TOP 121 TWEETS ON HOW TO PREACH BETTER @therocketco #preachrocket


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Don't preach a message that would still be true if Christ hadn't died on the cross.


Don't use bad stats to motivate people. @edstetzer

The Bible is always and already relevant, but preaching helps people realize it's

relevant to their lives. @edstetzer

There is a difference in giving advice and communicating Biblical truth.


Are we preaching from scripture or just using it as footnotes for our own ideas

and points? @edstetzer

Don't exaggerate to motivate. @edstetzer

Be as faithful with the stats you present and the facts you present when

speaking. @edstetzer

87.4% of statistics said in the pulpit are made up on the spot and not true.


Maximize your study by minimize your searching. @edstetzer

Preaching is communicating what the Bible has to say. Otherwise, I'm just giving

advice. @edstetzer

Be a good steward of the time you’ve been given to prepare. @edstetzer

To avoid nervousness shift your attention from being impressive, to being a

blessing. @stevenfurtick

I allow a team to ask me questions about what's on my heart to preach.


It's not about "my" art... It's about the vision! @stevenfurtick

I am not inclined to micromanage business elements but I am tempted to micromanage

the creative process. @stevenfurtick

Don't be the lid on how good your creative team is! @stevenfurtick

God's will is about "Who? Why? How?" not "What? Where? When?"


The game is won and lost during transitions. @stevenfurtick

For me, the worship, and sermons are all one thing. I think over the whole service

and not just my sermon." @stevenfurtick

Preaching & your worship service communicate whatever your values are.


It isn't always about the end result, but about the process. @stevenfurtick

A person can preach no better than he can pray." @stevenfurtick

I'd rather try and fail than not even aspire. @pastormark

If your people are a flock, not an audience, you should want to get better.


If you listen to one person too much you cease to be a voice and become an echo.


Don't become your worst critic, find one or two things you can improve, then move

on. @pastormark

It needs to be God's truth in your voice. Don't be a parrot of someone else's

voice. @pastormark

Don't make people feel stupid, make them feel invited in. @pastormark

Preaching is God's truth through my voice. @pastormark

Anyone who says he has arrived definitely hasn't arrived. @pastormark

Almost all of our social ills can be explained by two words "bad dads"


Don't make people feel dumb by using large, theological words. @pastormark

If I go to a steakhouse I'm looking for steak. If I go to church, I'm looking for

Bible. @pastormark

Remember what it's like to be lost and then found...have a heart for mission.


Acknowledge the odd. @andystanley

I'm listening to Jesus who predicted his own death and resurrection and then

pulled it off. @andystanley

Give your visitors permission not to believe. Even the disciples didn't believe

on day one. @andystanley

If people only remember our story, rather than the scripture, we have failed.


The foundation of our faith isn't actually the scriptures, but it's the person of Jesus!


Instead of just citing the Bible, cite the authors. People connect with People not

pages. @andystanley

As a preacher I must "uncover the energy IN the text, so I can bring my energy TO

the text." @andystanley

The foundation of our Faith is both The Word & The Word. You belittle One, you

belittle the Other. @andystanley

If we don't bring the same energy to the text that we do to our illustrations then

we fail as communicators. @andystanley

Our goal is to talk about Scripture in a way that makes people want to go home & read it & understand. @andystanley

Approach is what makes content interesting. @andystanley

Give people room not to believe. Some of Jesus' followers didn't believe until after

the resurrection. @andystanley

"If you don't believe in Adam in Eve, it's okay." @andystanley

When you give them an out, they respond by leaning in @andystanley

Give people the permission to not believe." @andystanley

We have unchurched in our service every week. So I tell them it's the PERFECT

weekend for you to be here! @andystanley

Approach is as important as content in any conversation or presentation.


Every week we address 2 crowds. Church people and non-church people.


Don't ever shoot to be the best preacher, but to become a better preacher.


Preaching is vertical; it’s a word from God to his people. @crawfordloritts

You will never preach better than you are. @crawfordloritts

God is more interested in 'leader' development than 'leadership' development.@crawfordloritts

The enemy of persuasion is obscurity. @nancyduarte

Storytellers build and release tension. Identify if this pattern is present in your

communication. @nancyduarte

Put your ideas in a contrasting environment. Identify the gap between 'what is' and 'what

could be.' @nancyduarte

Cut, craft, edit it, arrange it, take it away, move it around. Don’t be a first-draft

speaker. @nancyduarte

You play a small role, you're not the main event. @nancyduarte

People should leave your sermons saying "I got unstuck" @nancyduarte

Congregation should have new skills after every Sunday. @nancyduarte

The presenter is not the hero. The audience is the hero. They determine the

outcome of ur words. @nancyduarte

Take time to obsess about the life of your audience. @nancyduarte

The audience determines if you idea lives or dies. @nancyduarte

Most movies that win best picture also win awards for editing. Same is true for

sermons. @nancyduarte

Dont allow success or failure of your message to be attached to your identity.


None of us ever 'arrive' when it comes to preaching. We must be constantly

learning, constantly growing. @pwilson

It's more than entertaining people, we get to be used by God to transform lives.


People are listening. This is responsibility. @pwilson

Find your style; refine & work on it until you are your best version of you. Don't try

to be somebody else. @louiegiglio

Humility is not a character trait, it's a byproduct of spending time with Jesus.


Lead people to Jesus. Never lead people to other people, or preachers, or yourself.


Humility is a byproduct of being with Jesus. @louiegiglio

Never let the successes or failures in your message get attached to your identity.


You need to find your style of communicating and refine it until you are

the Michelangelo of you. @louiegiglio

You are going to preach the best when you preach like you and not someone

else. @louiegiglio

A sermon is a baby growing in me. It develops over a few months, when it is time

to deliver. It comes quick. @louiegiglio

You have to be faithful to the text; that's non-negotiable. @louiegiglio

If you don't have something to say, please stop preaching. @louiegiglio

Tell the people what's blowing up in your heart; & if nothing's blowing up in your

heart, tell the people. @louiegiglio

Don't be boring. Nothing worse than carrying the story of the Gospel and

being boring. @louiegiglio

Preaching is a craft. Work at it. @louiegiglio

I am led best by the Holy Spirit when I am prepared best. @louiegiglio

Some people say 'I want to be led by the Holy Spirit' but its an excuse to not

prepare. @louiegiglio

Don't be boring. I think you should be put in jail for that. @louiegiglio

Preaching is a funnel. A bunch goes in, a drop comes out. That drop changes people

more than 100 messages. @louiegiglio

The daily discipline of sitting down & writing is a must for communicators.


Manipulation is how we cover shame, and shame is how we cover ourselves.


“You need to show up." Don't expect inspiration to come when you want it.


Don't only preach your research without preaching your experiences.


Great communicators move people from here to there. @bradlomenick

It's about inspiration, not just information. @bradlomenick

Put people in places where they will be stretched. @bradlomenick

Humor is one of the most powerful things you can do when you're commuicating.


If an audience doesn't laugh every 7 minutes, you lose them. @daveramsey

Build a list of things that are humorous to use in your talks. @daveramsey

For every hour you speak, you have to prep for 3. @daveramsey

The Gospel is a disturbance. If you aren't disturbing people, you aren't preaching

the Gospel. @daveramsey

In communication it's metaphor, metaphor, metaphor...Jesus told parables.


In order to be a great preacher you must be a great prayer warrior.


People have sin; it's not a shortcoming, it's not a mistake… it's sin. @darrinpatrick

Would your sermon work if Jesus didn't rise from the grave? @darrinpatrick

AS a communicator you speak for two reasons: To be remembered and repeated.


You have the island of an idea and a bridge to the next point. Don't neglect the

bridge. @jonacuff

Using props helps relate your message to the people. @jonacuff

It's no longer about when you were born, it's about when you started to live.


It’s time to punch fear in the face. It’s time to do work that matters. It’s time

start. @jonacuff

For communicators one of the greatest fears we have is being honest from a

stage. @jonacuff

God won't be handcuffed by your failures, and released by your successes.


Road to Greatness: Learning 20´s, Editing 30´s, Mastering 40´s, Harvesting 50´s,

Guiding 60´s @jonacuff

Punch fear in the face! @jonacuff

If I hide my weakness, they won't listen to my strength. @jonacuff

Being average is easy, all it takes is nothing. @jonacuff

Ego murders an audience like nothing else. @jonacuff

The greatest way to ruin a speech is to be the star of your own success story.


As a communicator go first with your fears & give the audience permission to

go 2nd. @jonacuff

God's glory is not limited by the size of our platform. @jonacuff

Affirmation and the desire for celebrity is the worst drug in speaking, especially in

Christianity. @jonacuff

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