Top 10 Ways To Drive Traffic to Your Daily Deal or E-commerce Site



Top 10 Ways To Drive Traffic to Your Daily Deal or E-commerce Website.

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Top 10 Most Effective

Ways to Drive Traffic to

Your Daily Deal, Coupon,

or E-commerce Websites

Presented by Marc D. Horne

Blog | FB | Twitter | Email

• My name is Marc D. Horne and I welcome you to the Daily Deal Builder Members Training! If you have questions, type them in the questions box or if you are not watching this live you can always reach our team emailing:

Top 10 Most Effective

Ways to Drive Traffic to

Your Daily Deal, Coupon,

or E-commerce Websites

#10: The “In-Person” Sign-Up

• If possible, leave a physical document at

businesses that use (& don’t use) your

services. You could also use an iPad for this

(great bonus gift idea).

• Walk (or hire people to walk) your area

and tell folks why they should register &

what’s in it for them.

• Give something of value in exchange for

the sign up. Coupon? Credits? Enter a

contest? What’s in it for them?

• Manually input the info into your website or email system. You could

take a picture of the document and have a lower waged virtual

assistant do this task. Remember, included with your investment in

Daily Deal Builder, you receive 1 month of a Virtual Assistant for free.

#9: Piggyback and Leverage Merchants

• Request that merchants promote the deal

they are offering directly on their Facebook,

Twitter, Pinterest pages. Remember to

provide them with high converting &

engaging swipe copy.*

• If merchant has an existing email

database, provide them with email copy

they can use to promote their deal.

• *If they do not have a social audience, offer to help them build,

grow, and manage one. Value added services are critical.

• ** If business is not currently generating revenue through email

marketing, offer to help them choose a service that fits their


#9: Piggyback and Leverage Merchants

• Offer an incentive and reason for the

merchant to promote to their audience.

• Ideas: Give them a higher percentage;

offer them discounted and guaranteed

future promotions; offer up-front cash, prize,

or service incentives.

“If you promote your offering to your FB, Twitter, and email database,

not only will we provide free photography services, we will give you an

up-front cash bonus of $99 and an iTunes gift card.”

… We can even discuss offering you a 5% higher margin as well as

give you commissions for any of your customers that you recommend…

#8: Word of Mouth Advertising

• Word-of-mouth is triggered when a

customer experiences something far

beyond what was expected.

• Go above and beyond the call of duty if

you want your customers to talk about you.

• Build a street team and have them spread the word. Give them tee-

shirts and swag to distribute. Incentivize them to help you grow your

business and bring referrals.

• Encourage your users to tell their friends in all of your copy, emails,

and communication. Use direct calls to action.

• Use Gamification techniques.

#8: Word of Mouth Advertising

•My friends and I enjoy more adventure and

“fun” services or expenditures and we

become more likely to give word of

mouth recommendations. Depending on

your demographic.

• I’d rather tell you about the deal I got on

my vacation to Costa Rica & Paris than I

would about my teeth whitening strips I got.

Deals and coupons play

an important role in my


#7: SEO & Content Creation

• The Benefits: Low cost results, brand

credibility, increased traffic, and permanent


• Do your keyword research. Create

documents to track and analyze results.

Focus on your on-page and off-page SEO.

• Regularly create & submit remarkable content to high page ranked

content submission websites. Blog often & write guest blog posts.

• Use Google Alerts to monitor your successes, analyze your

competition, and gain ideas and contacts for guest posts.

• Use our traffic software, HC Traffic Pro (included with your

investment in Daily Deal Builder’s deal and coupon software).

#7: SEO & Content Creation

• Submit a variety of types of content such

as; videos, articles, podcasts, press

releases, social bookmarking, blogs, PDF’s,

presentations, etc.

• Regularly use Q&A sites such as;,, AskVille,


• Answer at least 1 question a day. Link back to content you have

created that discusses the question in more depth.

• Regularly provide thoughtful and knowledgeable comments on

related blogs, groups, and forums. Include back-links only when it

makes sense.

#6: Guerilla Marketing

• What if you hired a couple of people from

each city you represent from Craigslist,

gave them a funny costume, and paid them

to run around the busiest sections of your

cities? You could hire 2 people per city and

pay them ~$10 per hour.

•Give them free vouchers or some other incentive to give walker-by’s

if they take a picture and tag it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram…

•Be outrageous, funny, and stand out. Turn people’s heads and think

outside of the box.

•The “Naked Guitarist” in NYC has received more press than most

every small business in America. That is sad (but interesting).

#5: News & Publicity

• You are more likely to get a story about

you if your business helps your community

or stands for a greater cause.

• Email, call, or just get in touch with your local newspaper and radio

stations. Ask what you need to do to get a story about your site.

• Pay for ads in Newspapers:,,,

• Your guerrilla marketing campaigns could land you in the news. Be

newsworthy. A solid news story about your website could drive an

enormous amount of traffic for you.

#4: Pay for Traffic

• Direct Mail: You can buy targeted lists and send them unsolicited

mail. Direct mail is a great way to deliver a sales letter, and often

works best for medium to big ticket items. Use postcards to drive

traffic to your lead capture page.

• Test your offers with online traffic before investing in offline media.

• “As seen in…” logos add credibility.

• Magazines: Find a magazine that YOUR

potential customers are reading.

• Radio:,,

• TV:,,

#4: Pay for Traffic

• In the Internet marketing world, “media buying” most often implies

display advertising (banners, aka image ads). However, online media

buying can include pop-ups, email, text links, video ads, widgets, and

other new media.

• Banner Advertising: Banners have traditionally been the biggest

source of paid traffic on the Internet. Usually sold using CPM pricing

model (Cost per 1,000 impressions).

• Option 1) Deal directly with website owners. Find a high-traffic site in

your niche, and negotiate to put a banner on it.

• Option 2) Use an ad network. (This is how to get millions of ad


#4: Pay for Traffic

• Test your ad using an ad network that has PPC or small CPM

commitment: (Recommended

place to start),

• Take winning campaigns to high volume display ad networks:,,,,, (AOL),,

• Warning: Even the paid traffic experts lose a lot of money on most

campaigns before making money. You have to have some liquidity to

be able to play at this level, AND I do not recommend attempting it

until you have studied it in more depth.

• Facebook Ads. This can be huge

for you in the deal space.

• Also known as PPC (pay per view), CPV (cost per view) is

another pricing model used in media buying. Most

commonly used for pop-ups. Also for some video ads,

toolbar ads, and ads that appear in software and computer


• CPV networks:,,,,


#4: Pay for Traffic

• Pre-rolls, mid-rolls, post-rolls, overlays, etc.

• Prerolls are the most common right now. I hate them, but they’ve

proven to be effective (perhaps 10-20X higher CTR than banners).

Mostly sold using a CPM price model, but you will find some PPC,

PPV, and CPA.

• Video networks/agencies: Youtube,,,,,,

• Or you can deal directly with video publishers who post videos on

their own websites and/or 3rd party hosts such as Youtube. You can

negotiate placement of ads such as Preroll ads, In-video

endorsements, Banners or text links next to the embedded video,

Link in the Youtube description box.

#4: Pay for Traffic

#3: User Generated Recommendations

• Similar to word of mouth advertising, user generated

recommendations are one of the most powerful forms of advertising


• 1 or 2 clicks should be all that your prospects and clients need to

do in order to share your business, product, or services to their

network of friends and fans.

• Actually ask people to share. Don’t beat around the bush about it. If

you are proud of your business, products, or services, have a very

blatant call to action encouraging users to help spread the word and


• Make it ‘hard not to share.’ Some things are just too good NOT to

share with friends and family. Whether or not it is because it is

hilarious or just an incredible deal, if the product or offer is good

enough, folks feel inclined to tell the people they care about.

#2: Run a Contest

• Follow the rules, use 3rd party apps, include specific calls to action,

include a form to generate leads, carefully craft terms, conditions

and rules, notify winner on your website, give away something

incredible, keep your goals in mind, and measure your results.

• Regularly hold engaging contests to grow your audience. Have clear goals in mind. Subscribers? New Users? Sales? Branding? Etc…

• Use Google to find the right software for your needs. Use Software: ContestBurner, Wildfire Apps,

• Know your target market’s desirable items and offer incentives accordingly.

• Organic & Paid Traffic to jumpstart campaign (Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, etc.). Issue press releases and gain as much exposure as possible.

#2: Run a Contest

#2: Run a Contest

#1: Affiliates or Strategic Partners

• Easiest and most effective way to drive a mass amount of traffic is by

utilizing Joint Venture partners and affiliates. LEVERAGE.

• Is there someone who has already built a database or audience that is

filled with your target market? Could that database benefit from one of

your deals you are offering?

• Can you formulate a mutually beneficial arrangement where they

promote your website or a deal on your site in exchange for something of

value, such as commissions, prizes, or some other incentives?

• Examples: Promote my deal to your list of subscribers and I will give

you XX% commission per sale. Offer lifetime commissions? Promote my

deal to your list of subscribers and I will pay you $XX up front. Promote

my deal to your Facebook page and I will reciprocate and promote your

business on mine. If you do a blog post about my business - I will do a

blog post about yours. Do you want to do a reciprocal mailing?

• Offer high cash commissions and pay your affiliates and JV

partners on time. Build a long-term, on-going, & profitable


• Email, call, send personal video, or meet people in person who

have a targeted list of your prospects and work out a mutually

beneficial arrangement. Cash is the easiest way to make a

deal, but be creative and other incentives can do the trick.

• Find the influencers. Check to see if a website has an

optin/subscription form. If they do, it tells you they are building

their list. Provide copy and banners for the affiliate to use.

• * To implement the Daily Deal Builder Incentive patch 7

upgrade, visit:

#1: Affiliates or Strategic Partners

• #10: The “In-Person” Sign-Up

• #9: Piggyback and Leverage Merchants

• #8: Word of Mouth Advertising

• #7: SEO & Content Creation

• #6: Guerilla Marketing

• #5: News & Publicity

• #4: Pay for Traffic

• #3: User Generated Recommendations

• #2: Run a Contest

• #1: Affiliates or Strategic Partners


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demo. Thank you for joining us. Have a great day. Make 2013 HUGE!

Presented by Marc Horne

Blog | FB | Twitter | Email
