section 2, chapter 8: joint movements


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Types of Joint Movements

Section 2, Chapter 8

Movement at a joint occurs when a muscle contracts and its fibers pull its moveable end (insertion) towards its fixed end (origin).

Types of Joint Movements

Abduction = movement away from the midline(think of someone being abducted, or taken away)

Adduction = movement towards the midline (think of adding together)

Flexion = decreases the angle of a joint• Bend elbow

Extension = increases the angle of a joint• Extend elbow

Hyperextension = extension beyond the anatomical position

• bend hand back, bend head back beyond anatomical position

Types of Joint Movements

Rotation = movement around a central axis• Twisting the head from side to side

Circumduction = movement so end follows a circular path

• moving the finger in a circular motion without moving the hand.

Types of Joint Movements

Supination = turning the hand so the palm faces upward or anteriorly

Pronation = turning the hand so the palm faces downward or posteriorly

Types of Joint Movements

Dorsiflexion = movement at the ankles that points toes towards the sky

Plantar flexion = movement at the ankles that points toes towards the ground

Example: turning a doorknob clockwise with your right hand.

Elevation = raising a part• Shrugging the shoulders

Depression = lowering a part• Drooping the shoulders

Types of Joint Movements

Protraction = moving a part forward• thrusting head forward

Retraction = moving a part backward• pulling the head backward

Eversion = turning the foot so the planter surface faces laterally

Inversion = turning the foot so the plantar surface faces medially

Types of Joint Movements

End of Chapter 8, Section 2
