants to meet me when?” “I’m not sure but she said sometime today.” So, same thing happened: rushed down to the cafeteria, ate at light speed and returned to the teachers’ room with a stomachache. AND she didn’t show up! What’s wrong with her? She caused me trouble not eating well twice! Is it the true that Mayuko wants to meet me or is it Kitano-sensei playing games with me? I don’t think Kitano-sensei would be lying since she is Mayuko’s homeroom teacher. If she wasn’t lying, then Mayuko is teasing me. I need to concentrate in my studies but I also wanted to know what she is up to. I hope this is not for a love confession… Somehow, if this is happening, I wouldn’t know how I would be able to accept.

So next time instead of getting a stomachache again, I asked Kitano-sensei to escort Mayuko to the teachers’ room.

Fourth week of December I was in Mayuko’s class with Kitano-sensei the morning but I was fully concentrated in teaching. Of course, I was tempted to take a peek at her during my hip hop session. I really want to know what is in her mind. At the end of the class, Kitano-sensei was talking to Mayuko and I just left the classroom because I know she will come to my desk. This time, I pre-ordered to have lunch delivered at my desk in the teachers’ room so I wouldn’t get the runaround. I received my gyudon and ate less quickly than my previous times. In the teachers’ room, principal Nagakawa was there with some other teachers around. Just a bit after I ate the complete dish, Mayuko arrived to the teachers’ room. “Is Jay-sensei here?*” I froze in fear. My pulse just accelerated by the second. “Students are forbidden to enter here during exam period.*” shouted a teacher at me.

Oh no! My dumb move. I forgot completely! It was December exam period and I brought her here without realizing the trouble I might cause. It’s not as if she will spy on exam questions. I have to make it quick and discreet. “It’s ok for this time. Give me only 2 minutes. I’ll explain after.*” I replied to the teacher. I quickly brought Mayuko to the back of the room behind a separation. In these 2 minutes, anything can happen. “Mayuko, we are not supposed to meet suddenly like this.*” I started it in a low voice so that people couldn’t hear us. She was staring at me with her bright eyes and her red cheeks. “There’s something I want to tell you. Jay-sensei, I… I…*” Yikes! It sounded really suspicious… I smelled big trouble. It looked like she has the courage to declare something really bad here. It’s ironic to think she was able to do something like this despite her shy personality. Before her last words coming out from her lips, I had to cut her short in a low convincing tone.

“Look. If you want to talk to me personally, it’ll be the time when I’m not your sensei.*” I made it clear. I guess this is the best way to postpone events that were not supposed to happen. She didn’t say a word after. Her sadden eyes diverted away from me. She looked surprised and a bit down but still with a smile in her face as if I refused her love confession. I hoped she understands that I’m trying to cover myself from consequences. To tell the truth from inside of me, I’d love to talk to Mayuko personally. She’s a pure and nice girl that just approached to me. I’d even ask to take her out to the movies or something but definitely not here! Not to disappoint her, I asked her cell phone text message address. I guess this is the only way to get around. I knew I’d get in trouble but, it was better this way. We exchanged our personal contact information and she dismissed. Wow! My forehead was full of sweat! That was a close call! I should have met her somewhere else but things were done. I went back to my desk, sat down all tired.

* * *

Just right after Mayuko left the room, I’ve thought I was safe from danger but principal Nagakawa came to me asked if I’d have 2 minutes to share. “Sure. How can I help you?*” making myself looked like nothing happened. He approached really close to me. His face was just in front, staring with those angry volcanic eyes but with a smile as if he didn’t know what facial expression to use in a situation like this. Hey! Don’t stare at me like that! It seemed as if I was going to be struck by lightning! “Jay-sensei, from what I heard from your students, you are a wonderful sensei but you cannot date a high school girl!” He spoke in English in low volume to make sure I understood the severity of the situation. He was very serious on what he had to say. “This relationship must end or kept out immediately.” he ended in a firm low voice.

You mad bro? That’s what I feared the most! I knew it’s going to happen sooner or later. I took a deep breath. “She is a student. I’m a teacher. There’s nothing closer than this relationship!*” I convincingly explained that Mayuko is a student in my mind. “This remains only as a student-teacher relationship. I’m only a teacher and will stay as a teacher to her until the school year ends.” Principal Nagakawa looked half-convinced and he was still hesitant. I asked him to come over to the computer in the middle of the room. I connected my profile on the internet social media network and pulled out randomly a picture with of me standing and posing with a girl, pretending to say the girl in the picture is my actual girlfriend. “What do you think?” I firmly asked. He understood that as if I had someone else already. Principal Nagakawa believed me finally and went away. I sat back down at my desk sweat covered and I was dying of thirst. I wanted to drink some water

but my hands were trembling when I held my cup. Thinking a bit back, I almost panicked when Mayuko seemed to declare her love. I’m not sure if it was exactly this but if I wasn’t to interrupt her, it might have caused irreparable damage.

* * * The day finished and I returned back to my flat. It was impossible to focus in my studies even though my exam is tomorrow. Mayuko’s facial reaction left my shaky inside. Her sadden eyes with a smile was still sculpted in my mind. Now, all I can do is hope she understood my part. One thing for sure, I didn’t want to hurt her. I would have accepted her in a different setting. At least, now she can text message me whenever she wants and I can write back to her anytime.

Japanese Proficiency Language Test I arrived in the early morning on the campus of University of Tokyo. It was a cool but fine sunny day. It was even rather comfortable that I didn’t have to wear a heavy winter coat unlike in Canada. The exam was held in different buildings in the campus. Classes were packed to the rafters. Everyone seemed studious before entering the classrooms. I felt the same pressure of a typical Japanese student. During the test, I couldn’t explain with words but yesterday’s events were still disturbing my concentration. I didn’t want to deceive the people who taught me Japanese during their free time at school. It was a constant internal fight for concentration and thinking about Mayuko in the same time. I did the whole exam but I couldn’t find peace within myself. Honestly, the exam result doesn’t mean a thing anymore. I might have bombed it.

January I didn’t have to teach in January and it was like vacation after the holiday season. It was a random late night by 11pm in my flat. I was about to get some sleep but my cell phone rang suddenly for a text message: “Hi Jay-sensei! It’s Mayuko ☺ How are you? What are you doing now in your vacation? ^_^ * ” I fell off my bed! Oh my lord! What am I supposed to do? As a teacher, I cannot reply but I’m in my vacation! Am I her friend now or a sensei? Or is this message a prank? Or is this message from principal Nagakawa testing me? At 11pm for a high school girl like her writing to me, I find it suspicious. I kept it for my own. I really wanted to write her back but, finally I left her no reply.

Second week of February I was back to work. My return seemed normal. The classes went absolutely smooth with my hip hop sessions. At Mayuko’s class, she was still observing me passionately but she didn’t say a word. She seemed to have calmed down but I wondered if she will do crazy things like in the past months.

* * * Back to the teachers’ room, I received a phone call from my company. It was an order to substitute a teacher in a school down in the Kanagawa prefecture. In the same call, they also advised me that I wouldn’t be able to stay with the company anymore because of labor cuts. At the end of the call after I hung up, I expressed my frustration to Murai-sensei. I planned to work full time and long term for them but they laid me off instead. It wasn’t because I was a bad teacher. On the contrary, the teachers and students were enjoying my teaching methods. Murai-sensei listened to me but he wasn’t giving any suggestions.

Instead of replacing someone all the way far down south and getting no incentive for this, I decided to protest by ignoring the order of substitution. Fortunately during the whole year, I was able to save just enough money to buy a plane ticket back to Montreal. I had to consider returning back to Canada. It wasn’t because teaching wasn’t fun. It wasn’t because the job was very demanding. The truth was I wouldn’t be able to survive with my part time job salary in Japan’s cost of living.

* * * At the end of the school day in the empty hall next to the exit, I was about to change my slippers and put on my shoes but I saw there was a little red paper bag hidden in my shoe locker. I checked inside the bag and it was a note with a box of chocolate in the shape of a heart. I froze in shock again. There was no name written on the note itself but I don’t have to guess who hid this. Actually, I had a very good idea why she did this. This year’s February 14th lands on a Tuesday

and Mayuko wouldn’t be able to meet me on that day. She must have done it secretly. In Japan, it is only the women who give presents on Valentine’s Day. Japanese women are usually too shy to express their love, though with the events in the previous months, it might not be true nowadays. On the other thought, I was also scared that principal Nagakawa was testing me. I looked around the hall to see if there was someone hidden somewhere near and spying on me. After a minute of verification, I couldn’t find anybody or anything suspicious. I discarded the red paper bag and put the note and the box of chocolate in my own bag.

* * * I returned back to my flat. There was a letter in my mailbox. I opened the content and it was a note advising I passed in that Japanese Language Proficiency Test. I didn’t know how to express my joy. Not taking any classes and successfully passed the exam, I wanted to celebrate with someone. I really wanted to celebrate with Mayuko but, I’m still her sensei. I really look forward to arrive at

the end of the school year. I want to spend my personal time with her.

Third week of February The morning teachers’ meeting at Matsu Higashi High School, I arrived early. Principal Nagakawa asked if anyone had issues or news to bring. I raised my hand. All teachers got surprised that I had an announcement. “It’s because of everyone; I passed my Japanese Language Exam. Thank you to you all!*” Everyone in the room applauded. After the meeting was dismissed, principal Nagakawa came next to me and told that I learned a foreign language faster than him learning English. All teachers on that day were motivated. They were all smiling naturally.

* * * The day went smooth. When I was alone on my desk after finishing preparing my teaching material, it was time for me to make choices. My contract will expire mid-March. The best for me to return to Canada the week I finish teaching. I wouldn’t be able to stay long in Japan and having no income. I called a travel agency and they advised me the cheapest day to leave would be the day

after my last day of teaching. I had not much choice to take that option.

Second week of March I arrived at my final day of teaching. We sang hip hop and played many games with my students, I felt like it was part of me. They were all memorable ones. My classes always improved from previous ones after my promise to Mayuko. I believe my promise was held. The very last class with Tanaka-sensei, I played with them one very last time. It was almost 3pm. I was looking at the clock. I knew the classroom next door is the “all girls” group with Mayuko. The chime rang. I got out of the classroom while the students were still sitting. So, by the second the teacher got out of the “only girls” group, I opened both doors in the corridor and shouted “ISHOU NI ISHOU NI!” (Together! Together!) “TO DO, DID, DONE! (students repeat) TO BE, WAS, BEEN! (students repeat) TO SEE, SAW, SEEN! (students repeat) TO COME, CAME, COME! (students repeat) TO GO, WENT, GONE! (students repeat)

THANK YOU! (students repeat)” You can imagine that was 2 full classes chanted together. A section of the school participated with this exercise. It was the loudest noise I produced. Teachers of other subjects were all stunned. “What the?” Mayuko came to me and asked what that was all about. I replied that was a gift. Back at the teachers’ room all exhausted, a math teacher approached me and asked what that was all about. I replied, “That’s my gift to my students: the best memories from an English teacher.”

Third week of March It was his very last Friday. I was in the teachers’ room and asked to give a speech to all students for his farewell. Farewell speech? Uh… Ok. I didn’t prepare anything. I entered the gym. The end of the school year ceremony starts. The students were singing the school’s anthem. Just after, they sat down and listened to principal Nagakawa’s speech. Then, another teacher came and gave another speech. It was one of the teachers who will retire and gave more than 30 years of teaching. She was very well-respected. Five other teachers leaving the school are also asked to give a farewell speech. Finally, I got called and went alone on the stage. Surprisingly, they called me, “English Teacher of the Year”. It was an award! A girl student came and gave me a bouquet of flowers. I went to the microphone… “To tell you the truth, I’m not even prepared to give a farewell speech. We have come to an end of the school year. It was really fun having you in my

classes. I really don’t want to return home in Canada. If there was a chance, I would be continuously playing games with you. Without you, I’m nobody. If you have a dream in accomplishing something, don’t ever hold back and go for it! I know today is the very last day together. From now on, you don’t have to call me “sensei” anymore. You can use “kun” as suffix after my name. Shall I make some fun? (Looking at principal Nagakawa)” I went off the microphone and yelled: “TO DO, DID, DONE! (students repeat) TO BE, WAS, BEEN! (students repeat) TO SEE, SAW, SEEN! (students repeat) TO COME, CAME, COME! (students repeat) TO GO, WENT, GONE! (students repeat) Goodbye.” I left the stage waiving my hand. As I was walking out the gym holding a bouquet, students were clapping hands together in a beat as if it was following a song’s tempo. They demonstrated how much I was appreciated by my fellow students.

As the closing ceremony ends, I went back in the teachers’ room. Re-arranging the desk, disposing away all junk, and writing an introductory letter to the next English teacher... Murai-sensei, Kitano-sensei and Tanaka sensei came together to my desk. I immediately stood up: “Even though the students can’t remember your name, they will always remember TO DO, DID, DONE. Thank you Jay.” They gave me more gifts: a nice Japanese wall scroll, a coffee cup, a photo album of the school, and a nice traditional Japanese kokeshi doll. I went to thank all teachers personally I worked with. I wanted to thank principal Nagakawa but he was sick and left earlier. I wrote a thank you note on his desk. As it was time to leave, I wandered around the school for one last time; admiring the feeling I was once a teacher in Japan. I departed, taking the bus for the train station. Looking for messages in my cell phone, Mayuko wrote a message of thanking me for these

memories. I’m not a sensei anymore. Without hesitation, I replied her back. Fearing that principal Nagakawa left earlier but he may be still checking me, I sent my text message in French: “Chère Mayuko, je retourne à Montréal demain. Avant que je parte, je veux te parler. Je veux t’entendre chanter encore. Est-ce que tu pourrais venir à l’aéroport demain à 1pm? J’attends ta réponse. Jay »

* * * The day I was at Narita Airport, I was waiting for Mayuko’s reply and hoping she understood the message. She didn’t write back. I was also hoping that she was just showing up there randomly but I couldn’t wait any longer in order not to miss my flight. I kept my Japanese cell phone and took the plane. When I arrived in Montreal, I tried all methods to contact Mayuko back but it was not working. It seemed she changed her text message address. Since it was not a phone number, I couldn’t trace

anything back. My biggest regret is I don’t even have a picture of her to remember by…

Epilogue This job is to remember. It still represents one of the nicest overseas experiences. Being in a foreign country showing that you exist by winning an award, this is something that is worth telling. At that time, it was dangerous but exciting. Any wrong move would have killed my reputation or reported as a criminal. I abided all rules from A to Z. I was even more scared than principal Nagakawa when he approached me for Mayuko’s subject. But I got his COMPLETE respect when I respected my words: “She is a student. I’m a teacher. There’s nothing closer than this relationship!” If I touched her, the principal would have called for disciplinary action! I would have been handcuffed and deported back to Canada. Mayuko always wanted to approach me. She was always shy and never had someone who approached her to that level until I did. By accident, I caught her attention and provoked this “Love at First Sight”. What I think of Mayuko? Her soft kitten voice deeply touched my heart. Even now I think of

the time she was singing alone on the roof. Her shyness, her slender cheeks blushing, and her staring at me halfway of the classroom was kind of cute but I couldn’t accept given in those circumstances. She needed to realize that she was a student and she was not supposed to fall in love with a teacher. Even for a friendship relation had to be maintained only when the job was officially ended. If people were looking at us like that, they would perceive like a little high school girl attempting to date a Tibetan Monk. To me, she was my type. I had chances to make my move on Mayuko but it was forbidden.

* * * After telling my story of Mayuko, the rain outside stopped and we could see the sky clearing with nice clouds by the window. The couple was moved. We finished our drinks and we exchanged contact information for future meetings. They wished me someday I will meet her again and we went on separate ways.

It was around 6pm and I still had nothing to do. I was just thinking to wander around before heading back home. I’m not sure who took control of my body but my legs were leading me to the Old Port of Montreal. The weather was dry and it was perfect to take a walk by the shore in this nice evening. As I was alone walking on unique the path by the St-Lawrence river, I could clearly see the end of sunset as the Old Montreal’s Skyline lighting up. I felt a comfortable refreshing autumn breeze. I was slowly approaching the tip of the quay and seeing the Jacques-Cartier Bridge and the Ferris wheel light up… I recognized the soft voice of the person standing and signing at the foot of the clock tower…My heart skipped a beat… She was there alone and waiting for me… I gently whispered her name… Mayuko

Japanese suffixes to people’s name -sensei refers to “teacher” or “master” The asterisks “*” at the end of sentences refers that the conversation is in Japanese.