Shotlist (draft 4 update)


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Dark Red = Shot from Draft 1 Storyboard & Shotlist

Purple = Shot from Draft 2 Storyboard & Shotlist

Green = Shot from Draft 3 Storyboard & Shotlist




1 Long shot The car is in the centre of the frame.Aiden, Luke & Josh walk up to the car.

2 Medium-long shot

Side-view of Aiden, Luke & Josh.Aiden, Luke & Josh continue to walk up to the car.

3 Long shot Aiden, Luke & Josh get to the car.Aiden begins to take his keys out of his pocket.

4 Extreme close-up shot

Aiden puts the key into the car boot key hole & then twists it.

5 Medium shot Aiden opens the boot of the car.6 Medium shot Camera is in the boot, looking up (low-angle shot).

Luke puts his bag in.7 Medium shot Aiden then puts his bag in.8 Close-up shot Aiden's face.

Aiden: "Hey guys? Do you know where Laurie is?"9 Medium

close-up shotJosh: "I don't know. I'll call him."

10 Medium close-up

High angle.Josh takes phone out of his pocket.

5 Close-up Screen on Josh's phone is shown.Josh goes through his contacts to find Laurie's name.Slight zoom.

12 Medium close-up

Josh calls Laurie.

13 Two shot Luke & Aiden are waiting.14 Medium

close-upJosh is still waiting for Laurie to answer.Laurie's Voicemail: "Hi, this is Laurie, please leave a message after the beep."

15 Two shot Luke & Aiden are waiting.Laurie's Voicemail: *beep*

16 Medium close-up

Laurie doesn't answer. Josh puts his phone down.Josh: "He didn't pick up."

17 Two shot Canted (Dutch) angle.Luke & Aiden.Aiden: "There's no point waiting, let's just go."

18 Medium-long shot

Aiden closes the car boot.Josh, Luke & Aiden all start to get into the car.

19 Long shot Shot of car.Josh, Luke & Aiden all get into the car.

11 Extreme close-up shot

Aiden turns the key to turn the car on.

10 Close-up shot. Luke turns on the car radio.22 Close-up/

Medium close-up shot

Camera is handheld outside of car.Luke looks out of the window.

17 Wide/Point-of-view shot

Camera looks out of front-left car window (potentially Luke's perspective).

24 Close-up/Medium

close-up shot

Camera is handheld outside of car.Luke looks out of the window.

17 Wide/Point-of-view shot

Camera looks out of front-left car window (potentially Luke's perspective).

18 Point-of-view shot

Aiden's perspective.Aiden is driving.

17 Wide/Point-of-view shot

Camera looks out of front-left car window (potentially Luke's perspective).

28 Close-up/Medium

close-up shot

Camera is handheld outside of car.Luke looks out of the window.

20 Wide shot Camera is facing the left of the car. Car drives past. Zombie Laurie is just visible in the bushes.

30 Close-up/Medium

close-up shot

Camera is handheld outside of car.Luke looks out of the window.

31 Medium close-up

Luke looks out of window until he spots and points at Zombie Laurie.Luke: "Wait guys! Is that Laurie?"

19 Point-of-view shot

Luke's perspective.Car drives past. Zombie Laurie is just visible in the bushes.

33 Long shot Car zooms past.34 Close-up Aiden's face.

Aiden: "What? Where?Luke (off-screen): "Yeah, over there. Pull over."

35 Point-of-view shot

Aiden's perspective.Aiden pulls over.Aiden: "Okay."

36 Medium close-up/Point-of-view shot

Shot of Luke (potentially Aiden's perspective).Luke: "I'm just gonna see if he's okay."Luke takes his seatbelt off & begins to get out of the car.

22 Medium/ Medium-long


Luke gets out of the car.

38 Medium-long Camera is about a metre from the back-left corner of the car.

shot Luke gets out of car & starts to walk.39 Close-up shot Shot of the front of Luke's face.

Luke continues to walk.40 Point-of-view

shotLuke's perspective.Luke continues to walk to where he saw Laurie.

41 Medium-long shot

Luke continues to walk to where he saw Laurie.

42 Point-of-view shot

Luke's perspective.Luke continues to walk. He starts to look around, until he spots Zombie Laurie eating a corpse.Luke walks over to Laurie.Luke: "Laurie? Is that you?"Luke touches Laurie's back. Suddenly, Zombie Laurie turns around & screeches at Luke.

43 Point-of-view shot

Low-angle. Zombie Laurie's perspective.Luke screams & runs away.

44 Long shot Luke continues to run away. Zombie Laurie gets up. Luke then stops.45 Point-of-view

shotLuke's perspective.Luke looks left then right.

46 Long shot Luke continues to run away with Zombie Laurie in pursuit.47 Point-of-view

shotLuke continues to run away.

28 Close-up shot Camera is low to the ground. While running, Luke steps on a twig.49 Medium

close-up shotLuke runs past [the camera].

50 Wide shot Luke begins to slow down & then stops running.51 Medium

close-up shotLow-angle.Luke is panting after running.

52 Point-of-view shot

Luke's perspective.Luke looks up & then looks behind him. There is nothing there. He looks in front of him & Zombie Laurie attacks.

35 Extreme close-up shot

Shot of Zombie Laurie biting Luke's arm.

54 Medium shot Luke falls to the ground.57 Medium-long

shotLuke begins to have fits & spasms throughout his body. Eventually the fits & spasms stop.

39 Medium close-up/Point-of-view shot

Shot of Josh (potentially Aiden's perspective).Josh: "He should be back by now. I'm gonna go & make sure he's okay."

38 Medium close-up/Point-of-view shot

Shot of Aiden (potentially Josh's perspective).Aiden: "Okay. Be careful."

40 Medium shot Josh gets out of the car, and then begins to walk to where Luke went.59 Long/Wide

shotJosh goes down the path.

60 Point-of-view Josh's perspective.

shot Josh walks over & sees the corpse.61 Medium shot Low-angle.

Josh runs away.62 Long/Wide

shotJosh continues to run away.

63 Medium shot Josh turns round. He then looks to his right.64 Wide shot Zombie Luke is striding towards Josh's position.65 Medium shot Josh then looks to his left.66 Wide shot Zombie Laurie is striding towards Josh's position.67 Medium shot Josh then looks to his right.68 Wide shot Zombie Luke is still striding towards Josh's position.69 Medium shot Josh then looks to his left.70 Wide shot Zombie Laurie is striding towards Josh's position.71 Medium shot Josh then looks to his right.72 Wide shot Zombie Luke is still striding towards Josh's position.73 Medium shot Josh then looks to his left.74 Wide shot Zombie Laurie is striding towards Josh's position.75 Medium shot Josh then looks to his right.76 Medium shot Zombie Luke is still striding towards Josh's position.77 Medium shot Josh then looks to his left.78 Medium shot Zombie Laurie is striding towards Josh's position.79 Medium shot Josh crouches down & covers his hands with his head, just before

Zombies Luke & Laurie begin to bite him.