Review Text Type: Explanation


DESCRIPTION Presentasi Jenis Teks Tinjauan Bahasa Inggris XII SMA

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Communicative Purpose /

Social Function :

To explain the processes involved in the formations of working of natural or socio cultural phenomena


Text Organization / Generic Structure :





~A general statement to position the reader: definition of the topics~A sequenced explanation: explain why or how something occurs~Closing/conclusion (optional): provide the final of the process or conclude the process

* Focus on generic – non human participant* Use mainly of material of relational processes* Use mainly temporal and casual circumstances and conjunctions* Some use of passive voice to get theme right


Water Cycle The water cycle is also known as the hydrological cycle. There is the same amount of

water on the Earth now as there was when the Earth began. The water cycle is how the

earth's water recycles itself. 

First water molecules from lakes, rivers, streams, reservoirs, and the sea get heated

up by the sun and then turn into vapour that rises into the air.

Next, these water molecules form into clouds, this is because a process called

condensation occurs. When the air and the water cool, they form drops of water which

then fall to the earth as rain.  If they are frozen, they become snow or sleet. 

Once the water reaches the ground, it can flow across the land until it reaches rivers,

lakes, streams, or the sea. It can also sink into the ground and flow because of gravity

through gaps in rock, gravel and sand. Because of this, it reaches these bodies of water


 Now the cycle begins again, when water is evaporated once more.

All mosquitoes must have water in which to complete their life cycle. This water can range in quality from melted snow water to sewage effluent and it can be in any container imaginable. The type of water in which the mosquito larvae is found can be an aid to the identification of which species it may be. Also, the adult mosquitoes show a very distinct preference for the types of sources in which to lay their eggs. They lay their eggs in such places such as tree holes that periodically hold water, tide water pools in salt marshes, sewage effluent ponds, irrigated pastures, rain water ponds, etc. Each species therefore has unique environmental requirements for the maintenance of its life cycle.



The Life Cycle of Frog

Metamorphosis is a transformation or you can say different stages of development of each and every insect before it becomes an adult. Here we are talking about butterfly metamorphosis. Butterfly metamorphosis divided into four stages.

The first stage of butterfly metamorphosis is egg phase. Female butterflies lay their eggs on the leaf. Female butterflies choose what kind of the plant for their eggs. Some caterpillar are needs specific plant for their live. The butterfly eggs, need almost a week for hatch. The larva develop in the egg they make a small hole in the egg and emerges on the leaf. Here the second stage begins.

The larva of butterfly is called caterpillar. Caterpillar grows fast by feeding on the leaves. In two weeks they become adult caterpillar. The fully grown adult caterpillar , start crawling away from the plant it was feeding on and keeps crawling until it found safe haven to pupate. Once caterpillar pupate, it makes a silk-like mat on surface and hangs upside down. Caterpillar sheds its skin for the last time before it moves into the next stage of butterfly metamorphosis.

When the larva enters the third phase. The skin of the caterpillar is shed for the final time. The pupate of a butterfly is otherwise known as chrysalis. Within the chrysalis the caterpillar slowly turns into a butterfly. The body parts of the caterpillar disintegrate to form the body parts of the butterfly. The transformation period of chrysalis to butterfly takes around 10 to 15 days.

The hardened chrysalis cracks and the butterfly emerges from it. The wings of the butterfly are small and wet. Because of that the wings are wet and the butterfly is unable to fly. However, within an hour the wings become dry and the butterfly is ready to fly.

The butterfly metamorphosis, butterflies are one of the beautiful creations among the insects. Children and adults enjoy their beauty equally. The female butterfly is ready to mate within four to five days after it emerges from chrysalis. Butterfly metamorphosis is a vicious cycle and the life of the butterfly goes on and on.

The Life Cycle of Frog

Butterfly Metamorphosis diagram

Egg Larva (caterpillar)Adult Larva

Pupate (chrysalis)

Old PupateButterfl


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