Summer of Tech Resume 2014



Summer of Tech 2014 Resume Workshop slide. Learn why a resume is important and how to chunk your work to learn what behaviours and core skills you have. Also lots of tips on how to structure a resume for an IT job

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How to write a better

resume + Resume


John Clegg - Summer of Tech


* What is Summer of Tech * How to make the most of SoT * CV 101 - How to write a great resume !




Who am I ?

John Clegg Bsc, MBA (Victoria University) Founder of Summer of Tech IT Geek / Entrepreneur Work Experience - NZ, UK, Aust, South Africa, India

is a non-profit internship programme connecting smart students with Auckland & Wellington

ICT companies !

Summer of Tech

We get students jobs ...




Business Analysis

We help you to ...

Get introduced to companies

Lots of companies have got jobs...

Learn the “important” stuff in getting a job

Get training on what companies want


May Bootcamps July Companies signing up September Meet and Greet + Interviews October Job Offers November -> March Start Work !


Register interest, site live next week!

First bootcamp starts 15th May!

How to get the most of Summer of Tech?

Its not going to be so easy...

There are limited numbers...

You’re going to need to step-up....

...and participate

Or you’re out!

Because we have people waiting...

There is a reward

66% of students get on-hired

Tips to get a company’s attention on SoT

What are companies looking for in a student ? Company job profiles are a guide...

If don’t know something...

You can learn...

Be enthusiastic ...

and willing to learn

Eg. iPhone development

How to I get a company to like me ? Find more about them

Take an interest in companies

Research the companies

Read their blog and the press

Ask questions about what they are doing

Some Student success stories

1) Deal Junkie

2) Beetil

Lots of big customers

S O L D $$$ !!!

3) Nik + Olly were hired as an interns

A couple years later they were hiring

They started their own company

Started working on some projects

and it went BIG !!!!

Oly works for Google

Oly Clarke: Google

“The summer of code program during my university years was my first encounter with programming in the real world. Getting placement in a local startup company was a great way to get exposure to every aspect of running a software business, programming and otherwise. !!The startup experience inspired me to start my own projects using new technologies which kickstarted my software career.”


1) What do you need a resume? !

2) What companies are looking for? !

3) What does a good resume look like ? !

4) How to write a resume? !

5) Summer of Tech Profile tips

When I was in India, An ad for a Java programmer got >1500 responses in the first day


Why am I doing this ?

The process of getting a job sucks

Your CV is the first contact with a company

I’m here to help you get to the top of the pile

Quick thoughts...

1.What are you good at?

2.Participate and create a track record

3.Take opportunities to learn

4.Your career has already started!

5.Find a mentor


How long do does a recruiter read a resume


You’ve got 20 seconds to impressYou have 20 seconds to impress

You’ve got 20 seconds to impressX

Eye Tracking shows Format matters

Why do you need a good resume?

Recruiters: Friend or foe?

Bots - Resume terminated

HR Dept - The gatekeepers


Who do you know ?

What is the purpose of a resume ?

To get you an interview !

What does a typical resume tell me about

you ?

Example: Bad CV :-(

Example: Bad CV :-(

Example: Bad CV :-(

Example: Bad CV :-(


1. What you are ? 2. Where you have been ? 3. What you have done ? ...

Your resume tells me...

... !

Job –> Role -> Results

Your resume tells me...

Houston, we have a problem!

Resume doesn’t show what you’re good

at !?!?


What if you looked for a date the same way you wrote

your resume ?

So what do companies really want to know ?

What you are going to do for me?

Why do you want to work for us?

What are you good at ?

What are your core skills?

So what does a good resume look like ?

Example: Good CV :-)

The resume told me ... 1) Who he is 2) What core skills he has 3) Where / How he has done those skills repeatedly

Why was it good?


Now what ?

Whats in a resume ?

1. One - Two page resume 2. Technical summary 3. Qualifications summary 4. References

Your “resume” should have...

1. Your personal promise 2. 4-5 core competences / skills with proof 3. Career History

Your 1 pager should have...

Objectives - What were the goals?

Analysis - What did analysis did you make?

Actions - What action did you take ? Results - What were the results?

OAAR approach

Behaviours =>

Core competencies

OAAR approach leads to

Example - Summer of Code Project

Determined, Problem Solver, Challenges convention,

Consistent, Lateral Thinker, Passionate, Results driven, Finds


Examples of behaviours

Provide one page about your technical skills: –Skill –Examples –Level of Experience –Is experience current !

Drop anything that isn’t relevant

Technical Skills Resume

Technical Skills Example

Example Good CV

5 resume tips

Tip #1

Resume must be

one - two pages

Tip #2 Adapt your resume to EVERY job

Tip #3

Tip #3 Put other stuff in the back

Tip #3 Tip #4 Only send PDF

Tip #5 Make sure it prints well

• Put the important stuff first • Resume only 1-2 pages and PDF • Resume contains - Your Goals / Aspirations - 5 core skills / attributes - Education Summary • 1 page qualifications • 1 page technical skills summary


What should I see in your Resume? - Who you are - What you want to do - What you can do for me ? - Why are you interested in me?


Bonus tips

How do I beat the myths ?

Recruiters: Call them

Always ask where you’re being represented

Bots Keyword match specfic roles

HR Dept Call them, talk to the Team Lead

Networking.... Chiasma ???

Your profile


See you next week for part 2

Resume workshop part 2


• Put the important stuff first • Resume only 1-2 pages and PDF • Resume contains - Your Goals / Aspirations - 5 core skills / attributes - Education Summary • 1 page qualifications • 1 page technical skills summary


What should I see in your Resume? - Who you are - What you want to do - What you can do for me ? - Why are you interested in me?



• Resume Smackdown - a look over 100 resumes - A look at the Good, the Bad and the Ugly • OAAR technique in practice - Guest Fictional Character - One of your comp courses.

Coming up

Findings from 100 student resumes

• Overall not bad. Better than I thought. - Grammar / Spelling are OK. (BUT I’m not a grammar nazi) • Lack of Depth - What are you good at with APPLIED examples ? • Relevance • Not answering - Who are you? - Why are you good at what you do? - What you can do for me?

Results - 100 student resumes

Excellent OK BAD

Resume Structure 36% 32% 32%

Grammar Spelling 82% 16% 2%

Results - 100 student resumes

Excellent OK BAD

Who are you 21% 39% 40%

What are you good at 13% 38% 49%

What can you do for me 11% 28% 61%

Depth 8% 51% 41%

Results - 100 student resumes

Excellent OK MISSING

Career History

16% 68% 16%

Technical 13% 11% 76%

Referees 22% 39% 39%

Results - 100 student resumes


Follow instructions 95% 5%

BONUS 21% 79%

OAAR Practice - #1

Bruce Wayne - Batman

1. What did he do ? 2. What behaviours did he show 3. “Career” History 4. “Education” !

Achiever Activator Adaptability Analytical Arranger Belief Command Communication Competition Connectedness Consistency Context Deliberative Developer Discipline Fairness / Empathy Focus Futuristic Harmony Ideation Inclusiveness / Includer Individualization Input Intellection Learner Maximizer Positivity Relator Responsibility Restorative Self-Assurance Significance Strategic Woo !

Some personal strengths
