The Harry Potter Quiz


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The Harry Potter Quiz

-Manan Bhutani


The brains behind this song?



• X is perhaps the most well known among all these spells. What is

common to these spells. Also Identify X.






Spells created by Snape.



• X is an elective subject offered from the third year on at Hogwarts

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During the 1990s at least, the class

was taught by Professor Septima Vector in Classroom 7A, on the

Castle's seventh floor.

• X was Hermione Granger's favourite subject at Hogwarts. She once

told Harry Potter it was "wonderful" when he remarked that her

challenging homework looked "terrible.

• Identify X.



• Slytherin : below the ground, beyond a stone wall.

• Ravenclaw : beyond a bronze eagle-shaped knocker that poses a riddle.

• Hufflepuff : below ground level behind a stack of barrels near the kitchens.

• Gryffindor : ??

Through the fat lady’s portrait


• What are these collectively known as? Also Identify the missing one

• “The Wizard and the Hopping Pot”

• “The Fountain of Fair Fortune”

• “The Warlock's Hairy Heart”

• “Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump”

• ??

(Part Points. 0.5 for each part)

Tales of Beedle the Bard.

The tale of the three brothers.


• __________ cannot save a thing,

• He cannot block a single ring,

• That's why Slytherins all sing:

• __________ is our King.

• __________ was born in a bin

• He always lets the Quaffle in

• __________ will make sure we win

• __________ is our King.



What had this inscription engraved on it?

Hermione’s Time Turner


• These are some instances of use of what?

• Albus Dumbledore – Recreation

• Horace Slughorn – Had two perfect days

• Harry Potter – Extraction of a memory from Slughorn

• Ron – Escape Death Eaters

• Ginny - Escape Death Eaters

• Hermione Granger - Escape Death Eaters

Use of the Felix Felicis




Broomsticks and wands

Information (Books, brainwaves, etc!)

Human life

What are these five the exceptions to ??

Gamp’s Law


• Location of X's office : Level 2, Ministry of Magic.

• Luna Lovegood reckons that X form a part of the Rotfang Conspiracy

and they try to bring the Ministry down by using a combination of

complicated gum diseases and very advanced dark magic!

• Harry Potter is known to be the youngest X of all times!

• Identify X.



• Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts for opening the Chamber of

Secrets; his wand snapped into half, though occasional strokes of

magic come out of his “pink umbrella”.

• With magic performed by broken wands, we see that neither Ron

(after the Ford Anglia accident), nor Harry (after the Godric’s Hollow

accident) can make a broken wand work.

• Yet Hagrid’s wand works! What best explains this anomaly?

Dumbledore repaired it using the elder wand.


• 1st : I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer..

• 4th : ..and as Hagrid said, what would come would come...and he

would have to meet it when it did.

• 7th : ???

All was well.

These are the last sentences of the respective


13. Connect laterally and identify the missing

ones (part points)

OWL grades. Exceeds Expectations and Troll

are the missing ones.

14. Who?

• Professor at Hogwarts.

• Believed to be of Elfish origin, but actually descends from Goblins.

• Fought valiantly in all three wizarding wars of the modern times.

• Contemporary of Dumbledore.

• Favourite among students for giving trivial and non-harsh


Filius Flitwick


• Xenophilius Lovegood : Quibbler

• Tobias Misslethorpe : Witch Weekly

• Then, Barnabas Cuffe : ??

The Daily Prophet.

16. What has been blanked out?


• The X is an organisation of ghosts whose heads have been completely

severed from their bodies. The organisation is headed by Sir Patrick


• The X participate in head-intensive events such as Horseback Head-

Juggling, Headless Bowling, and Head Polo. The Gryffindor ghost, Y

is annually denied admission to the Headless Hunt despite only a half

inch of skin holding his head to his neck.

• Identify X and Y (Part points)

X – The headless Hunt

Y – Nearly Headless Nick


• In a new update on publishing site, Pottermore, Rowling sets some rumours straight :"While it is true that X has an unhealthy pallor, and is sometimes described as looking like a large bat in his long black cloak, he never actually turns into a bat, we meet him outside the castle by daylight, and no corpses with puncture marks in their necks ever turn up at Hogwarts.In short, X is not a Y.“

• Identify X and Y (Part points)

X – Snape

Y – Vampire


• The X are a race of semi-human, semi-magical humanoids reminiscent of

the Sirens of Greek mythology. Little is known about their biology; they

appear to be young, beautiful humans. Their looks and especially their dance

is magically seductive to almost all male beings, which causes them to

perform strange actions in order to get nearer to them.

• X were the mascots for the Bulgarian National Quidditch team during the

1994 Quidditch World Cup.

• Identify X.

The Veela






• Where would you find a signboard carrying the above message?

Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes


• “In the corridor outside, one will find a painting of a bowl of fruit; one

such fruit is a pear. If one tickles the pear, it will squirm, laugh, and

then transform into a green door-knob. Hence revealing the doorway,

one can open the door and enter”

• Put Funda/Identify the context.

This is the way to enter the Hogwarts’


22. Recipe for what?

23. FITB

• “Now each of these four founders formed their own house, for each did value different virtues in the ones they had to teach. By _____1.____, the bravest were Prized far beyond the rest; For _____2._____, the cleverest would always be the best; For _____3.______, hard workers were Most worthy of admission; And power-hungry _____4.______, loved those of great ambition. While still alive they did divide Their favorites from the throng.”

In order:

• 1. Gryffindor

• 2. Ravenclaw

• 3. Hufflepuff

• 4. Slytherin

24. X?

• "Educated at Durmstrang, a school famous even then for its unfortunate

tolerance of the Dark Arts, X showed himself quite as precociously brilliant

as Dumbledore. Rather than channel his abilities into the attainment of

awards and prizes, however, X devoted himself to other pursuits. At sixteen

years old, even Durmstrang felt it could no longer turn a blind eye to the

twisted experiments of X and he was expelled.“

—Excerpt from The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore describing X's

school days

Gellert Grindelwald


This is the poster of the 422nd Quidditch

World Cup. Mentioned on it are the

participating countries.

Identify the one blanked out.

India. :P

26. X?

• A pair of X will act as a passage between two places. Objects placed in one Xwill appear in the other.

• The X seem to ward off all known defensive spells, as they were successfully used to transport several Death Eaters from Borgin and Burkes into Hogwarts School, and Graham Montague was able to apparate into/inside Hogwarts despite the protection spells of the school normally preventing such an action.

• For the X to work, the incantation or password used is Harmonia NecterePassus.

Vanishing Cabinets


• "It was not normal fire; Crabbe had used a curse of which Harry had no knowledge: As they turned a corner the flames chased them as though they were alive, sentient, intent upon killing them. Now the fire was mutating, forming a gigantic pack of fiery beasts: Flaming serpents, chimaeras, and dragons rose and fell and rose again, and the detritus of centuries on which they were feeding was thrown up in the air into their fanged mouths, tossed high on clawed feet, before being consumed by the inferno.“

• Which curse is being described here?



• After her third year at Hogwarts, Hermione Granger decided to drop

off two of her subjects.

One of them was Divination.

What was the other ?

Muggle Studies


‘Draco Dormiens NunquamTitillandus’

This is the motto of Hogwarts.

What does it roughly translate to

in English?

Never tickle a sleeping Dragon


• In addition to being born into magical rather than Muggle families, X

are different from Muggles by their knowledge of the wizarding world.

They are able to see things that are hidden from the Muggles and have

access to certain magical objects and creatures that can help them.

Argus Filch, as well as Arabella Figg, have formed wizarding-like

relationships with cats that, in the case of the latter, have been cross-

bred with Kneazles.

• Identify X.


31. FITB(same thing goes in all the blanks)

• A _____ is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that takes on the form of the

viewer's worst fear. When facing a ______, it is best to have someone else

along, to try to confuse it, since facing more than one person at once would

make it indecisive as to what form it must take, usually a mixed-up amalgam

of the victims' fears.

• Because of their shape-shifting ability, no one knows what a ___ looks like

when it is alone, as it instantly changes into your worst fears when you first

see it.


32. XYZAB together form what?

• “X” - Latin for ‘white,’ especially the flat white of stones or clothing.

• “Y” - Knight of King Arthur's roundtable who was granted a glimpse

of the Holy Grail.

• “Z” - Anglo/Saxon. ‘wolf power’ or ‘wolf ruler.’

• “A” - This may be a reference to “Monty Python’s The Life of A,”

• “B” - 18thC Eng. word for ‘bumblebee.’

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


• The X were a very popular band in the wizarding world, and on the

Wizarding Wireless Network. Albus Dumbledore booked them to

perform in Hogwarts at the 1994 Yule Ball. Despite their name, all

eight known members are male.

• Among the X‘s songs was "Do the Hippogriff", "Magic Works" and

"This Is the Night" which they played at the Yule Ball.

• X?

The Weird Sisters.


Complete this dedication.


• This question is a puzzle.

The spells used have to be mentioned.

8 spells.

+0.5 for each correct.

If anyone answers all 8 correctly then another +3 as bonus, so total 7.

• 1. Alohomora

2. Dissendium

3. I solemnly swear that I am upto no good.

4. Lumos

5. Gemino

6. Impervio

7. Flipendo

8. Expecto Patronum
