Spain under franco's rule


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General Francisco Franco was ruling Spain from 1939 to 1975. His government was called

DICTATORSHIP. This period of time has some features:

1. At the beginning of Franco's government, Spain did not trade with other countries. As people became poorer and

poorer, Franco had to allow Spain to trade with foreign countries. This is called AUTARCHY.

2. Repression. Many republicans were sent to prison, assassinated, sent to exile

or punished.

Some republicans were sent to work at El Valle de los Caídos. Some other were

sent to concentration camps.

3. Lack of freedom. People weren't allowed to protest in the streets. The press couldn't say anything bad about

Franco or against him.

4. Starvation. After the Civil War had finished, there was not enough food for everyone, so

RATION BOOKS were introduced. This meant that every family had very poor rations of the basic


5. Censorship. Many films, books, theatre plays, albums, album covers, etc. were prohibited. In some other ocassions, parts of the films were cut because

Franco considered them inmoral and inadequate.

Both the film Some like it hot and the album cover Can't buy a thrill by the band Steely Dan were banned.

6. At the end of Franco's government tourism grew a lot because other countries considered Spain a sunny and cheap place to spend the

holidays. Due to this, economy improved a lot.

7. The Catholic Church was very powerful in this period of time.

In fact, many censors were religious figures.
