The comparison of social relations between american and indonesian



Material for discussion in CCU class

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-Tienny Makrus-


In social science, a social relation or social interaction refers to a relationship

between two, three or more individuals (a social group). Social relation means a relation between living organisms (especially between people).

Social Relations takes as its focus the relationships between people and their

social world. It assumes that people are engaged in and shaped by multiple relationships, events and influences. Human experience and behavior is therefore explored, not only by taking a range of social and psychological factors into account but also, importantly, by paying close attention to the meanings and interpretations that people attach to their diverse experiences.

The concept of ‘the individual’ can by definition exist only in relational terms. A

person constructs a sense of identity in relation to family, other people, cultural practices, gender, social class, social/political systems, sexuality, geographic location and physical and mental abilities. It is therefore necessary to engage in learning as a cultural activity and to appreciate connections between individuals and the social, political and cultural structures that impact upon them.

Significantly, Social Relations foregrounds people’s lived experience and

recognizes that this experience is in continual process. In this way, it invites engagement with relevant topical issues and relationships. Similarly, the experiences and meanings that ‘the learner’ has (and therefore brings to any human interaction) also become a valuable resource for exploration and insight into the dimensions of human relationships.

Exploring the ways in which such relationships are produced, sustained and

transformed is vitally important in establishing meaningful communication with groups and individuals. Social Relations provides a dynamic framework within which to gain rich insight and understanding about people and the social and emotional landscape of their lives.

Social Relations is a multi disciplinary approach that draws on several theoretical

methodologies in its analysis. While all of the disciplines that have typically contributed to the ‘humanities’ offer important insights about human beings and their behaviors and needs, those that primarily concern themselves with the complexities of human behavior are psychology, sociology and anthropology. These are therefore especially important within a Social Relations framework, as they each focus from different angles on how people organize and make meaning of their world and their relationships within it.

If we learn about social relationships, we need to learn the languages spoken by

people of that country, a common habit that they do or what they are not usually do in their daily life. Our discussion is about social relations between Americans and Indonesian. The following is a comparison of American social relations and social relations Indonesia.

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-Tienny Makrus-


A. Introduction and Greeting Introductions and greetings are the most basic things that must be understood if you want to understand social relationships.

American Indonesian How are you? This phrase is used more as a greeting or part of a greeting rather than as a enquiry about your health.

Apa kabar? These are great words to start a friendly conversation with an Indonesian.

Good Morning (00.00 – 12.00) • Used as a greeting when meeting

somebody for the first time in the morning.

• Used to greet someone who has just awakened.

• A greeting said when parting from someone in the morning.

Selamat Pagi Spoken from sunrise until about 10 AM

Good Afternoon (after 12.00 and before 18.00). A greeting said when meeting somebody in the afternoon.

Selamat Siang Spoken in the middle of the day around noon. Usually 10am-2pm. Selamat Sore Spoken from 2 PM until sunset

Good Evening (after 18.00) Used as a greeting in the evening.

Selamat Malam Spoken at night only. Sun must have set.

Good Night A farewell said in the evening or before going to sleep.

Selamat Tidur Spoken to someone going to sleep

Goodbye A conventional expression used at leave-taking or parting with people (farewell) and at the loss or rejection of things or ideas.

Selamat Tinggal This is spoken when sending a long farewell to a person being left behind. In this case, the person departing expresses these words to the person staying behind. In Indonesian, tinggal means to "live" or "stay". Selamat Jalan This is spoken when sending a long farewell to a person leaving. In this case, the person staying behind expresses these words to the person departing. In Indonesian, jalan means to "travel" or "go".

See you later An expression of farewell, informal used to express good-bye. It does not imply that another encounter will actually ever happen.

Sampai jumpa Spoken to someone who will return shortly

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-Tienny Makrus-

B. Non Verbal Communication Charlene Wu divides the types of non-verbal communication such as these following:

• Public Displays of Affection • Cultural Gestures • Eye Contact and Movement • Sign Language • Facial Displays of Emotion • Front and Back Regions • Posture and Body Positioning • The Handshake

Bellow these are common and not common manners in American and Indonesian culture.

American Indonesian Give, receive, and eat with the left hand

You can introduce yourself with a handshake especially in a business environment. It is proper to use a firm handshake (left or right) with direct eye contact.

To give, receive, and eat with the left hand is unacceptable and considered impolite. The left hand is toilet hand. They usually use their left hand to cleanse up after urinating or defecating. That is why they consider the left hand dirty.

Touch or pat on another's head An open-palmed pat on the head of a child is a gesture of fondness in North America. If you need to get a child’s attention, it’s also the easiest place to tap them.

The head is sacred and should be respected. Patting on another's head is not done among adults and even should be avoided with children.

Call People Animal Names Well, here in the United States, it's ok to "address" a person as a dog as long as we don't "call" s/he a dog. Here's an English example: Randy: Wuz up, Dog? Simon: Not much, Dog.

It is impolite to call people names. In Indonesia, calling someone a dog (anjing), pig (babi) or pretty much any other kind of animal is not a good idea. So why do I point out the obvious? Randy: Apa kabar, Anjing? Simon: Tidak ada, Anjing.

Obey the Elders In America, people call the elder with their first name.

We have to greet the elders when we want to eat and also you can't call the elder by their first name, this is incredibly impolite. For example when one manager is younger than another, you should call the manager with a title, like sir or madam.

Conversation about Religion For American, a conversation, or perhaps an argument, regarding religion or morality but the timing and situation is awkward and uncomfortable conversation.

It is common for Indonesians to ask about someone's religion. If you say that you are atheist or do not believe in God, they will think that you are communist. Don't say that you are atheist.

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-Tienny Makrus-

Kiss in greeting and in front of public

Women may briefly hug other women, and men may quickly kiss the cheek of a woman.

It is not common in Indonesia to greet each other with a kiss. It is only applicable in their immediate family. It is acceptable to give small kiss your spouse if there are other people. However, kissing your spouse or your fiancé passionately in the presence of others is considered taboo. Kissing your friends is not common in Indonesian's culture even less is kissing those who are of different sex. Be aware of your touch. Giving a hug to or putting your arm around your friend of different gender is uncommon in Indonesian culture.

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-Tienny Makrus-


It is important for us to know the comparison between American social relations with Indonesian, so we can know better more cross-cultural understanding between countries concerned. When we want to learn more languages of the people related in, of course we also need to know their culture more.

Social Relations has particular relevance for people whose professional careers require a broad understanding of human behavior and social relationships. Learning undertaken within this framework enhances people’s personal relationships; their workplace relations with peers, managers and customers; and their engagement and sense of belonging with the community. It is an approach that is extremely useful for promoting understanding of particular social and cultural issues and local contexts.

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-Tienny Makrus-


Wu, Charlene. “Chapter Five: Nonverbal Communication Web Project”. Cultural Gestures. <>

Merritt, Anne. “10 Common Gestures Easily Misunderstood Abroad” Files: September 22, 2010. <>

Directessays. “The Differences Between American and Indonesian Norm”. <>

Study Indonesian. “Lesson: Indonesian Greetings” <>

Kwintessential. “Intercultural Tips for Working in Indonesia”. <>

Haynes, Judie. “Communicating with Gestures”. Understanding Different Interpretations of Common Gestures. <>

Australian Institute of Social Relations. “What is Social Relations?” <>

Johns, Yohanni; Stokes, Robyn. 1977. “Bahasa Indonesia: introduction to Indonesian language and culture”. Australia: Periplus Editions (HK) Limited.
