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T-Shaped Talentand Better Building Blocks

Jim Spohrer (IBM)

Stanford, Feb 17, 2017


2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 1

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 2

I have…

Have you noticed how the building blocks just keep getting better?

IBM Cloud Bluemix:Watson APIs are growing…

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


So far (June 2016), 100,000 faculty and students globally given access

High School Senior: Anish Krishnan

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


Dedication: Douglas C. EngelbartFather of the mouse and augmentation theory

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 6

Jobs of the Future

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 7

Courage Required….

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016








1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999Levy, F, & Murnane, R. J. (2004). The New Division of Labor: How

Computers Are Creating the Next Job Market. Princeton University Press.

Expert Thinking

Complex Communication

Routine Manual

Non-routine Manual

Routine Cognitive

Future-Ready T-Shapes

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


Next Generation:Future-Ready T-Shaped Adaptive Innovators

Many disciplinesMany sectors

Many regions/cultures(understanding & communications)


in o

ne secto



in o

ne regio




in o

ne d



Top 10 Skills

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 12

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 13

I have…

Have you noticed how the building blocks just keep getting better?

Learning to program:My first program

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 14

Early Computer Science Class:Watson Center at Columbia 1945

Jim Spohrer’sFirst Program 1972

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


Fast Forward 2016:Consider this…

Microsoft CaptionBot June 19, 2016

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


Microsoft CaptionBot June 20, 2016

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


IBM Image Tagging

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


IBM Cloud Bluemix:Watson APIs are growing…

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


So far (June 2016), 100,000 faculty and students globally given access

Steps Toward a Next GenerationCognitive Curriculum

• 2016• “How to build a cognitive system for Q&A task.”• 9 months to 40% question answering accuracy• 1-2 years for 90% accuracy, which questions to reject

• 2026• “How to use cognitive assistants to be a better professional X.”• Tools to build a student level Q&A from textbook in 1 week

• 2036• “How to use your cognitive mediator to build a startup.”• Tools to build faculty level Q&A for textbook in one day• Cognitive mediator knows a person better (in some ways)

than they know themselves (identity & responsibility)

• 2046 & 2056• “How to manage your workforce of digital workers.”• 2046: 10 digital workers each; 2056: 100 digital workers each

2/21/2017 20

2/21/2017 21

1956 1976 1996 2016 2036 2056

Personal Reflections:The building blocks are getting better

Maine MIT, Verbex, Yale Apple IBM

Computing: Then, Now, Projected

2/21/2017 22



2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


What might Reality 2.0 look like?

“The best way to predict the future is to inspire the next generation of students to build it better”

Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing

Energy Construction ICT Retail

Finance Healthcare Education Government

In sum, the top job of the future will be…

• Knowing what to do with 100 people working for you!• What is the most productive purpose to point them towards?• What goals create the most value for business and society?

• That is the world we are entering with digital cognitive systems (DCS)• No shortage of DCS workers…• …but what would you do with 100 people/DCS working for you?

• Most people don’t have any idea…• However, great entrepreneurs do have an idea• Education of the future must teach students to work in teams• Work on challenges in teams with no solutions• This will require T-shaped professionals with depth and breadth

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2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 27

In Summary

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development28

“A service scienceperspective considersthe evolving ecology of service system entities, their value co-creation andcapability co-elevationinteractions, and their capabilities, constraints,rights, and responsibilities.”

Cognitive SystemsEntities

Service SystemsEntities With


Add Rights &Responsibilities

2/21/2017 29

Come visit IBM Research – Almaden in San Jose, CA USA – monthly university day!

What is DCS?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 30

What is a biological cognitive system (BCS entity)?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 31

What is a digital cognitive system (DCS entity)?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 32

Build them (BCS)? 10 million minutes of experience

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 33

Build them (BCS)? 2 million minutes of experience

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 34

Build them (DCS)? Computers, data, building blocks & service offerings

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Build them (BCS + DCS)? Socio-technical system designhardware < software < data < experience < transformation

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 36

Understand them?

• Observe Them: Predictable and Auditable?• BCS: Sometimes predictable and auditable (natural, evolved, experiences, free will)• DCS: Mostly predictable and auditable (artificial, designed, algorithms, blockchain)

• Hardware:• BCS: Brain-based (neurons)• DCS: Microprocessor-based (transistors)

• Software:• BCS: (People and Experiences) Evolution & Psychology, Cognitive Science• DCS: (Machines and Algorithms) Design & Engineering, Computer Science

• Data, Experience, Transformation?• BCS & DCS: External environment & sensing (Data), Internal processes,

communications, storage (Information & experience), Philosophy of life, values (Transformation)

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 37

Work with them? Circa 2016…

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 38

What we don’t yet understand?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 39

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 40

Explain external phenomena

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 41

Explain internal phenomena

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 42

Explainvalue co-creationphenomena

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 43

Physics Chemistry Biology

Neuroscience Psychology ArtificialIntelligence

Engineering Management PublicPolicy

Education Design Humanities

Natural Systems

Cognitive Systems

Service Systems

Sciences provide…• Frameworks for people to ask and answer questions


• Explanations with instructions on “how to re-do”

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 44

Kline: Conceptual Foundation of Multidisciplinary Thinking -“To our children and children’s children, to whom we elders owe an explanation of the worldthat is understandable, realistic, forward-looking, and whole.”

Proenneke:Alone in the Wilderness -To do a thorough testing,should each generationbe required to rapidly rebuildfrom scratch?A re-makers movement?

What are the opportunities?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 45

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 46

Cognitive Mediatorsfor all people in all roles

Occupations = Many Tasks

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development47

Watson Discovery Advisor

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development48

Simonite, T. 2014. Software Mines Science Papers to Make New Discoveries. MIT. November 25, 2014.URL: http://m.technologyreview.com/news/520461/software-mines-science-papers-to-make-new-discoveries/

User Models

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development49

What are IBM employees doing?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 50

What types of digital cognitive systems (DCS)?

• Cognitive Build: Outthink Challenge (250K people)• Imagine a digital cognitive system to help you do

something important in your personal or professional lives

• Team to design it and advocate for it, and then everyone votes

• Winners: reduce waste and human suffering, screen for health issues and safety threats, learn life skills and make better choices, find what you are looking for, move around more effectively, provide emotional support, provide IT support, learn about important public policy goals and make better choices

• Types: Tool, Assistant, Collaborator, Coach, Mediator

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 51


• Tool

• Assistant

• Collaborator

• Coach

• Mediator

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 52

Types:Model/Capability/Challenge (+ = relative difficulty level)

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 53

DCS Type Improvement Model/Learning/Data

Task Model/Perception/Variety

Self Model/Reasoning/Commonsense

User Model/Interaction/Episodic Memory

World Model/Knowledge/Legal Trust

Tool + ++ + + +

Assistant ++ +++ +++ ++ ++

Collaborator +++ +++ +++ ++++ +++

Coach ++++ ++++ ++++ +++++ +++++

Mediator +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++++

tool assistant collaborator coach mediator

Next Generation Cognitive Curriculum:Intelligence Building Blocks

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 54

• IntelligenceAugmentation (IA)• Science

• Design

• Business

• Society

• Interdisciplinary

• ArtificialIntelligence (AI)• Learning

• Perception

• Reasoning

• Interaction

• Knowledge

IBM in Silicon Valley:From Punch Cards….

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University

Programs Worldwide accelerating regional development


On August 22, 1943, 105 men, women and children, among them 43 IBM employees, alighted from a special train that carried them across the continent to establish new homes and the new IBM Card Manufacturing Plant Number 5 at 16th and St. John Streets, San Jose, CA.

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University

Programs Worldwide accelerating regional development


IBM in Silicon Valley:To Brain Chips….

2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University

Programs Worldwide accelerating regional development


2/21/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 58

Partnership for AI formed

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 59

Remember, this stuff is still really hard…

2/21/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


Cognitive Science, a young field

• Society• cognitivesciencesociety.org

• People• Founders: Roger Schank, Donald Norman,

Allan Collins• Others: David Rumelhart, Herbert Simon,

Allen Newell• Today: Patrick Langley, Wayne Gray,

Kenneth Forbus, Ashok Goel, Paul Maglio, etc.

• Systems Conference• cogsys.org• (JCS wishes this was part of HICSS)

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Advances in Cognitive Systems - cogsys.org

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Google Search: August 26, 2016

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Work with them?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 64

T Summit


Agenda: T-Shapes & Mindset

• Introduction• Depth & Breadth: Future-ready adaptive innovators• Example of successful T-shaped individual(s)• Mindset: Meet the ME in the T• KEEN 3 C’s and T-Shapes

• T Summit Event: Theory & Practice Question

• Highlights of T Summit 2016

• Industry perspective

• University perspective

• Q&A

Today’s Talk: Understanding Cognitive Systems

• What is a cognitive system (entity)…• Biological?• Digital?

• How to…• Build them?• Understand them?• Work with them?

• Steps toward a next generation cognitive curriculum…• Types of digital cognitive systems?• Types of courses?

2/21/2017 Understanding Cognitive Systems 68

Jim Spohrer(Maine, MIT, Verbex, Yale, Apple, IBM, …)

Sample existing courses

• AI MOOCs (Next Slide)

• Watson Innovation Course• http://crowdtruth.org/course/watson-innovation-course-2016/

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AI MOOCs: Circa 2016

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Prof. Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley)

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Commonsense Reasoning

Fluid Conversations

Ingesting Textbooks

