Trainer skills




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Trainer SkillsDr .Premasiri Gamage


Trainer Skills Technical Skills

* Extent of knowledge in the subject matter

* Ability to perform* Work experience* Work knowledge( Understanding of

the organization , its goals, values, process )

Trainer Skills

* Commitment to learning* Teaching ability

Trainer Skills Professional Skills

* Lesson Planning* Facilitating of learning* Instructional Evaluations

Trainer Skills Personal Skills

* Interpersonal Skills

To establish rapport at all levels, questioning, listening and summarizing are crucial

Trainer Skills

* Analytical and evaluative skillsFor interpreting behavior and

information, including financial and other numerical data

Trainer Skills

* Communication skills

To convey new challenging ideas clearly and logically.

Trainer Skills

* Creative skills

To design imaginative approaches to communication and training

Trainer Skills

* Commercial awarenessTo ensure training is planned,

recorded and monitored effectively.

Trainer Skills

* Integrity To safeguard the confidentiality of

information's, trainers are increasingly involved in sensitive personal and business issues.

Trainer Skills

* Respect to authorityTo help establish the norms of

organization, you need to be accepted as part of its management team.

Trainer Skills* Administrative skills* Personal credibility* Wide knowledge and understanding

of the organization, its goals, values and processes

* Integrity

Trainer Skills* Respect for authority* Tolerance of ambiguity* Reflect the Organizational culture in

actions and words* Excellent Communication Skills* Flexibility

Trainer Skills* Show respect for others* Lead by example* Know your subject* Be patient* Be enthusiastic* Get to know your learners

Trainer Skills* Self Confidence* Awareness of environment* Organizational Skills* Desire to learn* Ability to listen

Trainer Skills* Sense of humor* Nurturing* Team player* Committed* Exhibits professionalism

Trainer Skills* Has positive personality traits* Serves as a role model* Demonstrate mature behavior* Exhibits confidence* Behavior

Trainer Skills* Intellectual ability* Voice modulation* Ability to relate* Results focused* Respect for experience
