Teachingreading Mattayomsuksa 5



Western Culture and Eastern Culture

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Teaching ReadingMattayomsuksa 5

Unit: Western Culture and Eastern Culture

Topic: Beliefs

Telling Experiences



1. Make a group of 5.

2. Discuss about you experience in the superstitions in your group for 5 minutes.

3. The representative of each group come to tell the class the experiences in the superstitions.



superstition (n.)

Lots of superstitions are still believed in.

I have a firm belief in his innocent.

beliefs (n.)

Seven is a lucky number.

lucky (adj.)

It is said that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.


Rabbits breed quickly.

breed (v.)

They will continue to crucify her.

crucify (v.)

The ceremony is to turn away evil spirits.

evil (adj.)

scare (v.)

I was very scared of snakes.

spirit (n.)

The evil spirit was driven away from the house.

supernatural (adj.)

He believes in the supernatural.

fairy (n.)

I acted the part of a fairy.

fertility (n.)

Rabbit is a symbol of the fertility.

prosperity (n.)

The prosperity of a country depends upon its citizens.
