TimeMangementApp Project


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Time Management ApplicationSirbu Cristina-Roxana, an 4

Project Description

•The purpose of the project is to create a time management application that will help users plan their activities and monitor their daily habits so that they can focus and be more productive.

•The application will follow the client-server model.


•We have three constraints:oDatabase sizeoHuman resourcesoMoney

•The size of the database will have to be large enough to save all user’s data.

•The number of developers limits the amount of work that can be done in parallel and because the budget is limited, no overtime is allowed.


Project steps

•Scope•Analysis/Software Requirements•Design•Development•Testing•Documentation

Defining the scope of the project

Analysis Phase

Design Phase

Development Phase

Testing Phase


Cost and Resource Usage


•Microsoft project helps us schedule the tasks, allocate resources and estimate time and cost. It also provides some very useful and time-saving templates for different kind of projects.

•With Microsoft projects we can determine if the project is within budget and if overtime is needed.
