Rolling Stone


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The red against the white background is iconic and professional

Front Cover

Masthead: Rolling Stone is situated in the typical position of a masthead of a magazine of any genre or subject

Font: Red, white, and black colour palette – use of colours that are perhaps conventional to a male dominated audience, however maintains a professional look that could be aimed at a variety of readers

Rolling Stone is titled with a bold, edgy font. It works for recognisable brand identity, consistent throughout the entirety of their magazines and remains formal which indicates an older audience

Front Cover

Font: The bold, red lettering of the title with black and white borders contrasts with the light background, ensuring easier read

Musicians take up the majority of the space on the cover, this particular magazine features musician Taylor Swift in a provocative pose typical of females represented in magazines and the media in generalConventional of female featured magazine covers, the use of a full body-shot is an element of most of their magazines.Choosing a photo in which she is wearing a lack of clothing also adds to the provocative nature of it. In contrast to male featured magazines, this image of the female singer displays limited reflection of her as an artist

Front Cover

Pull Quote: Also provocative – ‘The heart break kid’ is pulled out of context, reflecting negatively on the artist and making a reader curious

Front Cover

Statistical Figures: For persuasive purposes ‘the 2012 hot list’

Pug: A generic feature of magazines, pugs exist to advertise

Alliteration A literary technique for emotional effect ‘Lennon’s Lost Letters’

Buzz Word: “Hot” sparks a readers interest

Contents Page

Images: Features a photo from a concert, and a musician playing an instrument conventional to what you would expect them to be doing. Also demonstrates an involvement with politics with the president featured in a contents image

Contents Menu: Headings are used to organise content – sub-headings are more specific and provide more informationCapital letters indicate importance and make the contents stand outThe contents menu features page numbers to navigate through the magazine

Consistent house style: The red and black contrast well with each other and is consistent with the cover

Contents Page

Main feature articles presented in black bold font to draw your attention to them

The use of rhetorical questions are for persuasive purposes and to generate interest within a reader

Colloquialisms: To the point, perhaps more formal than most music magazines with an older demographic model

National affairs segment indicating older audience than perhaps the likes of NME

PagesCentral Image: An image of Bowie in a concert or performance, the black and white makes it look like an older image and gives it historic value and more meaningAlso features a full body shot in front of the text for creative purposes but also links with the pull quote above

PagesDrop Cap: Conventional of double page spreads, it indicates where the article starts and where a significant quote is situated