S02E01 - TOW The Big Apple



Quiz presented at the IIT KGP quiz club.

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1. ________ was created on January 13, 2008 by Maxime Valette, Guillaume Passaglia and Didier Guedj. The site is the English version of the creators' original website in French, Viedemerde.fr. VDM has become one of France's top ten sites.


3. When ____X_____ first came to Hollywood, he worked as a gofer for animation legends William Hanna and Joseph Barbera at the MGM cartoon

studio. Seeing his talent as an artist, they offered ____X____ a starting level position as

an animation artist. However, citing his desire to become an actor, he declined.

X went on, obviously, to become a famous actor.

He lived next to Marlon Brando and Warren Beatty on Mulholland for a few years earing it

the nickname “Bad Boy Drive”.

The Los Angeles-based ATAS established the _______ as part of an image-building and public relations opportunity. The name "______" was

chosen as a feminization of a nickname used for the image orthicon tubes that were common in early television cameras. To complement the

name, the statuette was designed to include an atom.

Where would you be if you were in a neighbourhood bounded roughly by Houston Street on the north, Lafayette Street/Centre

Street on the east, Canal Street on the south, and West Broadway on the west.

SoHo (South of Huston)

Better known as ...

The toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum is extremely neurotoxic. When

introduced intravenously in monkeys, type A of the toxin exhibits an LD50 of 40-56 ng, type C1 around 32 ng, type D 3200 ng, and type E 88

ng, rendering the above types some of the most powerful neurotoxins known.




Based on the surname of an explorer

One of the most important districts in the USA is named after her



The first use of a term

They are '____s' -- in the cocktail party jargon of the sociologists. To their ____ishness should be added the tendency to be located on the eastern seaboard or around San Francisco, to be prep

school and Ivy League educated, and to be possessed of inherited wealth."


To prevent a vehicle-delivered bomb from entering the area, Rogers Marvel designed a

new kind of bollard, a faceted piece of sculpture whose broad, slanting surfaces offer people a place to sit in contrast to the typical bollard, which is supremely unsittable. The bollard,

which is called the Nogo, looks a bit like one of Frank Gehry's unorthodox culture palaces, but it

is hardly insensitive to its surroundings. Its bronze surfaces actually echo the grand

doorways of ___________. Pedestrians easily slip through groups of them as they make their

way onto __________ from the area around historic Trinity Church. Cars, however, cannot


What is the name for the number: (10^(10^100))


Where would you see these?

"I can't see dead people"

"I was not the sixth Beatle"

"I am not a 32 year old woman"

"Nobody reads these anymore"

"I will not illegally download this movie"

Alfred d'Orsay, known as the comte d'Orsay (September 1801–4 August 1852) was a

French amateur artist, dandy, and man of fashion in the early

- to mid - 19th century. A certain carricature of his done

by James Fraser which appeared in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica

was adapted much later to an iconic image.

Eustace Tiley

______ _______ had, as a contemporary critic put it, a "queer name". The name ______ was used

in interjective exclamations like "What the ______!" as a substitute for "devil". It was recorded in the OED as originating from

Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor. It was also used as a substitute for "deuce" as in the phrase "to play the ______" in the meaning

"to play havoc/mischief".

Charles Dickens

Which famous ad campaign

A hapless history buff (played by Sean Whalen) receives a call to answer a radio station's

$10,000 trivia question, "Who shot Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel?" The man's

apartment is shown to be a private museum to the duel, packed with artifacts. He answers the question correctly, but because his mouth is full of peanut butter and his answer is unintelligible.

The ad, was directed by Michael Bay

Where would you see all of them?

Pound Notes

Whose Logo


Born July 4, 1917, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City, to Irish immigrants

Sarah and Joseph Rogers. Joseph Rogers died when Steve was only a child and his mother, Sarah, died of pneumonia while Steve was a

teen. By early 1940, before America's entry into World War II, Rogers was a tall but scrawny fine

arts student specializing in illustration.

The line was first spoken by Chevy Chase on October 11, 1975.

Initially, the name of the show was slightly different, due to the preexistence of another

show which had the current name. This is how the pronouncement received its odd wording.

Identify the comic

Long, (mostly)Visual Connect


Identify the character and the play

In English folklore, _____ is a mythological fairy or mischievous nature sprite. _____ is also a generalised personification of land spirits. In more recent times, the figure of Robin Goodfellow is identified as a _____.

When asked "What is _____?" Derrida replied, "I have no simple and formalisable response to this question. All my essays are attempts to have it out with this formidable question".

Derrida believes that _______ is necessarily complicated and difficult to explain since it

actively criticises the very language needed to explain it.

“Whenever _____ finds a nutshell—a secure axiom or a pithy maxim—the very idea is to

crack it open and disturb this tranquility. Indeed, that is a good rule of thumb in ______. That is what _____ is all about, its very meaning and mission, if it has any. One might even say that

cracking nutshells is what _______ is.”

A state in a game where a player can win the entire match by winning the next point

This statue can be found in Oviedo, Spain. Whose is


Oviedo featured prominently in some of his subsequent
